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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

04-26-16 -- Charles Peralo - Maris Sidenstecker, Dee McMillan -- (VIDEO & MP3s LOADED)

Charles Peralo (Running for Libertarian National Chair) on his campaign - Maris Sidenstecker (Save the Whales) and Dee McMillan (High School student who raised money to help save the whales) come on the show to talk about their campaign
Media Type: Audio • Time: 166 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock
Media Type: Audio • Time: 58 Minutes and 40 Secs
Guests: Charles Peralo
Media Type: Audio • Time: 61 Minutes and 00 Secs
Topics: Save the Whales

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 166 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock

Hour 1 - Freedom's Phoenix Headline News

Hour 2 -- Charles Peralo (Running for Libertarian National Chair) on his campaign 

Hour 3 - Maris Sidenstecker II (Save the Whales) and Dee McMillan (High School student who raised money to help save the whales) come on the show to talk about their campaign to bring awareness to their efforts at preserving the marine mammals

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April 26th, 2016

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

2016-04-26 Hour 1 FP Headline News from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Ernest Hancock

Freedom's Phoenix Headline News

Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 58 Minutes and 40 Secs
Guests: Charles Peralo

Hour 2 -- Charles Peralo (Running for Libertarian National Chair) on his campaign 


Hour 2

2016-04-26 Hour 2 Charles Peralo.0 from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Charles Peralo

"Charles is a New York based inventor and entrepreneur who's been a longtime activist in the liberty movement. He started his first company at age 17, filed his first patent at 18 and has been active in efforts on products in Bitcoin, exercise equipment, software and confections with his new startup Pivot Foods LLC. He is also the co-founder of where he writes and advocates public policy on a wide social media following.

He is running for chairman of the LP realizing the party has the right ideas, but isn't holding itself to the standards deserving of libertarianism."



Charles's ideas for the Libertarian Party, and his stance on various issues:

Ideas For The Libertarian Party

Five Basic Points

Technology Capacity
The Libertarian Party's national, state, and local websites, as well as individual candidate websites, can be updated and refined, providing cheap and easy access to topnotch web, email, and video content.

Going Local
The Libertarian Party seeks to place a president in the White House, however is unable to put people on school boards. Existing state and local parties need to be managed and financed better, and more people should be encouraged to run for office.

Getting More Help; Meaning Money
The Libertarian Party has failed on the whole with funding on the local, state, and national levels. Ideally, between $5 and 10 million should be raised by the national party alone, whereas in reality we are struggling to break a million. We cannot allow candidates to be outspent 100 to 1, wasting those funds anyway just to get 3% of the vote.

Coalition Building
The Republican Party and Ron Paul came in third place in the Iowa caucus, second place in the New Hampshire primary, and third place for the overall Republican national primary. Bernie Sanders, while not perfect, has shown the flaws in the Democratic National Committee and has been a generally anti-war, pro-civil liberties, and anti-cronyism candidate. The Libertarian Party must reach out to individuals like this in order to build tripartisan coalitions.

Every candidate and every team should be trained in building a grassroots party, or running a grassroots campaign.

What is the substance of these ideas?


Where does Charles stand on the issues...

The Non Aggression Principle

I take the NAP pledge, but while I see it as an important part to the LP, we need to make it clear. This is a pledge which allows for different interpretations and values behind it. Some in the party have tried to turn NAP into the anarcho capitalist pledge which is something I don't recognize with. I see the pledge personally as one for building a government that does allow for some force in society, but only force to stop force from others. Thus, I can believe in small and reasonable forms of taxation, careful regulation and laws that are designed to not oppress, but protect people from others doing them harm.


I don't see this issue as one really as something which makes someone more or less a libertarian. If a person does not believe a fetus is a life, they should be pro choice and that is a libertarian stance for them. If a person does believe a fetus is a life, they should be pro life and it's libertarian for them to oppose abortion. Saying that, the important thing to note is how libertarians can stop unwanted pregnancy. This is by deregulating the pharma industry and the FDA drug approval/procedure process. This would speed up science and ensure an age of unwanted pregnancy will be a past and a not a present.

Gay marriage

It's 2016, of course I support legal same sex marriage.

Drug Legalization

Starting this one out, I'd just mention I'm a teetotaler and have been my entire life. I've never had a drink of alcohol, have never consumed marijuana, never touched tobacco and avoid most caffeine products. However, that's how I enjoy living and what I'd recommend other people join me in on a private scale. Saying that, I favor full drug legalization in America and the pardon of all non violent drug offenders. I also feel we should take some of the saved funds from the prison industrial complex and give it to offenders as a stipend to aid in re-entering society peacefully and productively.


People have the universal right to privacy from government if they cannot obtain a warrant. The NSA, patriot act and TSA are groups that rely on post 9/11 hysteria to wrongfully take our freedoms. Not only should we end them, but we should pass a new constitutional amendment re-clarifying and forbidding governments from intruding on privacy online or with third parties.

Discrimination Rights

I am for allowing businesses to discriminate and refuse service to whom they wish. That said, discrimination is a disgusting thing and the government should not encourage it. For that, if a business is found openly discriminating on a minority or group in the LGBT community, I feel we should remove tax exemptions and write offs for that group. We should also eliminate access to public services such as waste removal and public advertising for them.

The Second Amendment

I am 100% pro second amendment and favor all measures possible ensuring that American's have full rights to personal protection. That said, I don't own a gun and personally do not feel the need to carry one.

Vaccination Rights

I  am 100% pro vaccine and see it as a medical fact that vaccines do indeed work. That said, people do have personal rights on their own medical freedom which should not be violated. My one point would be though that unvaccinated people cannot get access to Medicare & Medicaid benefits unless holding a doctor's exemption stating clear medical reason.


The libertarian party needs to be the party of free trade. While TPP and NAFTA are not perfect, I am a supporter of both efforts and favor their perfection and expansion to a point we have global tariff and regulation free trade with all nations. The simple truth is we are stronger being a player interacting with 7 billion people over 300 million and I'd ask anyone opposed to free trade "Why not ban trade out of your state and city if blocking out of your country works so well?". Every economist from Milton Friedman to Paul Krugman to Murray Rothbard is on board and saying free trade doesn't work is the same as saying the earth is flat.

Medicare & Social Security

While the obvious answer to these programs is privatization, that's simply not practical in a near term look at Washington politics. For that, I favor a plan which would expand these programs, but also cut them. How it works is people can begin receiving 10% of their Medicare and SS benefits at age 55. That overtime scales upwards meaning that age 58, it'd be 20, 60 is 25%, 63 is 40%, 65 is 50%, 68 is 75% and 72 is 100%. In this, the age of receiving Medicare & SS will go up two months every single year to ensure a longer term savings. This method makes people happy and stabilizes the programs fiscally.


I favor complete capitalist borders policy and amnesty to all non violent illegal immigrants. Meaning that any person willing to come into this country getting a photo ID, fingers printed to hold on the record for ten years, get an SS number and have a bag search can come into this country and get a life time work and leisure visa. In this, we need to eliminate welfare programs for immigrants and I'd also favor a partial insurance coverage mandate on new immigrants, but I find this in reason. Immigrants are good for the economy, they built america and should be encouraged.


This should be a new centerpiece issue for the liberty movement. The FDA is a terrible program and it is costing American lives due to it being the greatest body in the world slowing down medical innovation.

Health Care

I favor the government deregulation of the healthcare industry. Allowing people to buy the insurance they want, use the doctor or medical professional they'd enjoy using, having it so pharma products can be imported anywhere in the world and the government no longer provides heavy regulation on insurance companies and how they choose to provide care.


Solar is very visibly the future and will power the world soon enough. That said, I favor the deregulation of energy with allowing for nuclear power, fracking and other methods.


We need to eliminate the davis bacon act and also laws banning in company unions. Unionization is a valued part of capitalism and the freedom to organize should never be disturbed. Doing this, I oppose right to work laws, because they take freedoms away from unions and companies in organized contracts. We need to have a neutral take on unions and help people with that.

The Federal Reserve

The Fed can't be abolished overnight. That said, I favor the use of competitive currencies and the eventual removal of the government from issuing and creating currency.

Military spending

Cut it by over 50%. The government's massive defense industry is insane and not benefiting us in any form.

Syrian refugees

I favor refugees coming here, but by private charities and groups working to aid them.

The Wars

War is only viable when we have reason to believe an attack is ready to happen. With that, we need a declaration of war from congress and sign off from the president.

Hour 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 61 Minutes and 00 Secs
Topics: Save the Whales

Hour 3 - Maris Sidenstecker II (Save the Whales) and Dee McMillan (High School student who raised money to help save the whales) come on the show to talk about their campaign to bring awareness to their efforts at preserving the marine mammals


Hour 3

2016-04-26 Hour 3 Maris Sidenstecker, Dee McMillan from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Dee McMillan (High Schooler Called a 'Fat Whale' by Classmates Fights Back by Raising Money for Endangered Whales)

Maris Sidensticker II (Co-Founder Save the Whales/Program Director/Marine Biologist )


Articles related to this topic...

High Schooler Called a 'Fat Whale' by Classmates Fights Back by Raising Money for Endangered Whales


One teen is turning body shaming into something good. 

Dannie "Dee" McMillan was in study hall when someone texted her about a Twitter account a classmate had made called "Dee is a Fat Whale." 

"The moment I got out of that classroom, I just started crying," Dee toldKCEN. "I was just really upset. I think I got angry after a little bit. But, at first I was just so embarrassed." 

"It's sickening. You hate to hear that. You hate to see your kids in pain or troubled," her dad, Trey, said. 

The high school junior from Lampasas, Texas says that she immediately went home and locked herself in her room, crying for hours. She didn't go back to school for three days, as she watched the account continually gain followers. 

Looking for someone to talk to, Dee reached out to curvy model Laura Lee on Facebook, and the two started exchanging messages. 

"I jokingly told her, 'Part of me wants to cry all day, and, the other part of me wants to get a t-shirt with a whale on it and wear it to school to show that they can't get to me,' " Dee recalled. "And she was like, 'oh, we should.' " 

Click Here for the rest of the article


About Save the Whales...


A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Educational Organization

Our purpose is to educate children and adults about marine mammals, their environment and their preservation.

Save the Whales was founded in 1977 when Maris Sidenstecker was 14 years old, and focuses on educating the public, especially children, about marine mammals and the fragile ocean environment.

Save the Whales believes children, the future of the planet, need to be empowered and know that their actions can promote change. Education is the key to saving whales, oceans, and ourselves.

Many people believe that whales have been protected by the 1986 worldwide ban on whaling.

Don't believe it.

Killings, captures, bombings, and pollution continue to threaten these peaceful creatures. We invite you to become a member of Save The Whales, a widely- admired nonprofit organization that has been working tirelessly to protect marine life for over 25 years.

Your membership enables Save the Whales to continue their valuable
work to protect marine mammals.

Click here to Join

Click here to Contact US

Save the Whales prevents Navy "Ship Shock" tests and saves 10,000 Marine Mammals 
In an unprecedented victory, Save the Whales attorneys and scientific experts stopped the U.S. Navy from detonating 269 "Ship Shock" explosives in waters off of Southern California. Countless marine mammals were saved from death and injury including endangered whales, dolphins, and seals.

Save the Whales Stops Salt Mining Operation 
Save the Whales, in conjunction with Mexican and U.S. environmental groups, worked relentlessly to halt Mitsubishi's plan to expand salt mining operations into the fragile San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California - the last undeveloped gray whale birthing lagoon in the world.

Save the Whales Supports Rescue Efforts 
Fishing nets entangle and drown marine mammals everyday. Our support of a rescue boat operation off of Southern California, saves whales, dolphins, seals, and birds that would otherwise die a slow and painful death.

Save the Whales Campaigns Against Whaling 
Despite the 1986 moratorium on whaling, the slaughter continues. Please join our letter-writing campaign to government officials and request that sanctions be placed against offending nations.

Save the Whales Works to Stop Marine Mammal Capture and Captivity 
Taken from their families in the wild, 50% of dolphins die within 2 years and their estimated life span shrinks from 35 years to less than 5. Save the Whales continues to educate the public about the cruelty of captivity.

Save the Whales Works With Local, State, and Federal Agencies to Reduce Urban Runoff 
Sea otters in Monterey, California are dying from diseases believed to be caused by urban runoff. Storm water pollution (urban runoff) is one of the largest sources of water pollution nationwide. Pollutants, including used motor oil, antifreeze, detergents, litter, paint, pesticides, pet waste, and copper, are flushed off streets and into storm drains which lead straight into rivers, creeks, and the oceans. Toxic chemicals (DDT and PCB's) in the ocean continue to affect marine mammals. Educating the public about this serious water quality issue is a priority for Save the Whales.

Saving Whales: The Next Generation
No one action will ensure the safety of whales for all time. This is why Save the Whales devotes so much time reaching out to children about marine life. So far, over 275,000 children have learned about whales and how to save sea life through Whales on Wheels (WOW™). This innovative hands-on program - taught by marine biologists - brings whale bones, marine mammals artifacts, and conservation messages to the classroom.

WOW™ has traveled across the nation visiting school children in Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, and California. WOW™ is now based in Monterey County, California.

Since 2003, the Save The Whales BWET Program has been taking students out in the natural environment to observe their local watershed, take water quality data and use scientific intstruments. This nine-month hands-on opportunity allows students to see how human activities on land caused by pollution can enter creeks and streams and flow to the ocean. Save The Whales focuses on after-school programs in East Salinas, California as it is one of the highest crime areas in Central California. Offering positive opportunities for students keeps them engaged and allows them to see how they can make a difference in their community.

Worldwide and nationwide, we educate the public by disseminating information by snail mail, email, web site, Adopt A Whale kits, newsletters, an award winning TV public service announcement, media and radio appearances, and events.

You Can Make A Difference Everyday

 Never release balloons outside
 Buy Albacore tuna, the only dolphin safe tuna
 Prevent Urban Runoff - keep your car maintained
√ Write letters to government officials
√ Cut up six-pac rings before discarding them
√ For a Household Hazardous Waste Disposal near you call
1-800-CLEANUP or visit :
√ Participate in beach clean ups.






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