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IPFS News Link • Obama Administration

Obama to Sell B-2 Bomber Blueprints to China to Pay Off Debt

• Jumping In Pools
B-2 Plans for Sale? Record deficits and a crashing economy appear to be taking a toll on the young Barack Obama Administration. The Administration has been talking about hiking income taxes and perhaps instituting a VAT tax...

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:
Ha ha! Gotta love this stuff!

First, the US chartises, evilizes & puts the fear of China into every American man, woman, child, homosexual, asexual, dog and cat, in every which way it can. Then, it has to eat its rhetoric , fear mongering, BS and cheap Chinese imports in order to borrow money from China. Then, in order to repay the debt, it has to sell/give its military technology to China. Soon, the US will be back up on the evilizing, chistizing & fear mongering of China because it's threatening the world and blah blah blah with the technology that the US gave it in the first place.

This is indeed a mad, mad, mad world!

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Thanks for attributing this story!