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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

12-21-16 -- James Corbett - Dan Pilla -- (VIDEO MP3s LOADED)

James Corbett (The Corbett Report) on our descent into chaos, information warfare, social engineering, climate change lies, comments on recent 'terror'/'false flag' events - Dan Pilla (Tax Help Online) talks about last minute tax reductions.
Media Type: Audio • Time: 155 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: James Corbett
Media Type: Audio • Time: 39 Minutes and 28 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock
Media Type: Audio • Time: 64 Minutes and 18 Secs
Guests: Dan Pilla
Topics: Tax Help Online

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 155 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: James Corbett


Hour 1 --  James Corbett (The Corbett Report) on our descent into chaos, information warfare, social engineering, climate change lies, comments on recent 'terror'/'false flag' events 

Hour 2 -- Freedom's Phoenix Headline News

Hour 3 --   Dan Pilla (Tax Help Online) talks about understanding your tax rights

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December 21st, 2016

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

2016-12-21 Hour 1 James Corbett from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

James Corbett

The Corbett Report

Webpage: CorbettReport.Com

James talks about the Central Banksters and Trump, Elections vs Reality, Soros, r3VOLution, India's Cash Crunch, and more

James's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:




Interview 1237 – Newsbud Roundtable on the Alt Media Hit List

Corbett • 12/21/2016 • 8 Comments

Fake News: The Intensification of Information Warfare

In this week's Newsbud Roundtable Spiro Skouras is joined by Newsbud Founder Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett of and Senior Producer at Newsbud Kurt Nimmo to discuss Nimmo's recent exclusive article for Newsbud titled: 'PropOrNot: Evidence of a CIA Psychological Operation'. We take a look at the war on free speech, the information war that is in full swing and much more.

The History (And Future) of Social Engineering

Corbett • 12/20/2016

In this interview from 2014, James Corbett joins Walter Hendricks of The Solvinur Event to discuss social engineering. James and Walter break down propaganda and PR, advertising and education, how the media is used to form our habits and opinions, and how to fight back against the social engineers.

My Dumb Mistake

Corbett • 12/18/2016
Were you having trouble using the "christmas25" coupon code to get 25% off your data DVD purchase? Well, don't worry, it wasn't your mistake; it was mine. Things should be working fine now. Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for the support.

Why Would People Lie About Climate Change? – #Q4C

Corbett • 12/17/2016

In this edition of Questions For Corbett James (and Sibel Edmonds of answer your questions on Iran/CIA connections, climate change duplicity, whether the conspirators think they can survive their own conspiracy and much more. Also, James answers that age-old question: why do Hollywood movies suck so much these days?

Fed Hike, Lagarde Trial, Open Seed – New World Next Week

Corbett • 12/17/2016

This week on the New World Next Week: the Fed lets some air out of the Obama bubble; IMF's Lagarde is on trial in France; and the open seed revolution fights back against the biopirates.

The Abnormalization of Dissent

Corbett • 12/13/2016 • 58 Comments

The spin, lies, manipulation and deceptions are coming so fast and thick it's increasingly difficult to document them all, let alone analyze them. But in the broad sweep of recent events we can see a common theme emerging: the abnormalization of dissent. And when political ideology boils down to nothing more than "real" and "fake" the control of political discourse through language itself is almost complete. Can outright censorship be far behind?

Lying in Court, Pentagon Waste, Don't Pay Taxes – New World Next Week

Corbett • 12/10/2016

This week on the New World Next Week: the UK gov can now legally lie in court; the Pentagon buries a report on Pentagon waste; and dejected Dems start a pledge to not pay taxes.


James Corbett's Latest Articles…

2016: The Descent Into Chaos

 • 12/17/2016 • 22 Comments

"Now this is not the end," goes the famous quote from false flag conspirator and Rothschild family friend Winston Churchill. "It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Churchill's quotation, of course, comes from a speech entitled "The Bright Gleam of Victory" and signaled the note of optimism the British were feeling as the tide of the Second World War began to turn in their favor. Fast forward 74 years and it's hard not to think that it is an apt description of the situation we find ourselves in today in our own struggle for liberty. However, it would be disingenuous to utter those words in a spirit of optimism today.

As readers of this column might remember, I began this year on a rather sober note. In an editorial entitled "2016: Community or Civil War," I predicted that this year we would see significant progress on one of two fronts: Either 2016 would be the year of community building and problem solving, or it would be the year of the descent into Civil War 2.0. Well, I have some bad news for you: It certainly didn't turn out to be the former.

The TPP is Dead. Long Live the TPP.

 • 12/14/2016 • 11 Comments

The National Diet of Japan made a very strange move this past week: They ratified the TPP. Strange, that is, because the TPP is dead. President-Elect Trump has already said he is committed to pulling the US out of the deal on day one in office.

Did Japan not get the message? The TPP's kicked the bucket. It's shuffled off the mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-trade deal.

For those who need refreshing, the TPP is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the regional "free trade" compact between its 12 signatory countries: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the US and Vietnam. In reality, it is a micro-managed trade deal that gives incredibly unfair advantages to the corporate cronies and political insiders who wrote it and contains the usual impossible-to-read but utterly horrifying clauses that we've come to expect from the globalist jet-set. It was shepherded through the negotiation stage under unprecedented secrecy and despite popular region-wide protest and opposition by an Obama administration that was hell-bent on making this a "done deal" before the next president could get in. But the best laid plans of mice and presidents gang aft agley, and now we have the odd spectacle of Japan actually ratifying a dead trade deal.

Or did they?

There are really only four ways to interpret this move:

1) The ratification is purely symbolic, a gesture of commitment toward the ideas embedded in the treaty.

2) Prime Minister Abe knows something that we don't about what Trump is really going to do once he gets into office.

3) The Japanese are hedging against the possibility that Trump won't make it into office after all.

4) Japan is preparing for a trade deal without the US.

The first possibility is no doubt trivially true. Of course the insiders, cronies and political puppets want to have something to show for all their years of hard work evading public scrutiny and hammering out their evil deeds in closed-door meetings. But this can't be the whole story.

The second possibility is intriguing if only because Abe is the only world leader to have personally visited Trump since his (s)election, immediately declaring Trump to be a "trustworthy leader" despite their (seemingly) obvious differences of opinion on major agenda items like the TPP. Given that several of Trump's cabinet appointees have been vocal supporters of the deal in the past and given that arch-criminal Henry Kissinger has already told us to expect Trump to break his promises, it is at least a possibility that Trump's tough talk on the TPP was just that: talk. And it's also possible that Abe knows this. Hence the ratification.

There was once a point at which I would have dismissed the third possibility as so utterly unlikely that it was hardly worth mentioning, but given how completely insane the world of American politics has become in the past several months I can't rule it out completely. And, given that Abe already specifically took time out to meet with Clinton on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in September (and specifically to urge her to press ahead with TPP ratification), there's no doubt he will know how to work with a Clinton administration to get the TPP signed, sealed and delivered.

The fourth possibility is perhaps the most interesting. Without the US — the largest economy in the world and the most important market for many of the up-and-coming exporters of the Asia-Pacific region — the TPP would be largely meaningless. Or would it? If Trump really does turn the US away from the costly work of maintaining its world empire, there will be a greater need among other nations generally to begin cooperating and acting together. Rather than an Asia-Pacific united under the US umbrella, there could be an altogether different arrangement. The most intriguing possibility, and one that would immediately turn around and bite the Trump administration in the posterior (again, assuming that Trump is at all serious about any of his promises) is that it would open up the space for including China in the deal. And a TPP with China as the star signatory would be a very different deal with a very different inflection.

If the fourth scenario does take place and we see more regional cooperation, with the Chinese in the driver's seat instead of Uncle Sam, we may see the next significant step in the eastward shift in the locus of economic and financial power in the 21st century. We're still a long way off from that point, but it is at moments like this where significant changes in the course of world history can take place.

It all depends on the answer to that pesky little question: Why did Japan ratify a dead deal?

The Case Against Kissinger

 • 12/10/2016 • 17 Comments

Heinz Alfred "Henry" Kissinger may not be the devil himself, but he sure acts like his emissary. Seemingly everywhere there is death, destruction, carnage, criminality and cover up, you can bet old man Kissinger won't be far behind.

Which is why the Nobel Institute's decision to honor Kissinger (along with the equally horrendous globalist conspirator Zbigniew Brzezinski) at the first ever Nobel Peace Prize Forum in Oslo this Sunday is so ludicrous that one has to imagine that they're merely trolling the public. That feeling is confirmed when we discover that the topic that these two distinguished guests will addressing at that forum is (drum roll please): "The United States and World Peace After The Presidential Election."

Yes, you read that right. The Nobel Institute has invited an unindicted war criminal and an arch-schemer for American imperial domination to talk about the United States and world peace. This would seem like an absolutely inexplicable outrage on behalf of an organization that is supposedly dedicated to the furthering of the peace cause, except (as my dedicated listeners are already well aware) the (Ig)Nobel Peace Prize has (dis)honored many a war criminal in the past, Kissinger included.

Thankfully, the outrage has not gone entirely unnoticed. Nobel Peace Prize Watch (yes, that's a thing) has issued a formal request to the Norwegian Director of Public Prosecutions to arrest Kissinger while he's in Oslo…

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Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 39 Minutes and 28 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock

Hour 2 -- Freedom's Phoenix Headline News


Hour 2

2016-12-21 Hour 2 FP Headline News from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Ernest Hancock

Freedom's Phoenix Headline News

Hour 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 64 Minutes and 18 Secs
Guests: Dan Pilla
Topics: Tax Help Online

Hour 3 --   Dan Pilla (Tax Help Online) talks about understanding your tax rights


Hour 3

2016-12-21 Hour 3 Dan Pilla from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Dan Pilla

For three decades, Dan Pilla has been the nation's leader in taxpayers' rights defense and IRS abuse prevention and cure. Regarded as one of the country's premiere experts in IRS procedures, he has helped countless thousands of citizens solve personal and business tax problems they thought might never be solved.

Dan Author PhotoAs the author of fourteen books, dozens of research reports and hundreds of articles, Dan's work is regularly featured on radio and television as well as in major newspapers, leading magazines and trade publications nation-wide. Dan is a frequent guest on major talk radio programs where he is heard by millions of people each year. His fast-paced interviews provide hard hitting answers to even the toughest questions. His many media appearances include CNN, CBS, CNBC, Fox News, C-SPAN, the CBS Radio Network, the USA Radio Network and many others. His books have been recommended by prominent magazines and financial publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Money, Family Circle, Investor's Business Daily and more. Dan has written or contributed to major articles for Reader's Digest, National Review, Reason, USA Today Magazine and others. The Associated Press once commented that "Dan Pilla probably knows more about the IRS than the commissioner." The Wall Street Journal ranked Dan's book, The IRS Problem Solver, as the number one tax book in America.

Dan Pilla Help You Photo

Dan was a consultant to the National Commission on Restructuring the IRS. He works with numerous public policy research institutes and presented testimony to Congress on several occasions. His testimony to the Senate Finance Committee blew the lid off IRS abuse and led to many new taxpayers' rights and protections. He is admitted to practice before the United States Tax Court.

Dan Pilla has seen every type of tax problem and believes "there is no such thing as a hopeless tax problem." Let Dan's proven experience help you.

Tax Help Online


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