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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Militants Show New Boldness in Cities of Iraq

• NY Times
As the American military prepares to withdraw from Iraqi cities, Iraqi and American security officials say that jihadi and Baath militants are rejoining the fight in areas that are largely quiet now, regrouping as a smaller but still lethal insurgenc

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Comment by William1950
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I find it so American, the thought that those we are fighting do not have leaders equal to ours. To put this in perspective I would like you to give a small thought to this idea. At seven in the morning the military replaces the police with a thousand armed men who for the next six months to a year are going to patrol your streets. The leadership of your band of merry men decides to; attack these armed and ready men and every one dies? Not likely. Instead the decree for each fighter to hide his weapons, greet the armed military with smiles and go about their daily lives because the military has stated in twenty months they will leave your country. During the twenty months of peace you replace or add to the police force and national military individuals belonging to your way of thinking telling them to fake and lie about their political and religious beliefs. With the peace in the area or city the military is cut down. More police are needed to replace them and the outside Christian military leaves because there are no freedom fighters.
Unless you are an American and braindead you can see that the governments military is now made up of thirty percent fighters that want to overthrow the government. The police force is composed of 25% freedom fighters and these men and women are at all levels of the staff with the ability to know and communicate the actions of the Christian military, the governments military and police raids.
Aw, Yes. This is the calm before the storm. Taken from George Washgingtons accounts of Fighting the British 1770 to 1789.

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