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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Iraq's Superbombs: Home Made?

• Wired
Where are Iraq's superbombs coming from, really? The Pentagon is claiming—again—the the Iranian government supplied the deadly "explosively formed penetrators." But the more you study these devices the more likely they seem to be home-

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Comment by Philly Dave
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I was back in Philly before Christmas eating breakfast in Dennys. A soldier home on leave told me about the EFP's. He said they take a shaped charge stack these copper plates on it, cover them in epoxy and before the epoxy dries roll them in dirt for camoflage.

The copper superheats and turns into a molten plasma type substance that will penetrate anything.

He didn't mention anything about Iranians though.

I did hear implications over a year ago that the shaped charges themselves were coming from Iran ... that was of course also disputed.