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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

05-07-14 -- Tone Vays - James Lowry - Andrew Henderson (MP3 & VIDEO LOADED + BONUS interview)

Tone Vays (LibertyLifeTrail.Com) on the 3 concepts which are the fundamental backbone of the theme, and Bitcoin and other Crypto-Currencies - James Lowry (Co-Founder and CEO of on creating a Decentralized Autonomous File Storage Network pow
Media Type: Audio • Time: 212 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Tone Vays

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 212 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Tone Vays
Hour 1 -- Tone Vays (LibertyLifeTrail.Com) on the 3 concepts which are the fundamental backbone of the theme, and Bitcoin and other Crypto-Currencies (+ BONUS at end of interview)
Hour 2 -- James Lowry (Co-Founder and CEO of on creating a Decentralized Autonomous File Storage Network powered by blockchain technology (+ BONUS at end of interview)
Hour 3 -- Andrew Henderson (Nomad Capitalist) provides us an update (+ BONUS at end of interview)

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800

May 7th, 2014
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon (EST)
Studio Line: 602-264-2800 

Hour 1
2014-05-07 Hour 1 Tone Vays + BONUS
(Video Archive):

2014-05-07 Hour 1 Tone Vays from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Tone Vays
About the Blog:
The name LibertyLifeTrail combines 3 concepts which are the fundamental backbone of the theme:

Liberty – as defined by it’s basic definitions is the concept of being free. More importantly however, this represents the understanding of personal responsibility and respect of property which come along with the concept of freedom.
Life – is another concept emphasized in the blog with posts that try to show all the good there is in the world and living life to the fullest.  At a time when knowing the truth about the Economics and Politics around us can make it seem like there is no hope, just remember that people have thought that way for thousands of years and ‘Life’ does go on so make the most of it.  The ‘Travel’ category will be the centerpiece of this small getaway.
Trail – refers to the guide that the articles will provide.  Everyone should think for themselves. This blog is not intended to create die hard followers of ideas and opinions presented. One of the focuses is to provide as much information as possible for a person to make up their own ‘educated’ mind. Very often when the ‘Main Stream Media’ is only showing you one side of the story, we will provide links to additional sources that will explain the other side since there are always multiple sides to every story.
The general idea however is for the readers of the blog to become more independent and look to themselves for solutions and not depend on others. There will be tons of resources posted that will direct you to alternative (and most importantly ‘free’) websites that will help you get there. The internet is an amazing tool, which now resides at your fingertips at all times yet most use it as a time wasting machine. Hopefully the ideas raised here along with links to knowledge centers will be a great benefit to all.

There is a reason for every section even when they look out of place like Health & Fitness. But the concept is always the same, how can you be truly free & independent if you have to constantly rely on a Government controlled health care system and are you really in control of your finances when everything you do runs through a Government approved banking system. Understanding the concept of Bitcoin (Crypto-Currency in general) will go a long way in today’s fast moving technological world and help you walk along the trail of financial independence.

Other sections like Travel will look to do more than present interesting places from around the world. It will do something that is hard to find on other blogs, by not only suggesting great places, but how to see them in the most efficient way.  If you only have 3 days to see a Caribbean island how can you make the most of it down to the bus you might want to take to see the sites. And don’t forget about the Educational section that will go into depth and link to great resources that will explain the concepts covered in the posts with much more detail.

About Me: After studying Math & Geology in undergraduate school it only took about a year as a High School teacher in NYC to realize that was not going to be my future. In an attempt to do something different, an MS in Financial Engineering set me on the path to working at Bear Stearns where I had a front row seat watching its collapse in the 2008 crash. The transition to JP Morgan went fairly smooth for our unit and though the stay at JPM was not long, making VP at that company was accomplished fairly quickly.  Since then I have worked for two other financial institutions centered around the risk industry.

Somewhere in this world of Wall Street handshakes, lawsuits and working around other peoples money, there comes a time to step back and see it for what it is. All we do is move IOU’s around the globe and most people (even the ones that work in finance) never consider the global economic consequences. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur at a young age but the moment you have the chance you have to take it. The ideas that will be discussed here hopefully will not only help you get on the trail to financial liberty, but also help me along my way to investing in businesses, ideas and most importantly, the right people.
Recent posts on his blog:


Hour 2

Guests: James Lowry
Hour 2
2014-05-07 Hour 2 James Lowry + BONUS
(Video Archive):

2014-05-07 Hour 2 James Lowry from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

James Lowry
Co-Founder and CEO of
About James:
Jim Lowry graduated from the University of Oregon with a Computer and Information Science degree in 2005.  He then went on to study information privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual property, and criminal law at Indiana University - Maurer School of Law, graduating in 2008.  He was admitted to practice law in New Mexico in September of 2008 and worked as a Public Defender for the next 5 ½ years.  Meanwhile, he ran a side business Mining Bitcoins, the cryptocurrency based on advanced mathematics, public key encryption and peer to peer networking technologies, which side business grew from its humble beginnings in the workshop behind his house into its still-humble incarnation as a 60 kilowatt bitcoin mine.  He has recently closed his successful and lucrative law practice to focus his professional career exclusively upon his 2nd generation cryptocurrency project as the co-founder and CEO of  Storj is creating a Decentralized Autonomous File Storage Network powered by blockchain technology.

Blockchain Based

Secure and autonomous. Features you want when securing your data.

Your Files, Your Data

Take back control of your data. Why trust someone else to keep your data safe and secure?

Launching Soon
We are putting the finishing touches on our alpha software.
PDF Article:Whitepaper - Storj: Decentralized Autonomous File Storage
Why Storj?

Meh, Dropbox and Google Drive work just fine. Why should I care about this newfangled "decentralized storage" with a weird name?

Save Money

Our numbers show you are overpaying for data storage by 10-100x. When you pay for data storage you also are paying for employees, servers, and profit margins. We eliminate those costs by automating the entire network.

Autonomous & Secure, by Design

When you have central sources of data, security breaches occur [1] [2]. Because our network is decentralized, we don't have this problem. There is no database to breach, no cache of data to hack. Don't trust us, you don't have to.

Token & Blockchain Driven

Bitcoin is the largest computing network in the world. Why just use that for money? So, we built a decentralized storage with the same technology. Some day soon, you will even be able to sell your unused storage space to our network.

Free, Open Source

We are currently preparing our code for the alpha launch. At launch our code will be open sourced under the MIT License. Feel free to experiment, hack, add features, verify, and bug test our code.


Hour 3

Hour 3
2014-05-07 Hour 3 Andrew Henderson + BONUS (Video Archive):

2014-05-07 Hour 3 Andrew Henderson from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Andrew Henderson
About Andrew :
Perpetual traveler, international entrepreneur, and citizen of the world.

Each day, I share tips and insights gleaned from my world travels on how you can find more freedom, grow and protect your assets, and live a radical life on your own terms. I help you achieve your own freedom with my daily field reports, weekly syndicated radio shows, helpful products, and live events.

Every year, I travel to about one dozen new countries (sometimes many more) in search of personal and economic freedom. My mission is simple: find the best places to live, start a business, and invest. I’m always on the go and exploring new places. No one place has a monopoly on freedom, opportunity, or happiness, and I make the world my oyster in search of the perfect balance.

While on the go, I take the time to really understand what’s going on on the ground in each country in order to find the best places in the world to live, work, bank, invest, start a business, date, raise a family, and enjoy life.

I value personal freedom above all else in life. Freedom to live how I want, free from bosses and their 9-to-5 work days and from greedy politicians that want to control me and steal my money.

That’s probably why I started my first business at eleven, dropped out of university after a year of boredom, and have never held a real job on a payroll. I practice the art of non-conformity.

One million frequent flyer miles for the Nomad CapitalistIn the last few years alone, I’ve racked up nearly one million frequent flier miles – and many more miles on the ground – while extensively studying economies and cultures.

In addition to visiting dozens of great countries (including some rather far-flung ones), I’ve gotten a first-hand look at which countries “get it” and which don’t. I’ve talked to experts of all kinds and built a personal network around the world. Whenever something’s happening in the world, I can crack open my rolodex and find just the right person to get the real story.

The truth is, you have the opportunity to live more freely and with more opportunity than anyone else in history if only you take the steps to do so. As a citizen of the world, I’m not patriotic toward one government mob over another. I refuse to be defined as a person simply because I was born between some arbitrary lines.

True freedom means not being tied to just one place. Throughout most of history, humans have identified with their local hamlet. They were defined by the fields they plowed or the feudal lord they served. Traveling more than a few miles from the town they were born in was almost unheard of. Those who went far afield became the stuff of legend.

We live in one of the most remarkable times in human history, with more opportunities than ever. Rather than waiting for freedom and opportunity to find you, or “fighting” for it where you are, my philosophy is one of exploration. You can lead a rich and fulfilling life changing your geography to suit your dreams. The best places to live, work, and invest today aren’t the same as they were even twenty years ago. Being a “nomad” will make sure you’re always ahead of the curve.

If you’re interested in learning more about finding true, global freedom, the best way to do so is my free whitepaper and email newsletter.

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