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IPFS News Link • Continental Congress 2009

Citizens Rising in Defense of the Constitution

Pheasant Run to host CC 2009 -- 1,670,000 Impressions -- Freedom 21 Speech by Bob Schulz      
The location for the historic Continental Congress 2009 event has been announced as the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. The assembly will run from Nov. 9-22. Citizens representing all 50 states (and DC) will assemble together to create a formal record for the People documenting the vast abuses of the Constitution by our (servant) government and to develop tangible strategies the People can take to restore Constitutional Order and reclaim Liberty. The entire proceedings of CC2009 will be broadcast live over the Internet. Full update at:
More CC2009 details at

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Richard Wilde
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Federal Officials

No threat to the US Constitution itself by enemies foreign or domestic can succeed without the cooperation of treasonous federal officials aiding and abetting them, since only they can manipulate the laws to remove original safeguards, distort, circumvent, or subvert it.

Only they can usurp authority, advance tyranny, weaken our borders, military, and economy, impose financial bondage, institutionalize secular humanism, or legalize socialism, marxism, and fascism. Only they can destroy the principles of freedom our Founders and Patriots have fought or died for. (New laws protecting them are unconstitutional and obstruct justice, since no one, especially domestic enemies of the Constitution, can ever be above the law.)

Is it sedition to speak so boldly? According to the Founders, sedition only occurs when the people rebel against the constitutional government they gave us. Today’s government has eroded far from that.

Is it unpatriotic to speak so? Patriotism is not blind submissiveness to government, nor loyalty to any particular leader or party. Patriotism is vigilance in protecting and preserving the US Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic who would incrementally pervert or overthrow it, or trample upon the many rights, freedoms and sovereignties of the people.

America has no greater enemy foreign or domestic, nor greater criminal offense, than a federal official, past or present, who (willfully, or through neglect, bribery, or coercion) undermines the Constitution, violates the Founder’s intent, or betrays the public trust.