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IPFS News Link • New World Order

For What It's Worth - by Jim Quinn

• Lew Rockwell
An Awakening begins in an uproar of fury, passion, anger, and civil disobedience. The fury subsides during an Awakening as the passion flames out. The last Awakening period reached a crescendo in 1974 with the resignation of Richard Nixon and the country lapsed into disillusionment and lethargy as the 1970’s petered out. A Crisis begins similarly with a trigger that causes pain and suffering, but instead of fury subsiding, the Crisis intensifies, violence erupts, war breaks out and danger becomes extreme. The current Crisis is about to detonate upon the unwary twittering Americans while they are mesmerized watching Dancing with the Stars and Housewives of New Jersey on their 52-inch HDTVs in surround sound.
The Great Depression was a dreadful time for America, with unemployment reaching 25%. But, that was just a prelude to the horrific World War that killed 76 million people or 3.5% of the world’s population.  
