Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Economy - Economics USA

Stress Test and Failed States

  Hey Ernie: I see that the Fed\'s believe that they can \'stress test\' the banksters, conceal such vital info from the public ( and somehow prevent them from collapsing when financial conditions \'go critical\'.
I can\'t help but wonder if there were some way to \'stress test\' the US Government itself as it seems that it is well on its way to becoming a \'failed state\' (
We all need to learn and remember a few ugly realities about the nature of government:
1. Allowing politicians to screw around with the economy is the financial equivalent of allowing Forest Gump to do brain surgery on us. This ugly truth is made obvious by the current market conditions.
2. Concentrating power in any centralized locations also concentrates something else: Vulnerability. Thanks to the Abraham Lincoln and the Monstrosity on the Potomac that began under him, we are all made vulnerable to the unavoidable consequences that follow the idiotic decisions made every day by the over grown children in Washington who keep screwing up our lives.
3. Our government is not run by the sane. It is run by power-crazy, maladjusted sociopaths who have an exaggerated, unrealistic idea of their own knowledge, intelligence and capabilities. When I look at Washington D.C. I see hundreds of politicians and bureaucrats (especially the Neocons) who are long overdue for some serious, no nonsense couch time under the constant supervision of the people with the lab coats, the butterfly nets, the straight jackets and the hypodermic syringes.
Take care, love the site, James J Odle