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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

The War Against Specie Money & How we can Win it at Face Value

• Franklin Sanders

Usually I don't talk about this. About all I can do is watch events, recognize, identify, and bite my tongue.  Right now a war is raging, a war over 100 years old, a war to suppress specie (gold and silver) money and replace it with bank money.

It's easy to write off someone like me as a monetary crank. After all, the federal government was after him and there was a long trial and he was acquitted, but you know, where there's smoke, there's fire. And then there was a state trial, and he was convicted. Besides, doesn't he know the economy and finance have progressed so much that they've outgrown silver and gold?

Unless you have ever been the victim of a US government persecution (sic -- I did not write prosecution), you cannot even dimly appreciate the bloodthirsty viciousness of the US criminal justice system and its thugs. They identify a victim,

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