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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

02-22-19 -- Irene Pi - Dan O'Neill - David Morgan = Silver & LODE Crypto (MP3s/VIDEO's LOADED)

Irene Pi (local anit-vaccine activist) on HB2162 (removal of personal exemption) and the counter HB 2470, HB 2471, and HB 2472 - Dan O'Neill (Activist) Anarchapulco - David Morgan (The Morgan Report) on the economy; blockchain; LODE
Media Type: Audio • Time: 175 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Irene Pi
Media Type: Audio • Time: 53 Minutes and 35 Secs
Guests: Dan O'Neill
Media Type: Audio • Time: 64 Minutes and 30 Secs
Guests: David Morgan

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 175 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Irene Pi

Hour 1 - Irene Pi (local anit-vaccine activist) on HB2162 (removal of personal exemption) and the counter HB 2470, HB 2471, and HB 2472

Hour 2 - Dan O'Neill (libertarian activist) on libertarian issues

Hour 3 - David Morgan (The Morgan Report) on the economy; blockchain; asset standards, etc...

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

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February 22nd, 2019

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 



Hour 1

Irene Pi

Irene Pi is a local activist, always in motion, committed to bringing education on the vaccine agenda to legislators, teachers and parents alike. She is the mother of vax-free twins who has seen severe vaccine injury and death within her family and friends. Through her activism she has helped organize protests at the CDC as well as at the Capitol in DC, organizing a legislative lobby day where activists from all over the country met with Federal Representatives and Senators exclusively to discuss the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986, the exploding vaccine schedule and the corruption of the CDC.
Most recently she was one of 8 speakers at the Truth, Mind, Reality Conference speaking about the history of allopathic medicine and the influence of Bernays on the propaganda of vaccines.
Within AZ she is working with local organizations and other activists to ensure that Arizona's exemption laws and parental rights are not compromised as they have been in CA.


Irene's previous interview on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:


Irene will provide an update on the recent hearings this week at the Arizona State Capital in response to HB 2162 (aims to remove the personal exemption for vaccines). Listed below is some info on the hearing, and the bills that were proposed in response to HB 2162...


We need your help to pass a wonderful 3 bills for the families in Arizona, HB 2470, HB 2471, and HB 2472 by Representative Nancy Barto.

These bills are scheduled for a public hearing in the House Health and Human Services Committee at 8:00 a.m. in Room HHR 4., (agenda)  We need you there to register your support of these bills, there has never been a bigger day in the Arizona legislature to affirm informed consent, religious freedom and parental rights! Our Arizona State Director Irene has requested that everyone wear something YELLOW. Everyone should be making their calls and emails to committee members TODAY whether you can be there or not! You can watch the hearing live here: and click Hearing Room 4.

HB2470 deserves support because it adds a religious exemption to vaccination for students through 12th grade. Currently school aged children only have a medical and personal exemption. Having a protected separate religious exemption immunizes parents who have religious exemptions from future possible legislative attacks on personal/philosophical exemptions (Vermont vs California in 2015). This is the companion bill to SB 1114 which lost on a close 4:4 committee vote yesterday.

HB2471 deserves support because it insures that parents and individuals are able to exercise full informed consent prior to vaccination by requiring disclosure of information on the vaccines and their ingredients created by the vaccine manufacturer and the Centers for Disease Control. This bill improves vaccine safety by increasing knowledge of the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System so parents can make sure vaccine reactions are reported and tracked to spot safety issues with particular vaccines.  Most families that have experiences with vaccine reactions were never notified this could be a possibility beforehand. 

HB2472 deserves support because it requires notification that state law provides that positive titer screening results meets vaccination requirements. It doesn't make sense to over vaccinate with unnecessary extra doses especially for someone who has had a past reaction.  This lets vaccine recipients know about this option already established in state law.  This will help lower the number of vaccine reactions and exemptions filed since positive screening will count as vaccinated for school requirements. 


1) Plan on attending the hearing for HB 2470, HB 2471, and HB 2472 and signing in to register your support.

Thursday, February 21. 2019, at 8:00 a.m. in Room HHR 4 (arrive at least an hour early, there is limited seating and you will need to Register Your Support for HB 2470, HB 2471, and HB 2472 at one of the Committee Sign-in Kiosks), Arizona State Capitol, 1700 West Washington Phoenix, Arizona 85007.  Map of the capitol grounds and directions. There is free parking at the following locations:

Wesley Bolin Memorial Park Plaza 1690 W. Jefferson St Phoenix, AZ 85007 (across the street from the Capitol Complex) 

Capitol Parking Lot 1798 W. Jefferson St Phoenix, AZ 85007 

Overflow Public Parking 1218 W. Adams St Phoenix, AZ 85007

Parking Lot 1717 W. Jefferson St Phoenix, AZ 85007

To make things easier, Please CREATE AN RTS (Request to Speak) Account PRIOR to the hearing. You will need to activate your account while you are physically in the Capitol building in the House of Representatives or the Senate Lobby.  Once your account is created and then activated at the capitol, you will be able to access it remotely. This allows you to submit a position for bills showing you are FOR HB 2470, HB 2471, and HB 2472 for the Committee Members and other legislators to see. It is important for legislators to see how many people support these bills.

Read this:

Create Account:

Wear business attire (with some YELLOW somewhere) and be polite and respectful.

2) Call and email all the members of the House Health and Human Services Committee and ask them to VOTE YES on HB 2470, HB 2471, and HB 2472. Explain why these three bills are important to your family.  It is important to call and then follow up with an email. See talking points below.

Members in the House Health Committee

Alma Hernandez  (D)  (602) 926-3136

Amish Shah  (D)  (602) 926-3280

Becky A. Nutt  (R)  (602) 926-4852

Gail Griffin  (R)  (602) 926-5895

Jay Lawrence  (R)  (602) 926-3095

John M. Allen  (R)  (602) 926-4916

Kelli Butler  (D)  (602) 926-5156

Nancy Barto  (R) SPONSOR  6029265766

Pamela Powers Hannley  (D)  (602) 926-4848,,,,,,,,

3) Call or Visit your own 2 Arizona Representatives and ask them to Support HB 2470, HB 2471, and HB 2472.  Follow up with an email to both.   See talking points below. If you do not know who your Arizona State Representatives are, or their contact information, you can login to the NVIC Advocacy Portal, click on the "State Teams" tab and then "My State," and your elected officials are automatically posted on the right hand side of the page You can also find your state legislators here:

4) Login to the NVIC Advocacy Portal OFTEN to check for updates. We review bills and make updates daily. Bills can change many times over the legislative process and your timely visits, calls, and emails directed at the correct legislators are critical to this process. 

5) Please forward this email to family and friends and ask them to register for the NVIC Advocacy Portal at and share their concerns with their legislators as well.   

6) Please forward any legislative responses regarding this bill to our Arizona State Director Irene at


HB2470 deserves support because it adds a religious exemption to vaccination for students through 12th grade. Currently school aged children only have a medical and personal exemption.

Having a protected separate religious exemption immunizes parents who have religious exemptions from future possible legislative attacks on personal/philosophical exemptions. In 2015, both Vermont and California sustained legislative attacks on the philosophical exemption.  Because California did not have a separate exemption for religious beliefs, the religious exemption disappeared with the philosophical exemption but Vermont still has their religious exemption intact. 

This does not create a new exemption and will not create more people taking exemptions overall.  Those with religious exemptions now are utilizing a personal exemption and they would just switch categories.  The number of those utilizing a personal/philosophical exemption would drop as some switch to religious. 

HB 2470 makes the necessary correction to vaccine exemption law to make it consistent with Arizona policy in so many other areas which respect and protect religious beliefs:

• Religious Freedom Restoration Act (A.R.S. §§ 41-1493 through 41-1493.02) - Protects the free exercise of religion from government interference, unless there is a compelling reason and the government uses the least restrictive means.

• Parents' Rights (A.R.S. § 1-602) - Parents have the right to direct the religious upbringing of their children.

• Patients (A.R.S. §§ 36-114, 36-184, 36-754, 36-787, 36-2208) - State and county health departments may not impose or require treatment against a person's religious beliefs as long as sanitary, preventative, and quarantine measures are followed to protect against the spread of disease. A person also is not required to be transported or provided emergency medical treatment if the person objects on religious grounds.

It's hypocritical for doctors to oppose adding a religious exemption for vaccine mandates for school children when The American Medical Association, in section 9.133 Routine Universal Immunization of Physicians of the AMA Code of Ethics, affirm the right to religious and philosophical exceptions for themselves to not be vaccinated.  Doctors and other medical professionals already enjoy Arizona statutory protections where they are not required to provide services that conflict with their religious beliefs including abortion, abortion-inducing medication, emergency contraception, end of life care, and collection of umbilical cord blood. (A.R.S. §§ 32-3212; 36-112; 36-2154; 36-3205).

HB2471 deserves support because it insures that parents and individuals are able to exercise full informed consent prior to vaccination by requiring disclosure of information on the vaccines and their ingredients created by the vaccine manufacturer and the Centers for Disease Control.

This bill also improves vaccine safety by increasing knowledge of the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System so parents can make sure vaccine reactions are reported and tracked to spot safety issues with particular vaccines.  Many families that have experiences with vaccine reactions were never notified this could be a possibility beforehand. 

Vaccination occurring with a lack of informed consent is such a significant problem that the following states, along with Arizona, have bills filed this session to help correct this:  Connecticut, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Mississippi, Montana, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.

Vaccines are just like other pharmaceutical products in that they can cause injury and death in some people, and come with contraindications for others. The United States Government has paid out more than $4 billion dollars to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Parents are often not told about these risks and when their child ends up with a reaction, they feel betrayed.  The real risks, regardless of perceived frequency, should be disclosed, because when it is your child, the risks are 100%.

Vaccines manufacturers and the doctors who administer vaccines are completely shielded from liability for vaccine injuries and deaths through the combination of the law passed by Congress in 1986 establishing the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the 2011 Supreme Court Decision BRUESEWITZ ET AL. v. WYETH LLC, FKA WYETH, INC., ET AL.  Informed consent is even more critical when there is lack of accountability for the harm vaccines can cause.

Children today receive 69 doses of vaccines for 16 different viral and bacterial illnesses which more than doubles the government childhood schedule of 34 doses of 11 different vaccines in the year 2000.  There is no end in sight. America's biopharmaceutical research companies are developing more than 260 vaccines.  Insuring informed consent in an arena where science outpaces ethics and sound policy is essential.

The U.S. Vaccine Market alone was $36.45 Billion in 2018, and expected to reach $50.42 billion by 2023. This is a very powerful industry with lots of resources to lobby and create a negative public perception of legitimate vaccine concerns and questions. 

A child injured or killed by a vaccine is just as important as a child who gets sick from a highly recoverable childhood illness in the United States like measles.

Where there is risk, there must be informed consent and ultimately choice.

HB2472 deserves support because it requires notification that state law provides that positive titer screening results meets vaccination requirements. It doesn't make sense to over vaccinate with unnecessary extra doses especially for someone who has had a past reaction.  This lets vaccine recipients know about this option already established in state law.  This will help lower the number of vaccine reactions and exemptions filed since positive screening will count as vaccinated for school requirements. 

VOTE YES on HB 2470, HB 2471, and HB 2472.


NVIC Advocacy Team
National Vaccine Information Center and

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) works diligently to prepare and disseminate our legislative advocacy action alerts and supporting materials.  We request that organizations and members of the public forward our alerts in their original form to assure consistent and accurate messaging and effective action. Please acknowledge NVIC as originators of this work when forwarding to members of the public and like-minded organizations. To receive alerts immediately, register  at, a website dedicated to this sole purpose and provided as a free public service by NVIC. 


For upcoming events and hearings, here is some more info:


This is copy/pasted from my national activist group, neither of these committees have AZ members:

FYI, Here is the weblink to the 

1.  U.S. House Energy & Commerce Sub-Committee Oversight & Investigations Members,

& again, this Sub-Committee's hearing on the so-called "Measles Outbreak (101 cases in 10 U.S. states in 2019)" is on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 with location, time and witnesses announced this week, see weblink below:


Please check weblink #2 above to see if you U.S. Representative is on this U.S. House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee Oversight & Investigations.

P.S. Note unless you are a constituent, it is very challenging to write thru e-mail because their websites are set-up asking for your specific home address to be allowed to e-mail these U.S. Representatives.   And if you phone or postal mail in these U.S. Representatives that is not your U.S. Representative then likely will not receive a response/reply back because you are not a constituent.  As you can see, it is a a very broken system because they require you to be constituent to get thru to a specific U.S. Representative.

Besides this U.S. House Subcommittee hearing next Wednesday, February 27, 2019 on the so-called Measles Outbreaks, we now have a U.S. Senate Committee hearing happening on Tuesday, March 5, 2019, see weblink below:

U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions Committee hearing on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 10am, Vaccines Save Lives: What Is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks

Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 53 Minutes and 35 Secs
Guests: Dan O'Neill

Hour 2 - Dan O'Neill (libertarian activist) on libertarian issues


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

Join us 'Above the Grid'



Hour 2

Dan O'Neill

Former Ron Paul 2012 NJ Statewide coordinator

Former NJ Campaign For Liberty Coordinator 2016

Central NJ Libertarian Chairman 2016

NJ Libertarian CD 7 Congress Candidate

2019 Anarchapulco attendee


Topics covered in today's interview with Dan...

CFR Talking Points, Bill Weld is a member of


?"Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever the anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and prepare for it." Patrick Henry, Victory or Death  


?The CFR was founded -by Edward Mandell House in 1921.  His goal as he stated in his book "Philip Dru Administrator, was to bring "Socialism to America as dreamed by Karl Marx." CFR members are Americans by birth, but they are globalist in heart, and the members of this organization have been working for over 100 years to destroy this country and place it under the control of the United Nations-which the CFR created. They have a plan, and the financial resources and they control the major media and both parties at the top. Including the libertarian party now because of Bill Weld. And they have plenty of ruthless people to carry the plan their mission. Meanwhile, thanks to their control of the media, the vast majority of Americans don't even know what the CFR is, if they've heard of it at all. This gives the CFR members- The Insiders- a tremendous advantage. 


?I've listed five key quotes by members of the Council on Foreign Relations that everyone should all try to remember. Please keep them for reference.  You may wonder as well why none of the "conservative" talk radio show hosts never mention the CFR in a negative light, or Fox news as well. But also remember that Rupert Murdoch is a member of the CFR, as is George Soros.  And the CFR is a corporate member of the CFR as well. 


• "For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." David Rockefeller  Memoirs, 2002



• "We are most grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright light of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government, which will never again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national-auto-determination practiced in past centuries. It is also our duty to inform the press of our convictions as to the historic future of the century. David Rockefeller. 


• "The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world government of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in private meetings and conferences. Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope 1966


• "The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can  throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.  Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1966


• David Rockefeller quote: "For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum, have seized upon well-publicized incidents, such as my encounter with Fidel Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cable, working against the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists," and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global and economic structure- one world- if you will. If that's the charge I stand guilty and I'm proud of it.  David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2002 pg. 405. 


?The best book to read on this topic is Shadows of Power, by James Perloff.

Hour 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 64 Minutes and 30 Secs
Guests: David Morgan

Hour 3 - David Morgan (The Morgan Report) on the economy; blockchain; asset standards, etc...


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

Join us 'Above the Grid'



Hour 3

David Morgan

The Morgan Report


A precious metals aficionado armed with degrees in finance and engineering, he created website and originated The Morgan Report, a monthly that covers economic news, overall financial health of the global economy, currency problems, and the key reasons for investing in the Resource Sector.

David considers himself a big-picture macroeconomist whose main job is education—educating people about honest money and the benefits of a sound financial system.

His ideas can be seen in the movie Four Horsemen, a Feature Documentary. Watch the full length video below.

A dynamic, much-in-demand speaker all over the globe, David and his team are currently writing another book about silver and the current economy.

As publisher of The Morgan Report, he has appeared on CNBC, Fox Business, and BNN in Canada. He has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Futures Magazine, The Gold Report and numerous other publications.

Additionally, he provides the public a tremendous amount of information by radio and at times writes in the public domain. You are encouraged to sign up for his free publication which starts you off with the Ten Rules of Silver Investing where he was published almost a decade ago after being recognized as one of the top authorities in the arena of Silver Investing.

Be sure to follow us on Youtube, Twitter and Facebook.

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This website is devoted to everyone interested in Money, Metals, and Mining. You have come to the right website for the most comprehensive collection of information on the silver market.

First let me suggest you sign up for our free newsletter and receive the updates on conferences, video presentations, webinars, special offers, and tracking recent news and interviews. You will also receive information on companies we think have merit from time to time. All we ask is a first name and your email address, you can opt out at any time.

Take time to explore the archives section and get a foundational education on money, the economy, and metals.

Mr. Morgan's interest in silver led him to publish the "The Morgan Report", a research report that has grown in popularity and is today seen as one of the pre-eminent reports on how you can make money investing in the natural resource sector.

The report looks at the silver and gold markets each month and also explores the commodity markets, the general stock market and is devoted to help you make money by investing in this exciting sector. An overwhelming number of the companies outlined in his model portfolio are higher than the original recommendation.

Many of Mr. Morgan's early readers have gone on to start their own publications about silver.


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Today's monetary system is based upon a lie. The lie is that you can get something for nothing, or perhaps more simply stated, wealth can be printed. History has shown throughout 5000 years that whenever a country has tried to maintain this illusion (lie), failure has been the result.

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I've helped literally thousands of people from all walks of life build and increase their net worth. I consult for hedge funds and high net worth investors and I can help you! I've spoken all over the world and I'm available for Speaking, Lectures, Radio, Television.

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