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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

Tim Geithner's Treasury Dept Is A Veritable Viper's Nest Of Wall Street Thieves

• The Golden Truth
 If you read through the entire news release, you'll see that almost every one of Geithner's close advisors and staff "counselors" come from the very firms that have been beneificiaries of the trillion dollar Treasury programs initiated by Henry Paulson which are enabling the big Wall Street banks to hijack Taxpayer wealth. Here's the link:  A Treasury Den of Thieves

Does anyone really think these people are working on behalf of the Taxpayer?   Is this the Change that people expected Obama to bring to DC?  Quite frankly it would appear that entire areas of Obama's Administration is being RUN by Wall Street.  The people Geithner has hired to run Treasury are the eqivalent of a daycare business hiring pedophiles to oversee day to day operations.

Et tu, Barack?

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by stupid Amerkin
Entered on:

Tim Geithner's Treasury Dept Is A Veritable Viper's Nest  of thieves, criminals and traitors PERIOD!!!!