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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Is Obama Manipulating Historical Economic Data so His Economy Doesn't Look so Bad?

• WizBang
Well, well, well. President Obama is asking his people to revise down the economic numbers from past years so his economic numbers today don't look quite as bad as they are in reality. Because Obama predicted that the economy would begin to come out of its recession by the end of this year, he's got to deliver, especially since so many private sector economists blasted his team's predictions as pie in the sky. Economic data are expressed through comparisons, i.e. the economy grew or contracted by X% compared to the same period last year. If you want this year's economic numbers to look better than they actually are, then you manipulate the numbers from months and years past that you compare them to. This is what Obama's economic team is doing in order to save the president's butt. Obama now has pointed to those revised numbers and has announced in his Saturday morning video address, "Look our stimulus boondoggle is working! We said the economy would start