Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • TAXES: Federal

The Federal Personal Income Tax; is there really a Federal Statute

What if the Citizens of the United States found out that 99.99% of the Notice of Federal Tax Liens (NFTL) being filed by the IRS against individuals and businesses are legally insufficient thus invalid because they do not note the correct "tax liability giving rise to the lien" as required by Federal Regulations, Treasury Regulations and even the IRS's own Operating Manual. The significance of this recent discovery of the incorrect NFTL, when filed in the County Records, is that it triggers the collection process for enforcement by the IRS, thus the government should not be able to legally collect Federal Personal Income Taxes from Citizens until they file a corrected NFTL. Based on prior case law, the IRS has been either unwilling or most probably "unable" to correct the NFTL, as it does appear, as many in the tax honesty movement have been saying for years, that Congress has ever passed a law that requires Citizens of the 50 States to file and pay a Federal Personal Income Tax on their domestically derived exchange of money for their labor. In the book I provide the material evidence on the tax liens and various circumstantial evidence to logically conclude why the IRS does not note on the NFTLs the correct "tax liability giving rise to the lien' and why the IRS and Treasury Department refused to answer the 62 questions posed by We The People Foundation on the various issues relating to the Federal Personal Income Tax in their Petition and lawsuit against the United States; We The People v. United States 485 F.3d 140 in 2007. Amazingly, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, even though We The People Foundation were merely asking questions of the IRS and Treasury relating to the Income Tax. The lower court, a single Judge, determined that the IRS nor the Treasury did not have to answer the questions and gave no rationale for the decision, even though the right to petition the government for redress of grievances is part of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. One can only scratch their heads, as to why our founding fathers placed the right to petition the government for grievances, if the government does not legally have to answer, what you would think are very simple questions, as least for those who are working in the law department at the IRS and Treasury Department. FYI: The petition was prepared by constitutional Scholars, tax attorneys and legal researchers and was formally submitted to the commissioner of the IRS, the Secretary of the Treasury, The President of the United States and the whole of Congress on multiple occasions. This information clearly shows that the NFTLs being issued by the IRS are incorrect. How Attorneys and their clients present the information to the courts is a matter of legal methodology and strategy. This information gives them the ammunition that is irrefutable because of what the US Statutes and Treasury Regulations note. Any lien or even a notice, legally should note the authority and jurisdiction giving rise to the lien. How could anyone logically respond to the situation; here's a tax lien against you, but were not going to tell you the specific tax law that give us the authority to tax and place a lien against you when you do not pay the tax, yet it appears the Federal Government has been doing this since the Victory Tax Act was repealed on May 29, 1944. For those of you savvy enough to investigate this, it's pretty easy to do. For those of you who are not, I've written a book and the manuscript is raring to be published with the slight problem of having the necessary funds, since I'm a first time author, of approximately $5,000 to publish and market the book. Most of it will go towards marketing and I've set up a ghost funding site for those of you who understand the ramifications of this discovery. Come on this information needs to get out and get out now while we can still have a nation to save. I'll even pay people back if I can sell enough books.