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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:


Frosty Wooldridge talks about immigration and population control - Gavin Seim (Portraitist, Pictorialist, Writer), winner of the CheckpointUSA/CopBlock/LRN.FM content contest - Pastor Chuck Baldwin from Montana
Media Type: Audio • Time: 128 Minutes and 0 Secs

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 128 Minutes and 0 Secs
Hour 1 -- Frosty Wooldridge talks about immigration and population control 

Hour 2 -- Gavin Seim (Portraitist, Pictorialist, Writer), winner of the CheckpointUSA/CopBlock/LRN.FM content contest, on how he came to assert his rights and what he is teaching his children
Hour 3 -- Chuck Baldwin (Pastor, Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, MT) on Christians and government

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800

April 26th, 2013
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon (EST)
Studio Line: 602-264-2800  

Hour 1
From 2013-04-23 Hour 2 Frosty Wooldridge
(Video Archive): 

2013-04-23 Hour 2 Frosty Wooldridge from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Frosty Wooldridge
Forrest "Frosty" Wooldridge is an American journalist, writer, environmentalist, traveler, and figure in the anti-illegal immigration movement in the United States
and here at 'News With Views

Hour 2


Hour 2
From 2013-04-24 Hour 2 Gavin Seim (Video Archive):

2013-04-24 Hour 2 Gavin Seim from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Gavin Seim
Portraitist, Pictorialist, Writer
Gavin is the winner of the Checkpoint Content Contest, sponsored by CopBlock.Org, CheckpointUSA.Org, and LRN.FM
Gavin comes on the show to talk about why he took a stand at the DHS checkpoint, and what he is teaching his children about the incident and what it means.
Gavin Seim’s submission best addressed the contest criteria. For his efforts, Seim will be sent the Veho Muvi Gumball 3000 HD videocamera.
Watch Seim’s video entry, and see all other entries received: Congrats Garret Seim! Winner of The Checkpoint Contest
Here is Gavin's Checkpoint Video Submission
DHS Checkpoint - Being Detained Because of the Constitution!:

On March 4th we announced The Checkpoint Contest, which solicited content that best demystifies checkpoints and educates others about their rights should they encounter one themselves.

When the deadline passed on April 8th we had received nine entries, which were judged by Terry Bressi (on behalf of Checkpoint USA), Ian Freeman (on behalf of Liberty Radio Network) and myself (on behalf of Cop Block). We all agreed – Gavin Seim’s submission best addressed the contest criteria. For his efforts, Seim will be sent the Veho Muvi Gumball 3000 HD videocamera.

Seim, a self-described “portraitist, pictorialist, and wrriter” who left with his family from Washington to go on a road trip, recorded his interaction with employees at an internal checkpoint. You can connect with Seim via: http://f164.com

Al entries received are posted below, in order of the average rank earned by the judges.


To see the rest of the video entries, click here

Checkpoints in America - Are you a US Citizen???:

Hour 3


Hour 3
From 2013-04-24 Hour 3 Chuck Baldwin (Video Archive): 

2013-04-24 Hour 3 Chuck Baldwin from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Chuck Baldwin
Pastor, Liberty Fellowship
Kalispell, MT
Why do Christians worship government?

With the Easter message fresh on my mind, I am again reminded of what the Jewish leaders said to Pilate when they tried to coerce him to crucify Jesus. They said, “We have no king but Caesar.” Remember, these were the Jewish Pharisees, scribes, elders, priests, and high priests. They prided themselves in being scholars of the Torah. They believed themselves to be the sole interpreters of the Mosaic Law. Yet, the very First Commandment of the Decalogue handed down to Moses is, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” But in order to stay in the good graces of the Roman government, they emphatically proclaimed that they recognized no king but Caesar.

Remember, Caesar insisted that everyone recognize him to be, not only king, but God. To be loyal to Rome, one had to acknowledge the deity of Caesar. One could worship any other god that one wanted to, as long as Caesar was acknowledged as Sovereign. Historians famously say that there were as many gods in Rome as people. Rome prided itself in being religiously pluralistic and tolerant. First Century Christians were not persecuted because they worshipped Jesus; they were persecuted because they refused to worship Caesar; they refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of Caesar. It was for this reason that early Christians were fed to lions and made sport of in the amphitheaters.

In their desire to use the Roman government to advance their own agenda (crucifying Christ and later His disciples and apostles), the Jewish leaders were quite willing to acknowledge the deity and sovereignty of Caesar–even though doing so was a blatant violation of the First Commandment given by Jehovah to Moses. Is it a little more than interesting that after conducting a secret, illegal trial of Jesus and blaspheming God in declaring Caesar king that they immediately afterward sat down to observe the Passover? No wonder Jesus called them “Hypocrites.”

“What does all of this have to do with modern America?” you ask. Everything!

Gun Rights
To Keep or Not to Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns (Chuck & Tim Baldwin) 4/29/13
04-24-2013  •  KeepYourArms.Com 
The Complete Christian Exegesis on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms...This book To Keep or Not to Keep aims to equip every Bible believing Christian in America with the scriptural tools and knowledge they will need to make wise decisions about the def

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