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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Family wants another law

• AP
Jessica Logan's nude cell-phone photo - meant for her boyfriend's eyes only - was sent to hundreds of teenagers last year in at least seven Greater Cincinnati high schools.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Veritas Vincit
Entered on:
Dear Mrs. Logan,

The loss of a child is tragic, and many share your pain.

There are laws however prohibiting the sending of child pornographic materials via electronic devices such as cell phones. The problem is, material of an adult nature is perfectly legal and, Jessica was legally, an adult. In high school or not, over 18 is legally adulthood with its many consequences.

Jessica's act was one of immaturity, perhaps some may say a soft moral compass regarding the value of her body, and certainly by using a networked electronic medium an act of poor judgement.

The author of this story goes into great efforts to dance around the core issue: should young woman even be thinking of sharing their intimacy with others outside of a deep personal long term relationship?

Mrs. Logan, Jessie took the photo and sent it to the boy she had been dating for one to two months. He in turn shared it with others. Actions need to be evaluated before we do them, and consequenses must be lived with.

No, we don't need a law because of this. We just need to become parents and not friends to our children.