Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Economy - Economics USA

Last night at our LD4 Republican meeting we had Jack Gregson speak.

Hi Ernie   Last night at our LD4 Republican meeting we had Jack Gregson speak.  David Fitzgerald introduced him as Freedomsphoenix\'s economic adviser.  Here is an email from an attendee.
Mornin\', Dave:   GOOD meeting last night, Dave!  Everyone did a great job.   Mary\'s presentation on the differnece between banks and credit unions was excellent.  Speaker Jack Gregson had the audience in his hand.  It was good to see so many people asking questions and many were taking notes!  
Even Jack Harper seemed more "alive!".  Don said those that remained for the Federal Reserve video (the majority) really enjoyed it.     And...he said that many remained after the close of the meeting and huddle in groups.  When is the last time we saw that!!!  
PS  We NEED to have Jack Gregson back!!!

Editors Reply

Good Job Jack