Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Criminal Justice System

Judge,Jury, Executioner Sheriff Arpaio teaches wrong message to our Kids...

• News

Judge,Jury and self appointed "Executioner of the law" Sheriff Joe has finally sunk himself in his own self serving quicksand.. don\'t throw him a rope this time, only some barbwire from "tent city" to save him or his gestapo style comrades from themselves bulldozing over a basic 101 law school teaching.."Attorney client privileges".. If he believes what the "sheriffs PR dept" says to use a a weak defense then lets all go down and rummage through his file cabinets to look for any crimes that the sheriffs dept has done or maybe planning, like illegal raids on the Latin community and many other evil things. Its his hypocritical views of upholding the law.He always says "I\'m just enforcing the Law" when he goes on the raids against the Latinos. yet he pulls out extreme double standards when it comes to upholding "Attorney Client privileges" within the very court system that he claims to protect. If this self serving ego truly believed that its his right to seach papers to prevent possible upcoming crimes, then he should be searching all Attorney clint files as they enter the courtroom screening process at the front door while looking for handguns etc...this sheriff just placed a bomb in his own pocket...throw him in jail now...for once and for all,poetic justice.-Max Woody Media Ocre Media Mogul  

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by foundZero
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Nice one Max.
