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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
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2022-01-10 -- Ernest interviews Daniel Krawisz on The Proof of Work Company (MP3&4)

Daniel Krawisz comes on the show to discuss The Proof of Work Company ( and how we can use bitcoin's proof of work system to bring more honesty to the world and weed out liars, fraudsters, and con artists
Media Type: Audio • Time: 140 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Daniel Krawisz, ,

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 140 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Daniel Krawisz, ,


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1 - Daniel Krawisz (Nakomoto Institute) comes on the show to discuss The Proof of Work Company ( and how we can use bitcoin's proof of work system to bring more honesty to the world and weed out liars, fraudsters, and con artists


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Daniel Krawisz

"Daniel Krawisz ("KRAY-witz"), or as he is known online, 'Cosmos Stagittarius', is a bitcoiner with degrees in physics and software engineering.

He is the founder of the educational Satoshi Nakamoto Institute, the bitcoin mining company Matterpool, and author at the Mises Institute.

Really smart guy with some unique and interesting stuff to say to libertarians. Happened to go to University of Texas in Austin with Steven, where they met."

Previous interviews with Ernest HERE


Daniel is a Bitcoin entrepreneur who first got involved in 2011. He has masters degrees in physics and software engineering and is very interested in Austrian economics. His most recent project is The Proof of Work company, which will mine Bitcoin SV, provide proof-of-work as a service using a protocol designed by Daniel called Boost POW, and implement proof-of-work as an upvote system, which will prevent mass scams, such as the Covid 19 or communism, from being widely accepted.

Information on what we will be talking about:

I think that we will have enough to talk about with just the blockchain that we are involved with before even getting to our own project. I will be happy with however much of this information we get through during the show.

Basically, everything that the world knows about Bitcoin is wrong and the good that is being sold as Bitcoin which has ticker symbol BTC and is being pumped up by scam artists is not Bitcoin and is really the result of a social attack by communists and funded behind the scenes by the globalists. It was very similar to the covid-19 social attack which took place in 2020 and affected the whole world. The 2017 Bitcoin attack was the same thing on a smaller scale. It was a fraud designed to trick people into accepting a knock-off of Bitcoin that is completely useless and not revolutionary at all for the real thing.

We are working on the real Bitcoin, which has ticker symbol BSV and which is barely known by anybody who isn't familiar with the crypto markets. Everybody who knows about BSV but who isn't working on it directly believes that it is a scam because of the social attack against it.

BTC is a fraud because Bitcoin has a legal definition that BTC does not satisfy. The issuance of Bitcoin was a legally binding contract on Satoshi to distribute coins according to the rules that he had laid down in the beginning. BTC is not defined by contract law, which means that no matter what anybody says about what it does for you, the government can change the rules any time they want and force miners to follow them. Bitcoin cannot be redefined by the government or anybody else.

BTC is not a genuinely decentralized system because it is being controlled by a group of developers that tell all the miners what to do whereas BSV is a genuine decentralized system because anyone can enter and be a miner but no one can change the rules.

The real Bitcoin is a capitalist system, not a crypto-anarchy system. That means that Bitcoin is not for evading the government. Instead, it is for cooperation through specialization and the division of labor, like all money. It is for working to provide each other what we need in order to get more of it. Because it supports micropayments, it brings economic calculation to the Internet, which has not been possible before with earlier forms of money. 

The real Bitcoin satisfies Byzantine fault-tolerance, which means that all honest actors agree with each other. It is like playing the game Among Us except that the humans always win. By contrast, the American Republic is NOT byzantine fault-tolerant because it can be taken over by dishonest actors who prevent honest actors from agreeing using a divide-and-conquer attack that turns everybody into Democrats and Republicans who hate each other instead of the political class. If the American Republic was a true Byzantine fault-tolerant system, there would have to be one political party for humans and another for lizard people instead.

Throughout history, people who have wanted to be honest actors have not understood the problem of Byzantine fault-tolerance and created systems that can get taken over. Governments have never served the people but have always been taken over by special interests. Bitcoin cannot be taken over because every part of it can fail and be replaced by new businesses. Other organizations do not work this way. If you take over any part of Bitcoin, it fails and the parts that weren't corrupted earn more profit. It's a pure capitalist system.

In important part of Bitcoin is the use of the Handicap Principle through proof-of-work. The Handicap Principle says that the only honest signal of fitness is provable waste. It was originally proposed in biology to explain signals in sexual selection, such as the peacock's tail or breasts. The Handicap Principle says that it's sexy to demonstrate opportunity cost because only someone who is genuinely fit has opportunity. In Bitcoin, proof-of-work is used by the nodes to know who to pay attention to. It is necessary for the network to maintain its small-world shape. If we did not use proof-of-work, some manipulator could disrupt the network by tricking the other nodes into giving it all their attention. With proof-of-work, everybody has a much better idea of who is worth paying attention to.

We can apply this idea to social networks and use proof-of-work as an upvote system to create a network in which people communicate important information to one another very efficiently and cannot be misled with deception. That is what we are doing at The Proof-of-Work company.


1. Is There A Way To Prevent Psychopaths From Getting Into Positions Of Power? - Brandon Smith/

Despite a growing resurgence of interest in the science and psychology of narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths it seems as though society today has lost track of how these people can sabotage the core fabric of a civilization or nation. It is very easy to hyper-focus on collectivist ideologies as the source of our problems and forget that these ideologies do not function in a vacuum; they cannot wreak havoc by themselves, they need psychopathic people directing them to do real damage.

There is something about collectivism that lends itself to projection and hypocrisy (collectivism is organization by FORCE instead of being voluntary). I suppose when your political ideology becomes your religion it's easy to turn into a zealot. And while zealots find power in their single-mindedness and their cultism they also tend to lack any self-awareness. They literally go insane with devotion to their cause to the point that they lose track of whether or not their cause is fair and just. Their behavior becomes increasingly erratic and disjointed and every person they run into that does not share their views is immediately seen as a heretical enemy that needs to be exposed or destroyed.

To outsiders looking in, zealots are an endless source of comedy. You can't help but laugh because their ticks and cricks and outbursts are nonsensical and absurd (just check out "Libs Of Tik Tok" for a mountain of examples). As long as they don't have any real power these people act as a reminder of what happens when human beings abandon reason for madness. They can be frightening but they serve the purposes of entertainment as well as keeping the rest of us grounded. When they do gain power, however, that's when things stop being funny.

Civilizations throughout history have consistently dealt with the problem of zealots, but the greater threat is the existence of narcissists and psychopaths sneaking into positions of authority and encouraging zealotry among the masses. Generally, psychopaths are seen as an anomaly which is quickly identified and shunned in order to prevent them from climbing too high up the ladder of social influence. The problem is they are not as rare as one might hope and many of them have the ability to hide among the herd.

Around 1% of any given population is made up of psychopaths while another 1% are sociopaths. Around 5% of people are identified as having narcissistic traits. Narcissists are self absorbed and view themselves as superior to everyone else – They believe they are entitled to adoration and authority. Sociopaths have an inability to feel empathy for others and this makes them impractical as leaders. Psychopaths also exhibit a lack of empathy but also have a propensity for emotional or physical violence. They take joy in the suffering of others and perpetrate a large number of violent crimes.

Even though psychopaths are 1% of the population, they make up 15% to 25% of those incarcerated in prisons. The drag they exert on society cannot be overstated.

There is definitely some overlap among the various types, but in general close to 10% of human beings exhibit dangerous and mostly inherent psychological malfunctions that are often not treatable. Think about that for a moment – 10 out of every 100 people are ticking time bombs waiting to make life miserable for the rest of us.

To be sure, some of them are still able to function in society. Sociopaths in particular can become valuable in fields where less empathy is required in order to accomplish certain tasks. They are particularly well suited as surgeons, EMTs, soldiers, firefighters, and any other job where seeing people in pain is not going to stop them from saving lives. They don't necessarily take joy in seeing others harmed, but they aren't emotionally phased by it either. As long as they are never allowed into positions of influence over large groups of people they can serve some good for the public.

History shows us that vetting and preventing psychologically broken individuals from slipping into institutions that offer power is not so easy. In fact, many monarchies and empires were built on systems that allowed psychopaths and narcissists to flourish because they relied on genetic succession. If a monarch had a son that was predisposed to psychopathy it did not matter, that crazed prince would one day become a king and there was little that could be done about it. There was no vetting process. Also, many such traits are passed on genetically, which means a power structure built on heredity could become progressively more destructive as psychopaths in royalty intermarry. This would help explain why psychopathic behavior is over-represented among monarchs of the past.

The creation of democracy and democratic republics was in part designed to help weed out aberrant individuals by using open elections and the voting process. In other words, let the people scrutinize candidates and remove the crazies from circles of power. Unfortunately, this doesn't work too well if ALL the candidates are psychopaths and the public has no real choice. By extension, psychopaths have also found ways to circumvent the political process and control it without directly participating in it.

The corporate world and financial institutions allow psychopaths to influence politics from behind the curtain, buying off candidates and their loyalty or vetting candidates and ONLY allowing those with similar sociopathic, narcissistic and psychopathic habits through the selection process and into the political arena.

In tribal societies and in smaller low-tech societies the ability to identify and root out psychologically broken individuals and prevent them from becoming leaders was easier. In the midst of vast empires and technocracy it is much simpler for psychopaths to hide among normal people and blend in. I usually compare invasive psychopaths to mythological stories of vampires for this reason. I really can't think of a better analogy. They insinuate themselves into a population, take up positions of influence which protect them from suspicion and then systematically bleed the town dry. This is what they do. It is in their nature and they cannot be fixed, they can only be removed as a parasite is removed from a host.

These people are the top threats to any given civilization. They are moderators of chaos and they actively conspire to supplant free society. They are what I would call primary organized psychopaths and they do indeed work together for mutual gain, much like a pack of wolves. They represent the 1% of the 1% (i.e. the globalists).

Psychopaths at the top of the pyramid have been organized for a long time, but what about the millions of other people out there with such traits? What happens when they are given a way to congregate?

Modern society and Big Tech social media have created even worse circumstances because now the greater psychopathic community is no longer isolated. That 1% that used to be mostly relegated to quiet corners and the fringes of humanity are now able to organize into aggressive mobs of hundreds of thousands, leading millions of lesser sociopaths and narcissists. This is creating a subculture of what I would call communal insanity – As the old saying goes, the patients are taking over the asylum.

We see this specifically with the political left and the open promotion of narcissism as an acceptable way of life.  This is not to say that psychopaths don't try to infiltrate conservative circles as well, only that leftists are much more welcoming to their kind. These are people that once felt powerless because they were shunned and now they want revenge.

The thing is, they were originally shunned from influence for a very good reason; they are not psychologically equipped to handle any measure of power. Now they are being handed institutional control and they are being whipped into a frothing frenzy. They see themselves as the underdogs and the "revolutionaries", but really they are just emotionally stunted and handicapped and they were put in permanent time-out to protect the rest of humanity.

But how is this danger dealt with, not just in the short term but the longer term?

Our culture has to be fundamentally changed with psychopathy and other aberrant traits in mind. We can no longer ignore the effect these people have on humanity as a whole. The first step would require separation from movements and institutions that promote psychopathic and narcissistic behaviors. In other words, we need to return to a model of isolation for the psychopathically inclined instead of treating them as if they are some kind of victim status group that needs special attention and "nurturing."

As noted, in many cases these characteristics are inherent (inborn) and cannot be treated. There is no fixing the problem because it is not so much an illness as it is a completely different psychological structure. They might as well be a different species, and a predatory one at that. There is no mutual coexistence with them. They see us as food.

Candidates for positions of authority would have to be screened for psychopathy, narcissism and sociopathy. If they have too many of the warning signs then they should not be allowed to pursue those jobs. This is the only answer beyond fundamentally changing the way our election system functions, which I'm not necessarily opposed to either. A random lottery system for government jobs along with strict term limits (not just for normal political positions but also in bureaucratic positions) would at least be better than what we have now. I would rather risk the possibility of less qualified people being randomly chosen for government than have a system that attracts a concentrated culture of malicious parasites.

What better way to discourage psychopaths than to take away any long term benefits of working in government? What better way to disrupt the influence of corporate elitists than to take away their ability to finance or choose the candidates that end up in office? And even if they were able to buy off some officials, with term limits they would have to start over and over again with the latest crop of new officials.

Some will of course point out that changing the system tomorrow will require getting rid of the psychopaths that run it today. I agree, it's a dilemma. Sadly, once psychopaths become organized and entrenched history tells us they will not be moved without the force of violence. They don't care about protests, they are not moved by reason or logic, they don't care about the suffering of the masses and they will always see themselves as the rightful rulers of us "lesser" peasants.

They derive supremacy from the mobs of the stunted that they lead and exploit; the nearly 10% of the population that when organized becomes an army of raging mad hatters hungry for scraps from the table of power. We can and should continue to separate from the collectivist mob and the zealots, but all psychopaths view separation as defiance and will try to interfere. Eventually there's going to be a fight, and maybe that's for the best.

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2. Fourth Letter of Reprisal - Skuttlebutt

Tsar Date: 45:941:955

Pirates are confronted with all the same villainy as those on land. Theft and fraud. Even murder and sexual assault. Most landlubbers can't fathom how we supposed "scoundrels" manage to avoid protracted chaos in our floating society. But, pirates know that the secret to thriving outside the Crown's domain lies in embracing the Crown's greatest fear… gossip.

The Crown delights in putting down an occasional dawn revolt, and then casually executes a dozen political prisoners before breakfast. But gossip, rumor, derision… these are what the Crown fears from the black. Even the casual skuttlebut can induce paranoia when power is tenuous. Gossip has the power to erode legitimacy, which in turn decentralizes influence. Gossip has the power to topple empires.

Among pirates your credibility is everything. Cultivating renown can expand your opportunities, shield you from false claims, and even earn you a ship and loyal crew. But infamy can get you ostracized, blacklisted and thrown in the bilge. However, libelous allegations from the Crown are practically a resume at sea.

Your reputation is an intangible asset that doesn't belong to you. It's the impression of you in other people's minds. It's what people say about you behind your back. You can't control it, but you can influence it.

At the center is your identity. Your character. Your sentiments, ambitions and vulnerabilities. This core is yours alone, but it is invisible to others. Around that core will begin to crystallize your competence. The sum of your life experiences. All your successes and failures. These amount to an expertise. A gift you have to offer the world. But if you don't show your competence, if you don't show your character, no one will ever know your value. This is where many pirates go wrong. Competence requires presentation if you hope to stand out on a crew full of equals. Your presentation is all the outside world sees, and all they have to form their opinion.

On top of your character, your competence and your presentation, is your reputation. It's the constellation of equilibria reached in much the same way as a market discovers price. Competing claims and signals. Whispers and circumstances. Reputation is built on complex and dynamic layers. Beginning with every individual's method of earning and granting respect, and progressing to informal customs that develop in every community.

Generally speaking, reputation has two prominent features. The first is trust. Who do you trust and why? Trust relationships form a liquid social fabric, where one's good standing rises and falls according to public opinion. With trust, cooperation and harmony are possible. Without it, we are derelict.

The second is behavior, which includes all the complexity of every individual. Our opinions of people are far more than a measurement of trust, but are instead comprised of a richly textured web of nuanced behavioral expectations. And these subjective attitudes about us will fluctuate constantly. Some semblance of these methods inevitably emerge as individuals bootstrap their way up any crew. We simply can't help but share our stories and observe patterns in our repeated interactions. And so long as there's no interference with such pirate communications, a simple whisper campaign can have incredible power to correct antisocial behavior. A time-bandit known for distracting a working crew is free to do that, but they may soon find no one aboard who wants to engage with them. Taken further they may find no crew willing to sail with them, and they'll have no options but to launch their own ship (offering wages that reflect their unpopularity), or return to land.

Pirate communication is only half the solution. It allows information to travel freely but it doesn't distinguish truth from falsehood. We concede that spreading falsehoods is a gross immorality, but we can't curtail speech as the Crown does. A pirate has the freedom to say, print and disseminate whatever they wish. Honest pirates must verify rumors, so the credibility of liars is itself subject to the forces of our social software. As a result, pirates are far more skeptical than the servile landlubber who believes whatever the Crown tells them to believe.

Informal reputation systems were sufficient when pirates interacted face-to-face. Only those who accomplished great feats earned renown beyond their own crew. But today, technology allows us to interact peer-to-peer, spanning the seven seas and beyond. Such infrastructure can streamline reputation systems with laser focus, but such a database may be used as evidence of "criminal conspiracy" in the hands of the Crown.

It's crucial that competing services in this field include some immutable features that allow us to accumulate meaningful social capital with resilient networks that enable fellowship. Such a program must be designed for interstellar communication in a galactic parley. It must be resistant to artificial status inflation, and possess virtually no obstacles to entry. Such a tool must be a peer-to-peer protocol that relays data outside the traditional communication infrastructure. It must run without centralization and engage many niche platforms, and aggregate relevant data according to every user's preferences. It must be grassroots, transparent, and subject to reputation itself. This limits the ability of hostile parties to spread lies without risking their own reputation as a truth-teller. But, all the most sophisticated features are irrelevant, if the reputation market isn't accurate.

Pirates must find a way to enjoy enough anonymity to protect them from the Crown, while also maintaining a consistent identity to ensure their reputation is their own. Anonymous markets are already able to collect pseudonymous reputation data on all users. Aboard many ships the manifest is available to the entire crew, and often other vessels, to ensure that individuals have a consistent identity that is horizontally visible to other pirates, while remaining invisible to the Crown.


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

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