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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:


Angela Keaton, Mike Shipley and John Bechtol come on the show to help promote the Freedom Torch Parade for Bradley Manning - Starchild weighs in on the Freedom Torch Parade - Alma Sommer ( and Jackalope Freedom Festival) provide
Media Type: Audio • Time: 127 Minutes and 0 Secs

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 127 Minutes and 0 Secs
Hour 1 -- Angela Keaton, Mike Shipley and John Bechtol come on the show to help promote the Freedom Torch Parade for Bradley Manning
Hour 2 -- Starchild (Libertarian Activist in San Francisco) weighs in on the Bradley Manning Freedom Torch Parade event
Hour 3 -- Alma Sommer ( and Jackalope Freedom Festival) provides a summary of the March Against Monsanto that was held last weekend.

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800

June 3rd, 2013
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon (EST)
Studio Line: 602-264-2800 

Hour 1
2013-05-31 Hour 1 Angela Keaton, Mike Shipley, John Bechtol (Video Archive): 

2013-05-31 Hour 1 Angela Keaton, Mike Shipley, John Bechtol from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Angela Keaton, Mike Shipley, and John Bechtol come on the show to talk about Bradley Manning and the Freedom Torch Parade in his honor
#FreeBrad #TorchParade #opManning |
Please check the list below for local contingent rallies.
The Bradley Manning Freedom Torch Parade will begin at San Francisco Pride, with the Bradley Manning contingent proudly igniting the flame of freedom and carrying it in the parade. But instead of stopping there, that torch will be passed through freedom rallies in major cities across the country, just in time to be carried across the bridge into Washington DC on July 4th.

From coast to coast, Freedom Torch Parade ceremonies will proudly celebrate Bradley Manning’s courage.
Local contingents will be announced as they are scheduled!!
Phoenix, AZ | July 1, 2013 @ 6:00 PM: events/338888772903314/
This event is a celebration of the individual rights philosophy that Bradley Manning so bravely stood for when he fulfilled his oath to defend the Constitution by sharing information with Wikileaks. It is also a demand for his release.

Concerns about the police state, indefinite detention, and NDAA ignited in outrage when the Pride committee announced its ill-fated decision, and now a bold coalition of freedom advocates has emerged with a beautiful vision for a parade of liberation that will dwarf the pride board’s pitiful attempt to squelch any “hint” of support.

"As we move forward as a country, we need truth in order to gain justice, you can’t have justice without the whole truth … So what he did as a gay American, as a gay soldier, he stood for integrity, I am proud of him.” – Lt. Dan Choi

Bradley Manning has done a service to our country, and his courage makes us proud.



UPDATE - Denver has just announced a contingent Torch Parade rally and the biker contingents are confirmed from SF through Reno and Salt Lake City as far as Denver. We are working to get that route confirmed through to the East Coast.
"If you are interested in planning a Torch Parade action in your city, please contact Mike at 602 492 4201 or"

Hour 2

Hour 2
2013-05-31 Hour 2 Starchild (Video Archive): 

2013-05-31 Hour 2 Starchild from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Starchild provides his perspective on the Bradley Manning Freedom Torch Parade and updates us on what he has been up to in his community

Call Pride Offices to Express Support for Bradley Manning

Hour 3

Hour 3
2013-05-31 Hour 3 Alma Sommer (Video Archive): 

2013-05-31 Hour 3 Alma Sommer from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Alma Sommer - In Studio

'Agorist Alma' comes on the show to give a summary of the March Against Monsanto Phoenix event last weekend - here are some pictures from the event:

Also, she will provide some details about the upcoming Jackalope Freedom Festival event in August in Northern Arizona

News Link  • 
Don't look back, you're not going that way.
5-30-13  • 
An update from a full time agorist: As we enter into the “won’t you be my neighbor phase”, I continue to prepare Freedom’s Phoenix, Social Networking to be ready for anything. We have been able to document the dome event and the Monsanto march using livestream. Click here to see the events. Everyday I pick different articles mostly pertaining to self sustainability, new technologies, food freedom information, etc, and I post them on Ernie’s Tumblr and Pinterest. I am able to use my ipad for almost everything. Being able to do things from a portable device instantly through multiple networks is a dream come true. The future is at our fingertips, and I am very excited to be a part of it. I have created a few boards on pinterest, new photos and articles including links to Daily archive videos. They are posted here: Freedom’s Phoenix Digital Ezine Live Shows Field Trips Freedom’s the Answer what’s the Question? Favorite Freedom’s Phoenix Headlines Radio show If you are on pinterest, follow Ernie’s Boards to keep updated on current happenings on the farm, radio, and website.

As we enter into the “won’t you be my neighbor phase”, I continue to prepare Freedom’s Phoenix, Social Networking to be ready for anything.

We have been able to document the dome event and the Monsanto march using livestream. Click here to see the events.

Everyday I pick different articles mostly pertaining to self sustainability, new technologies, food freedom information, etc, and I post them on Ernie’s Tumblr and Pinterest. I am able to use my ipad for almost everything.
Being able to do things from a portable device instantly through multiple networks is a dream come true. The future is at our fingertips, and I am very excited to be a part of it.

I have created a few boards on pinterest, new photos and articles including links to Daily archive videos. They are posted here:

Freedom’s Phoenix Digital Ezine
Live Shows
Field Trips
Freedom’s the Answer what’s the Question?
Favorite Freedom’s Phoenix Headlines
Radio show

If you are on pinterest, follow Ernie’s Boards to keep updated on current happenings on the farm, radio, and website.

My biggest goal this week has been to share archived videos of the show on the multiple Facebook Pages.

So if someone is a fan of the Freedom’s Phoenix, Declare your Independence with Ernest Hancock, or Safegunowners facebook page, they will have instant access to view the video right then and there. So every morning I share these videos on the different networks. I don’t know if the video views are rising, but I would imagine with instant access they will.

I also share the vimeo videos on Ernies Tumblr and Pinterest.

We are still working to incorporate stumbleupon, digg, and continue working with reddit.

This Friday I will be on the show to talk about the March against GMO’s, and the social networking work I have been doing. I will also be helping Ernie to understand Instagram, so that we can get him posting updates around the farm on a daily basis. I have been updating pictures from different events, and testing out the #hashtags. It is very important when building a brand to note things properly. Whether that be a meme with a website, or a Word with a clickable link, or a #hashtag like #freedomsphoenix, and #ernesthancock. Hash tags allow you to search based on a subject.
You might find it fun, to post a picture of “Freedom” with the hashtag #sytycd or something like that, to help draw in the “so you think you can dance” crowd, You will find, like in any culture, spurts of excitement. If you include a mainstream word like love, posts can get lost in the mix, but if it has just the right attention, you might be able to spread an idea just that much further.

If you haven’t already, please join Ernie’s social networks, you don’t want to miss out on anything exciting! I look forward to seeing your comments and likes.

If you have a news story you want shared, please visit and watch the tutorials to become a reporter.

If you haven’t already subscribed, you won’t want to miss out on the special articles in the digital online e-zine, only available to subscribers. The monthly ezine is full of articles from different liberty and freedom activists all over the world. You won’t want to miss it.


t want to miss it.

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