Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Still fighting4liberty

• News
I am Benjamin Wayne Merring, the man featured in this old news article that was posted on your webpage.

I would like to tell my story to one of your reporters. Since this news article was printed in the Scranton times I was rearrested (Driving without a license) and was confined for an additional eight months.  I was released May 4, 2010. I am currently on house arrest until August 4, 2010 then will be placed on 21 month probation.

I maintain that I am a sovereign flesh and blood man who possesses an unalienable right from my creator of LIBERTY. This liberty right includes my right to travel in the conveyance of the day without ANY government interference and or regulation. Simply put, to traverse the common way, to go from point “A” my domicile to point “B” a local food store in my personal private automobile is an exercise of an unalienable right that I hold in trust from my Creator.  

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania says NO! Driving is a privilege and WE get to decide who can and cannot drive.

The stage is set. In order to win I had to lose not just at trial but on appeal too.

While incarcerated I filed a petition for a common law writ of habeas corpus and three common law federal complaints (bible suit, water suit, hat suit) The federal court has ordered the respondents to respond to my habeas. Things are heating up and I want the truth to be told. I am going to win this case or die trying.

I am Benjamin Wayne Merring

P.S. My business web page is my case pages are not linked to them on the front end but here is the backdoor address

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

People have a Right to travel.  I am proud you are exercising that Right, and demanding the government recognise your Right to travel to purchase food and back, to go to and from work, to go and manage any property to own and back, to go and interact with commerce and back . . . but I am fairly certain all government will be unsympathetic to your refusing to pay their licen$ing fee.  Best of luck in your fight.

Comment by Concerned Patriot
Entered on:

How dare that evil government try to tell people they need to prove they can handle an automobile before they are put in charge of a four thousand pound moving chunk of metal filled with a flammable liquid! Why did you not have a license anyway?

An outrageous conspiracy I say, what makes this even more conspiracy like is the fact that your link does not go too whatever you were referencing that must have been Pennsylvania trying to keep this whole thing quiet!!