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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

Treasury Insanity In Support Of Grift

• The Market Ticker
*U.S. TREASURY TO AUCTION $27 BILLION IN 52-WEEK BILLS *U.S. TREASURY TO AUCTION $42 BILLION IN TWO-YEAR NOTES *U.S. TREASURY TO AUCTION $31 BILLION IN THREE-MONTH BILLS *U.S. TREASURY TO AUCTION $28 BILLION IN SEVEN-YEAR NOTES *U.S. TREASURY TO AUCTION $30 BILLION IN SIX-MONTH BILLS *U.S. TREASURY TO AUCTION $39 BILLION IN FIVE-YEAR NOTES This is the price of supporting the grift and fraud in our banking system. I count $207 billion, coming two weeks after a $250 billion dollar week. Let's annualize - that would be about $5 trillion a year in annualized issuance. My-oh-my how long can this continue? Who knows. What I do know is that this is absolutely unsustainable, it is approaching 40% of GDP annually, and yet this is what is required to keep all the balls and plates in the air as a direct consequence of our government's decision to sponsor and permit massive financial system fraud to continue. The world's tolerance for this will eventually end and

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