Letters to the Editor • Sexuality: Sex and the Law

Please stop gay bashing

Can we please stop the queer bashing. Or will you not be happy unless we start obeying the bible and killing all gay men? Pedophiles are almost always streight. The history of Scout abuse by leaders is a history of straight men mollesting children. And we will just predend that the church of pedophilia does not exist. 

Seriously, would you be publishing letters about how the problem of homicides is not guns, but blacks killings other blacks? How if you look at white states, the homicide rate is similar to that of Europe? That information has more connection with the physical world than all this blather about how queers will rape our children. You would not publish it because while accurate, it does nothing to address a real situation, and will cause serious problems for blacks. In a similar way, publishing anti gay screeds will do nothing but cause gay children emotional distress, and probably cause some of them to kill themselves. When you read of such a suicide, will you carve another notch on your bedpost? Yes, people are entitled to be homophobic biggots, but you should not be publishing such hate filled blather. IT does NOT enhance the cuase of freedom.

Editors Reply

I assume you are referring to this article and maybe Frosty's preceding related one?

There is no doubt pedophiles are attracted to the Boy Scouts (BSA) and other scouting organizations that attract kids.  And that they have covered up MANY pedophiles who have infiltrated and preyed upon the children placed in their charge.  Pedophiles go to where the children are. 
The cataloged list of pedophiles the BSA covered for included massive numbers of straight or gay pedophiles.  When just concerning the BSA you are almost always looking at male homosexual pedophiles exclusively being involved by the fact that women are few in number in BSA leadership roles, and the Boy Scouts deal with boys.  By numbers there were far more gay men than straight men involved in pedophile events.  This is due to the afore mentioned filter:  It's the Boy Scouts.
Either way pedophiles trespass and steal a part of children's lives and they along with those who cover for them should be forced to make amends. 

Frosty has an opinion on the wisdom of allowing homosexuals both into scouting as well as leading scouts based upon his childhood experiences.  He is entitled to his opinion.  As you are to yours.
It is pedophiles who should be kept out of the scouts and other children's associations not someone's sexual preference which is immaterial as to whether that individual is a pedophile or not.
As to whether the BSA should keep gay boys (or any other criterion) from becoming or continue being a scout or gay men (or any other criterion) from becoming or continue being a supporter of the scouts, I support BSA in whatever they decide as it is a private organization and can do as they please.

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by Mark Weller
Entered on:

What is all this talk about "straight" men molesting boys?  Has someone lost their mind?  The definition of homosexuality is having sex with someone of the same gender.  The issue isn't whether they go home and have sex with their wives, which is normal and natural.  The issue is that they are sodomites who have sex with the same gender, and in the case mentioned in this thread, specifically children.  The aberrant sexual behavior is the issue and yes homosexuality is condemned in the Bible and in nature.  Who can't figure out that if every pig, chicken and cow in the world all went queer today, we would all starve to death in 6 months.  It obviously doesn't work!!!

Comment by Laura Ludwig
Entered on:

I will make a pact, if gays will stop flaunting their disrespectable life-style in my face  and in my kids schools and infiltrating the boy scouts and using their life-choice to get government privlidges that they otherwise would not deserve, than I will stop calling them on their dispicable life-choice.  


Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Except, of course, if your belief is that you should be attacking anybody who does not believe the same way as you do. However, the moment that they do not like your attack and attack back, then what belief are they holding?

Comment by Jimmy James
Entered on:

Agreed. I'm not gay or bi. But I believe that if you have any belief. And it is true. Then there is no reason to denigrate others for their different beliefs.


True diversity is diversity of thought. Freedom is being able to think as you wish, say as you wish and do as you wish. (As long as you don't hurt others) Diverse thought. And even diverse speech. But be wise in what you say. Attacking others for their lifestyle/belief only shows how weak ones own is.
