Letters to the Editor • Constitution

The States Must Lead Our Nation Back from the Brink; Debunking the Myth of an Article V “Runaway Con

• Article

Irresponsible and Unpatriotic

On July 3, 2008 candidate Obama said that it was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic" that President George W. Bush had added $4 Trillion of new debt in 96 months to our nation… and I agree. After being sworn-in, President Obama then proceeded to add that same amount of new national debt, an additional $4 Trillion, in one-third the amount of time… in only 31 months.


Thanks to the Tea Parties and other concerned pro-Constitutional groups, we had a revolution of landslide victories in November 2010, electing scores of very fine, fiscally conservative people in local, state and national elections. Unfortunately, their attempts at slowing Washington’s borrowing, spending and growth has been minimal at best, and perhaps even disastrous in light of our high unemployment, dismal economy and mounting national debts.


Polling agencies report that 70% of the American people want some type of balance budget amendment (BBA) or borrowing / spending restrictions placed upon the federal government, similar to the fiscal requirements that 49 of our 50 states are required to observe. But during the past forty plus years, congress has refused to pass any meaningful fiscal restrictions upon itself. Congress is unable or unwilling to give up their unlimited power to borrow and spend… an important authority that Washington insiders use freely for purchasing influence, and staying in political office for life. It is politically much easier to quietly borrow money and indebt future generations, then it is to raise taxes.


Either Congress or the States can Propose Amendments

Our Founders encouraged the states to use their Constitutional authority to propose amendments. This important check-and-balance needs to be used in order to safeguard shared Federalism between the states and the federal government, to counter a wayward or abusive central government, and to derail our runaway congress.


Washington can no more be expected to change and restrain itself, than a gambler or addict can be expected to cure their own addictions. We must turn to our Constitution, and to the words of our Founders, to instruct us in truly changing “business as usual” within Washington:


James Madison, in Federalist No. 43, wrote about how proposing amendments is equally shared between congress and the states, and how it should be used to correct errors in our government and Constitution "It, moreover, equally enables the general and the State governments to originate the amendment of errors, as they may be pointed out by the experience on one side, or on the other."


Alexander Hamilton, in the Federalist No. 85, wrote about how state legislatures should be trusted to hold back an out-of-control central government: "We may safely rely on the disposition of the State legislatures to erect barriers against the encroachments of the national authority."


In 1788, George Washington wrote that the "constitutional door is open for such amendments as shall be thought necessary by nine States" [or two-thirds of the original thirteen.]


John Dickinson, in the "Fabius" essays, warned the states about negative consequences if they did not use their authority to restrain an overbearing federal government "It will be their own faults, if the several States suffer the federal sovereignty to interfere in the things of their respective jurisdictions."


A Constitutional amendment is a powerful legal mandate, and yet, in over 200-years, only congress has proposed amendments. You cannot imagine what our Founders would say if they saw the current state of our union: a distant overbearing insolvent central authority, vast numbers of citizens addicted to expensive government programs and handouts, and inconceivable spending and debts.


In their disbelief, our Founders would no doubt admonish the people and states by saying “We gave you the ability to solve these problems. After two centuries, why have you not used your Constitutional authority to restrain and correct congress and the central government, forcing them to behave? It is your own fault… for far, far too long, you have passively endured these many tyrannies!”


In over 200-years, the states have never helped their citizens or nation by fully using their Constitutional authority to propose amendments, such as a federal Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) or congressional term limits. Instead, they have all but surrendered this powerful Constitutional authority, and their Federalism, in submission to our arrogant congress.


America Faces Economic Destruction

America now faces one of its darkest hours, with a Greek-like national debt that equals our annual GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and a first ever credit rating downgrade. Borrowing and spending almost fifty cents of debt in addition to every tax dollar collected, the federal government must borrow money just to pay the interest payments on the money it has already borrowed, with absolutely no attempt at paying-down or reversing our massive, snowballing debts. Our national leviathan of a debt exceeds $15 Trillion (not including future entitlement payments), with borrowing and interest payments increasing at a rate of $58,000 per second.


Can You Imagine

Can you imagine, for a moment, what our nation would be like if we were free of debt, and free from our $454+ Billion (almost one-half of a trillion dollars in 2011 alone) in annual interest payments? Where our federal government was small, limited, and behaved as the fiduciary agent required by our Constitution. And where our leaders were actually restrained by their enumerated Constitutional powers. In this alternate reality, our nation, citizens and future generations would enjoy an era of prolonged growth and prosperity, a venerable new age for our great land. But based upon the dismal congressional track record, the reality of this utopia is all but unlikely.


What is Stopping the States?

What or who is stopping the states from using their Constitutional authority, given to them by our Founders, to propose important amendments that would rein-in Washington? Well, there are some folks, even within our Tea Parties, who do everything in their power to scare our state legislators from using this important Constitutional authority. They claim that the state’s use of an Article V “convention for proposing amendments” would somehow spiral out of control into a runaway Constitutional Convention, or con-con, something that has never happened in our nation’s history. I do not doubt their love of county, but because they do not fully understand U.S. history, their zeal does a great disservice to our nation.


The myth of a runaway convention started in the 1960s by far-left liberal colleagues of Robert Kennedy. They were afraid that the states might use their Article V Constitutional authority to propose amendments that would overturn the liberal rulings of activist judges. This fabrication is without historic merit, and it harms our nation when it is exploited for the sole purpose of scaring the states from using their Constitutional authority, even when that authority could dramatically help our nation and her citizens.


Conventions Should Not be Feared

A convention is nothing more than a meeting, a drafting body, called to address a specific problem. Hundreds, possibly thousands of conventions were used throughout our nation’s history to solve problems and to establish charters and state constitutions. Only one Constitutional Convention has ever occurred in our nation’s long history, and it was not a “runaway.” In Philadelphia, 1787, General George Washington presided as the president of the convention that drafted our U.S. Constitution.


In addition to our Constitutional Convention, we have now located and documented the historic minutes (or meeting notes) of 12 other successful interstate or federal conventions that also occurred during our nation’s Founding-Era. These historic records answer the questions about how conventions operated, how rules were established, how delegates and officers were selected, etc.


None of these conventions exceeded their mandates or became a “runaway”, and they included:


1.    The Albany Congress (1754)

2.    The First Continental Congress (Philadelphia, 1774) (The Second and Confederation Congresses were not conventions but legislatures)

3.    The First Providence Convention (1776-77)

4.    The York Town Convention (1777)

5.    The Springfield Convention (1777)

6.    The New Haven Convention (1778)

7.    The First Hartford Convention (1779)

8.    The Philadelphia ["Price"] Convention (1780)

9.    The Boston Convention (1780)

10.  The Second Hartford Convention (1780) (The Hartford Convention of 1814-15 was a different creature, and sufficient records were not kept.)

11.  The Second Providence Convention (1781)

12.  The Annapolis Convention (1786)


The opponents of a “convention for proposing amendments” have circulated a list of eleven (11) questions, that they claim, cannot be answered, but based upon the historic record and the minutes from past conventions, Click Here to read their eleven unanswerable questions, and the historic answers.


Checks-and-Balances Protect Our Constitution

Each delegate of a “convention for proposing amendments” will take a state oath, swearing to follow the instructions given to them by their state, and to stick to the limited topic of, or the reason why the states had applied to congress for the convention in the first place.


If a delegate decided to sacrifice their honor, credibility and political future by violating their state oath and instructions, their legislatures would simply recall and replace the delegate, who may then also face legal repercussions for violating their state oath. But if a delegate was somehow able to continue unchallenged, and they proposed crazy, unconstitutional amendment(s), they would then have to convince perhaps hundreds of other delegates to vote in favor of those crazy, unconstitutional amendment(s), which is extremely unlikely.


And if the delegate was able to somehow convince their fellow state delegates, and those from the other states, to vote for and pass the crazy, unconstitutional amendment(s), a minimum of 38 states would then have to agree to ratify the crazy, unconstitutional amendment(s), which simply would not happen.


Checks-and-balances, like these, operate throughout our system of government, restraining our leaders from doing foolish, unlawful things.


Washington Will Simply Not Reform Itself

The last (and only) time that congress passed amendments that reduced or restricted their own powers was in 1789 with the passage of the Bill of Rights. Washington’s 223-year track record demonstrates its inability or unwillingness to reform itself. This important work is then left to the American people, and to their legislatures, to fundamentally change the course of our floundering ship of state. The Constitution provides us with the needed tools and the required authority. All that is lacking… is our resolve.


Ronald Reagan said “I think most of you know how badly out of control Federal spending has gotten in recent years. That's why I'm one of those Americans who has always believed a constitutional amendment mandating that Congress balance the budget is the answer to what ails us. It [Balanced Budget Amendment] must prevail because if it does not, the free society we have known for two hundred years, the ideal of a government by consent of the governed will simply cease to exist.”


I place my trust in our Constitution, and in my local state legislators who I know will do the right thing. I fear our “runaway U.S. Congress” ten-thousand times more than I fear a fictitious runaway convention, which has never occurred in our nation’s long history.


Please contact your state legislators and encourage them to use their Article V Constitutional authority to propose amendment(s) that will rein-in Washington and its decades of fiscal abuses. After wasting almost one-half of a trillion dollars on national debt interest payments in 2011 alone, we simply can no longer allow our president and congress to bankrupt our nation, forever indebting our future generations.


May God bless you and Our Great Nation.



Robert J. Thorpe

Co-founder, Balanced Budget Amendment Taskforce and an Arizona Tea Party Vice President


Robert J. Thorpe is a former UCLA Ext. instructor, a Constitutional lecturer, researcher and author of “Reclaim Liberty: 3-Step Plan for Restoring our Constitutional Government”. Thorpe is a member of a national team of Constitutional scholars, academics, experts, and lawmakers who volunteer their time assisting state legislators by promoting Constitutional education, solutions, and several important amendments including a federal Balanced Budget Amendment.

Editors Reply

I remember when the nation was within two state's approvals needed for the CONstitutional CONvention:  The Democratic US Senators were salivating and making plans as to whom THEY would appoint to do the CONvention and the rules of how it would be conducted.  I am certain the Republican whores were equally drooling with rabid anticipation to removing the irritating non-impediments to their looting and intimidating.   So don't CON me.

The US CONstitution is an overtly failed document.  NO piece of paper can create a controlling authority and then limit its powers.  A piece of paper limits people with integrity.  Murderous robbers can ONLY be limited by death and the threat of death.

Any CONvention will deliver another failed CONstitution.  You can't fix what ain't broke.  And the federal government is doing what it was created to do . . . it just fell a bit behind schedule, but it is mostly caught up now.

45 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kim Dyer, formerly #44164 (I didn't change it or remove my name several comments below).  To prove the mentioned frauds are frauds:  Was it BrutusEctos or Joseph Vanderville who wrote that "Pure Trust" was also ganging up on me?  Read down to 2-2-12.  "Yay, Go Kim Go!"  and "Keep up the good work, Kim"....  I mean, this is the kind of thing that gets exhausting.  When someone behaves like an attorney with lies filling up the top of a great exchange of commentary.  And interesting that it is Article "V" referenced.  It is fraud and libel/slander such as what I just pointed out that needs to be monitored out for proven abuse of what was quoted and changing outright what went down.  It is wasteful and dirty attorney tactics that exhaust people away from the meat at the bottom of the discussion.

Can't help but notice only a few of us are willing to share our real names.  And Joseph Vanderville is NOT his real  name.  Count on it.  As for Ernie getting some of his own toungue lashing back?   Haven't any of you experienced the abuse at one of his meetings?  Even Jason Shelton 4409 called him an asshole when we were dating, and called Renee a desperate boobflasher, an embarassment (in other words than that).  So, I think we can all be adults here and allow authentic passionate exchange.  Being a "lady" only means not being heard.  I am taking advice into consideration.  I'd become a publisher if this site would allow it.  But it won't. 

Bring on the passion.  Get rid of the "I'm so educated and so much better than you" garbage.  And, "Lets not listen to people I say aren't polite enough and following my pro-government lead"... And yes, the system serves me about 25 time more than it is Pure Trust...  And I love that....  That is what this arrogant fraud is to self-absorbed to see about himself.

You all have to admit, it gives us something to do about this world and it allows us to have our own voice. 

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

I am calling names?  Isn't that the Bush family "counter-accuse" component of admit nothing, deny everything and counter-accuse?  You are altering the record with false claims and twisting things to the opposite of what they are.  I hope you do lose interest and leave this site.  You'd spare us all.   You are literally publishing LIES, why you won't put your name behind what you say.  Cowardly.  Very.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kim Dyer here, formerly #44164:  At Bayag and BrutusEctos, pretty childish to pretend you are losing interest in the site when if you don't like what I write, just don't read it.  We all know you are a fronts/frauds anyway, and you only encourage me with your rants, it shows your intention to hide what is below your commentary, just as Ernie attempted to hide me at least twice now... on what is supposed to be non-censored forum.   

As for putting down a person who has been through what I have and has the courage to take known risks to come forward?  I feel sorry for black hearts who are too sick to see how obnoxious they are.  I speak as a survivor, not a victim.  I will not be humiliated off this page, It isn't about me, and I am not making it so.  It is about telling some very important truths to help people see the big picture.  Perhaps you should just stop giving me so much of your personal headroom.  I guess I'm a threat?  I sure must be...  Why don't you write something useful instead of squatting this site day by day and controlling our minds with your BS status quo gov. loving arguments.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kim Dyer former #44164 here (Ernie's editing because he doesn't like what I say about him sometimes and anything good gets taken out)... And for the record JV, I don't know Ernie well as you claim, he was extremely rude the first time I talked to him and not willing to help me figure out why I can't publish on here during a single phone call when he was blocking my name months ago. He also was asking me for my passwords.

Further, you  misquote that Pure Trust was turning on me, in fact she was cheering me on and you know it.  I can't get the letter up again, I get a blank screen with comments blank.  But What I'd like to add is the gross misappropriation is at the Municipal level!  Our police departments should not be allowed to be corporations, nor should the courts or the city manager's office.  This is where corruption is probably most obvious.  Council members magnanimously volunteer to control the city funds and use the police to abuse the public while they line pockets behind the scenes.  Incorporation allows no accountability for that corruption.

Remember Quartsite?  So many racketeering locals that they were able to recall their own Mayor!  If he was indeed outing the embezzling that I equate with what I saw at Phillips & Lyon's office over 20 years ago on my ex-husband's computer at my desk, I was still a Mormon who despite hearing conversations, didn't know what money-laundering was, couldn't understand nor racketeering.  Just "everyone was doing it" and I was hired there during my Mormon divorce, according to ex-boss and eventual ex-husband Mitchell Cohen.   and yes, I do attribute a relationship between my Cohen marital community, Phillips & Lyon and Phillips & Associates to be an outfit, likely a CIA front.  Car accidents are pretty easy to rig these days, also to target people with, and while ex was a Risk Mgmt. lawyer for Chandler, he was accused of such (I was asked by him what I would think if asked).  I couldn't even imagine, just noticed a lot of Arab names coming through that we never saw at one point. 

Comment by bayag
Entered on:

I am with you Brutos. We will all be damned if they will not act or at least say something on your request. I am beginning to lose interest in this website.

Comment by BrutusEctos
Entered on:

To Ernie ... how can these pestering delirium of a raving madness by one who sufferred a bad beating in life be expurgated to clean up space for others to write down at least a sane if not important comment? In her madness, she is calling everybody "names", and she is even deliberately insulting you or tongue-lashing you as a questionable owner of this website. We have no idea what this delirious person is rambling about. Our sympathy towards her as a self-proclaimed "victim" whose process of thinking has been obviously damaged, had turned into annoyance. This madness that occupies space takes away the discussion of issues that are important to the public. This is not fair ... there is fairness in publishing views or opinions, and this insanity in writing is taking away the opportunity to publish useful views, opinions and information that are of interest to the general public. Ernie, Powell Gammill, can you act on this request?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The point of this whole letter is that the STATES must lead the way.

The U.S. Constitution is great. Even so, can anyone picture 3 million people in his mind? Could late 1700s Federal Government people really conceive of what it would be like for their little Constitution paper to almost be the "dictator" of the whole world? Could they in their wildest dreams conceive of a world of instantaneous communications, and hundreds of times faster transportation than they had, to say nothing about all the military might - the destructive force of the hydrogen bomb?

Let the States adopt the freedom points of the U.S. Constitution, formally and directly, as amendments to their State Constitutions. Then let them use modern-day, high-speed communications and transportation to, simply uphold the Constitution, directly among themselves. Let the States us the 10th Amendment to take the wind out of the sails of the Federal government. Or let them improve and use the outline I have formulated in a below comment, to legally step out of the bonds of Federal Government dictatorship.

When you think of the term the "United States," what do you think of? Do you think of 50 States that are united? Or do you think of an almost dictatorial Washington D.C. mess that is making life difficult for everyone?

Isn't it time that the STATES took on the thing that they were meant to be - States that are united and sovereign, rather than slaves to a Federal Government that is so opposed to States' rights and freedom.

The united States forever!

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

As for BrutusEctos?  I would bet my last dime that you are Shelton, once again trying to pretend to not know how to spell my last name, as he and his fellow scammers do under the name "Joseph Vanderville" (kind of a similar code to J. Mark Victor his slimy Jewish alleged racketeering lawyer)... Yes, my Jewish ex-husband had special privileges over government money for Risk Management in Chandler!  My exhusband's silent partner in crime (another sleazy racketeering lawyer) went by J. Mark Heldenbrand!  Real estate fraudsters, serving banking cartels and probably the dirty CIA.  They like to use the first initial trick, particularly the letter J because of its numerology being the number one, and it is an easy way to hide oneself in public records, just do what Renee Houlihan has done with names like B.R. or Babette or Babetta... Houlihan... and a few other last names mixed in... My point being, the first initial use before a name makes scamming harder to track.

But why was Renee Houlihan shown in her investigative report as being age "33" and going by nine various names, one including "Myrtle Valdez"...  is she part of the real estate scams?  It also showed locksmith companies by several generic names, all phone numbers on digit apart... hmmmmm.  

You know, a lot of this stuff was stuff my ex, a Cohen was bringing up what I now am told by a military special ops friend sounds like biofeedback mind control (my husband would ask me endless questions at bed time and even used headphones once, and talked about looking into the future).  He did this even during our marriage I believe...  Funny how I wasn't cognizant of it at the time.  Only today, about 15 years later am I experiencing much of the trigger discussions, like the name Sheldon, that is actually Shelton... 

My answer to that question was that the only Sheldon I knew was when I was a Mormon at Mountain View High School and he was good looking, he had terrets syndrome.  (Renee once oddly had said, "I didn't know that Shelton was good-looking...") and part of those night sessions was whether or not he was a good guy or a bad guy...  It is almost like intimidations are used by knowing that intel gathering will allow the racket to terrorize a person in the future who might begin to figure it out!  Thing is, it pisses me off to the point where the more I am messed with, the more determined I am to out these criminals.  You people really creep me out. 

You know, with all the trauma I've endured for my parents making the mistake to convert to Mormonism when I was a baby, I certainly had a hell of a lot of Mormon's trying to shove alcohol and drugs at me my entire life.  Now I understand why.  And a lot of them have Ashkenazi names.  It is all because of my connection to Rosslyn Chapel, Scottland and their desire to use it for their Holy Blood, Holy Grail and DaVinci Code fraud. 

Question is now:  Who is my father' natural father?  All I know is that he had plantations in Louisiana and homes in Europe and that he was an architect in Hawaii after being a Navy fighter pilot...  And my aunt told me that my father's meeting his natural father was an unpleasant experience.  All I know is that I am pretty sure that I was told to read Under the Tuscan Sun during my divorce by a lawyer best friend that was ashkenazi jewish who I met working at the Mormon Lawfirm and I lied about reading the book for my trip to Italy during my divorce. 

 Looking back, very likely the old man I met in Tuscany was my natural Grandfather.  I would also venture to guess that the man is a member of the P2 lodge.  They were Gold and Marble dealers meeting with Swiss bankers in the library.  We shared procuitto and melon, a dish my Florentine grandmother would serve for special occasions, to my exhusband, a Cohen in particular.  It is all coming back.  And they had a huge mural around the castle's fireplace with a famous artist that painted what ended up on the late Bill Cooper's book cover.  I share this stuff, because I think it is very important.  Important that the truth come out.  That hopefully someone will know what to do with it.  Now I understand why this bestfriend lawyer "Mara Linder" told me to buy my Florentine grandmother a tea cup from a certain shop for her collection, and the employee insisted it have the Medicci mansion on it... art commissioners in Italy.

I guess my intuition was telling me something when I had no desire to visit Rome while in Italy.  (The seat of the world's evil). I was so ignorant then.



Sorry, no time to proof


Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Forgot to state This is Kim Dyer, former ID #44146 that I believe Ernie changed.  you'll have to ask him.  But if you see when it happened, IT CERTAINLY WAS NOT TO PROTECT ME BUT QUITE THE OPPOSITE.  

I think my new number is something like #44157 maybe?  Something like that, it doesn't show for a day or two... Now I wonder why that is?  To allow someone to control (edit and corrupt) the gathering and documenting of commentary?  This is something that could be automatic to improve the site's integrity.  He designed the site this way for a reason, folks!

Shame on you Ernie!  I hear that the Breakfast Club used to be a pretty fantastic bunch before you came in and took it over!  Now Shelton's got me wondering who those large envelopes of cash that you receive from "Anonymous" parties comes from...  Why the hell would Shelton tell me that, anyway?  Or that Renee would let the retarded girls she watched be alone with men?  What is up with that?  A set up?  Or is he just a two-faced weasel?



Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

IMPORTANT:  Readers, scroll down on this commentary to WHERE MY ID # IS CHANGED and name removed from principle that shares solutions and why just staying on the brass tacks keeps us chasing our tails.  I am trying to get people to wee the big picture.  WE HAVE TO SEE THE ENEMY BEFORE WE CAN STAND UP AND FIGHT IT! 

The enemy is money-changing banking cartels.  It is nothing new.  It is a racketeering web gone global.  Their main tools, banking, media, religion, monopolies and RICO violations (Kennedy's 1961 Act).  Scroll down and see how things are being covered up, names defamed, THEY LOVE TO USE MENTAL ILLNESS as the explanation.  It is an ideology that writers of Revalation could see coming!  It ain't rocket science.  It talks about Jews that are not jews, but are liars in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.  The term paranoid schizophrenia is tatooed in your social programming so that those who point the finger at it are quickly discounted. 

Why does this work?  First, because if you hear a lie often enough, eventually it is believed.  But even more so, people are lazy and prefer to feel superior.  They won't do the homework.  So I am doing it for them.  I am sticking my neck out there to share the truth.  I have been working at this hours a day for at least four years.  Several hours every day, and for no financial reward, believe me, quite to the contrary.  So I hope that you will read, check out what I write.  See the enemy.  They people can organize and come up with the solutions.  I was scholarshipped to analyze banking law for a reason.  I was signed up to make calls for the 1998 ADOT study for a reason that resulted in Roadway cameras being a solution in the Think tank that resulted in the ugliness we've seen with Redflex today. 

I have seen social manipulation from as early on as the 5th grade being required to write papers with certain subjects and how that intel gets used.  (I wrote a paper when I was young about the solution to highway littering would be to put cameras out)... We were all asked to write about the solution.  You can see how we are manipulated socially, right down to the Christopher Columbus lie!  We've known about the planetary structure for thousands of years just based on European buildings having sophisticated relationship to the sun!  So, if you can't see how we've been duped, it is time to wake up!  And stop buying into the lies.  

And I mean lies included on this website as well!  



Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kim Dyer #44146? recently randomly changed? here (Ernie takes my name off as 4409's exgirlfriend- he doesn't want people to read what I write way below about Rosslyn Chapel, the Mormon church's fraud agenda with it, the zionists and my family, descendants of the builder of Rosslyn, a former Templar).  He especially doesn't like what I report about Jason Shelton 4409 and Renee Houlihan being gangstalkers who prey on people who attend the Breakfast Club, pretending to be patriots, and cleaning up behind the scenes.   Ernie also doesn't like my outing that "4409" and Renee Houlihan, even on Jason Shelton 4409's FB page, etc. Constantly have fake commentary and fake IDs to sway opinions.  They are a front, people. 

 Ernie is the typical American:  Do just about anything for profit, just make sure to look good doing it, even if at another's expense.  4409 is a main advertiser and attracts people to his page, it is kind of rigged that way (according to Shelton).  So, Shelton, Renee, just keep up the gangstalking tactics that you do with the others in there that you force to go away out of your intimidations of making sure that people KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THINGS THAT ONLY A CARTEL INVOLVING INTEL GATHERING would know and have you "whisper"...  make sure that you manipulate them into positions to where your gang compares notes and use the same defamation story...  

I mean talk about sociopathy... These people were guests in my home where there were generously fed, swam in my community pool, paid more than I would have paid home depot for shotty work, Renee making sure Shelton got close to me to do my floors so while we were dating, and she was sending him snapshots of her bare breasts while and sharing a bed with him (encouraging our contact) in New Hampshire (according to Shelton) and every dime was going to pay her for supposed loans when Shelton is just plain cheap.  I mean talk about manipulative.  I have run into this kind, but never, never to the lengths that these two will go to harass a target.  And I still tried to be friendly with Renee, knowing she was like this.

As for lies about me referring to mind control:  Mormon church Rosslyn Chapel DaVinci Code agenda.  I am not a CIA mind control sex slave... lol.   I was leaving the church and working for Prophet Kimball's grandson's lawfirm and certain abduction, druggings and mindcontrol activities with the Mary Magdalene/Jesus theme made to look like Satanic Ritual abuse occurred in the Romney dominated state Michigan.  I was flown there by the owner (turned out to be married) of several car dealerships.  His name is John Cueter, now of Traverse City BMW.~  So Renee, stop embellishing lies about me, okay?  The truth is out now.  The abuse was a Mormon church agenda.  There is a reason that such abuses were made a felony in Michigan, Michigan in particular.  Mitt Romney's father has been linked to these activities.  Doug Wallace (retired lawyer ex-mormon) has been working with me to expose these evils.  He even recently submitted an article.

Not at all surprised to see Shelton popping up just before the monthly meeting with his real "4409" name obviously to disguise his participation in making sure that I do not have community support (The cartel uses tactics they used in Russia and Germany to isolate activists who became a threat).  Shelton is also a Mormon lover, hangs out with all kinds of them as the Mormons and the racketeering Jews (research Shelton family name, St. Louis, etc.) have always had a strong connection and bond.  See, they serve the bankster.  Sheltons made their money bootlegging alcohol, like Chase Bank's Rockefeller family did.  Chase Bank, Bank of America and so many of the other names the banking cartel/monopoly go by like the Mormon Zion's Bank and National Bank of Arizona ALL PLAY FOR THE SAME TEAM, ZIONIST TEAM to take your money in the name of religion while they use the "Jewish" agenda with people that aren't even really jewish unless they are actually Synagogue of Satan nazi-jews which is most of them in America today, Hancock a name very possibly Jewish as well.  A long timer said that before Ernie took over, the group was awesome.  Not peddling criminals for office.  Eventually I felt I was wasting my time in these groups.  I could see the agendas.

I am just warning those who attend, might attend and don't know, you are being peddled Bankster agendas and sold scams in the group so watch your back and don't get too close to some of these people because they do not have your best interests at heart.  And as for Renee, I do not believe that I have ever, in 44 years of living met such a predatory female, who pretended to be friendly, invited herself out with my friends and stabbed me in the back over and over and even came as a guest to my parties, put me down in front of my guests, what kind of social predator does this without a conscience?  Is the Houlihan restaurant family affiliated with one of the many money-laundering restaurants?  I guess times are getting hard for the crew.  Some pretty hateful gestures going on with absolutely no good cause or reason, and behind my back too! I had been nothing but kind, open and generous with these two!  I gave them absolutely no reason to be so hateful!

But it wasn't behind my back at the end.  No, after I figured out she was a manipulative gang-stalker (yes, literally coaching people to lie to set a person up, and not just me), I blocked her from Facebook, stopped returning her calls, in fact blocked her number, then I had to get it both barrels by email, with threats never to come back or contact Shelton 4409 or a person who works overtime helping the banks foreclose on homes that was rigged to look like I introduced them... When I had in fact blocked this guy (A Phoenix Tea Party founder) as well, as he was bringing his kids over trying to manipulated me into watching them, and her legs were all carved up and it all just spelled trouble (Renee would bring things up in front of the daughter about a psych. disorder related to such cutting ... then turns on me and makes known things she is willing to say about me... lies!).  This is how these people work!  They enjoy watching your face when you see that they are messing with your life.  Oh, she threatened to make stuff up and put in on the internet and to mess with my ability to earn a living.  SO WATCH YOUR BACK PEOPLE!  These are not nice people.  These are people who are very sadistic.  They think it is fun to mess with people. 

Renee and Shelton seemed to know intel that my exhusband a Cohen (prophets of so-called jews) that are literally serving the Vatican as a Zionist front.  So there is a connection.  He was secretly money-laundering drug money through realty executives and committing real estate fruad for the banksters.  No wonder my divorce went through all 13 Maricopa county judges forcing me to go bankrupt.

 Believe me, I would never put something in writing with my name on it if it wasn't true.  I have a legal background and I know better.  You see, I have integrity and I will expose the lies, the threats, the predators.  In my experience, these are social predators.  Frauds. And Shelton is not poor.  If you believe that, you are a fool.  He is a typical con (not my words originally) who won't tell you anything about himself because he is afraid you might do to him what he is trying to do to you.

Am I bitter?  Not so much.  Just don't want to see evil get away with it.  I would like to spare the next victim.  Thank you for indulging me.  And of course, I am going to get all kinds of BS fraud commentary, just had to get this out.














Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kim Dyer here:  Three regular frauds obviously wish to cover up the commentaries where I prove my name to be removed...  Yes, people, I think those powers that be find me a threat to where they don't like popular commentary attached to my name for a reason... They fill the commentary up so full to bury the good and powerful commentary at the bottom... early on... that THEIR PRIMARY PURPOSE IS TO BURY COMMENTS AND GET PEOPLE TO GET EXHAUSTED BEFORE GETTING TO THE MEAT OF THE ORIGINAL COMMENTARY THAT MIGHT THREATEN THE CRIMINAL STATUS QUO.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kim Dyer here:  @ BrutusEctos... "Disoriented" and "ballistic"?  I don't know what you are talking about.  Perhaps your mental illness is making you see things that aren't there...  Food for thought.  Sounds to me like you are narcissistically describing YOUR OWN EGO RESPONSE to the sheet being pulled.

Comment by BrutusEctos
Entered on:

Kim Dry, what did I say in my comment that turned you ballistic? Are you really that nasty "disoriented" person they say you are? I now believe those other comments about you that you are not yet "cured", and that you still need your medication before you can be back to normal. 

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kim Dyer here once again, THE WORD "NOT" gets mysteriously REMOVED from my comments.  I am weary of this.  People will figure it out.  Don't act like you are lifting me up JV... I don't care for your arrogant self-serving "worship me" gestures.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

@BurtosEctos"  "Lets leave behind this Kim Dyer"... translates to:  The powers that I represent do not want you to see what she says because it is nuclear, never mind being on the dog and pony show "brass tacks" of the minutiae of the hour.  People like you are squatting frauds wasting our time and muddying the waters for Big brother and its corporate rape.  Nevermind giving others satelite view instead of the ant in the grass/distracted chaos perspective that keeps people chasing their tails and getting nowhere.  People like you gain from keeping us in chaos and minutiae, in things that are completely moot. [their motto:  STAY IN THE BOX, WHERE WE CAN CONTROL AND CONFINE YOU AND YOUR MIND].  Don't you dare think out of the box!  It threatens our privileges~!

 Are true humanists not all here for solutions?  Well?  Or are we here to watch frauds like Venacio Tan, Panocho, Pussycat, and Joseph Vanderville focus on being RIGHT?  What a bunch of ego whores.  I mean, really... get a conscience.

Comment by BrutusEctos
Entered on:

Okay, let's not leave behind this "Kim Dyer", whoever he/she is. Let's carry him/her over back to the discussion board. Now back to the brass task on hand: Would amending the Constitution lead to a run-away ConCon? If so, why? If not, why not?

Everytime there is a serious controversy that divides the people, is resort to amending the Constitution the solution? Or should we just leave it to Congress to pass a law to solve the problem, or to the Courts of Law to interpret the rather vague provisions of the Constitution and the Law that make our lives miserable?

Comment by Venancio Tan
Entered on:

 JV, good advice ... I too noticed Kim Dyer's "passion", which makes editorial writers exemplary journalists. Such potential should not be ignored. But I really do hope that she takes your good-faith advice in good grace.  Good luck!

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

Attn. Ernie, Kim Dyer ...

I think -- correct me if I am wrong -- printing you only as a #number instead of putting your name as Kim Dyer, Ernie is trying to save you from embarrassment. I know him well, as well as you do. You said that erasing your name and just putting you as a #number, Ernie deprives you the "credit" out of your comments that you believed you deserved.  That's farthest from the truth -- what you are thinking is not real. Only "descredit" or embarrassment -- not credit -- is there out of your comments, which unfortunately, are not only a smorgasbord, and are not only so angry and vetriolic but also at times badmouthing or filthy.  Not only Ernie reads all of these, but also us and the reading public.  You have already received several well-meaning advices from me, from PureTrust and I guess from your talks with Ernie on how you should behave yourself as a commentator, and how to make a properly written comments on this page. You must study them well and understand what you are doing.  We want a meaningful participation in this open forum. We do not consider this discussion page as an outlet of hate, aggression or a monitoring board of one's personal trauma that's irrelevant to the issue being discussed ... I end this short advice with all the best wishes I could muster, for you. I love your passion, and if not misdirected, I believe you can be a start asset in the debate that I have been looking for. May Peace be with you, Kim Dyer ... from JV.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Ernie, KIM DYER again.  It is actually two (2) comments under this subject that I see have my name removed from your permanent (hopefully permanent) vault of human commentary.  I believe we spoke before about how scripts can be perverted.  (We do have 30 satelites that can interfere with electronic communications not to mention other scary things Americans cannot even begin to imagine).  

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Ernie, this is KIM DYER, why is my comment below:  #44164  have my name removed?  Are you behind trying to discredit me for some reason?  Not allow me credit where credit is due?  You have done this on several of my very sane arguments.  I have also had words removed and misspellings at times that I am pretty sure I didn't do.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Ufortunately we Americans are at a stage of social and political development where there is no voting ourselves into recovery.  The presidential election is not the end all of saving us.   The emergency point in our faces that we have to register as mind-abused Americans is that at this stage, we HAVE TO LEARN THE TRUTH BEFORE WE CAN SEE THE ENEMY.  We can not fight or stand up against an enemy that we cannot see.  Then, one person, one minute, one hour, one well-meant deed or statement at a time, each and everyone of us will know, who have the right intention what we can do as individuals, through our conscience... and the truth and good will WILL spread like wild fire and the good force will overcome evil as a process of natural selection and preservation of nature and humanity.  I feel really sad for those typing garbage wanting to feel "superior" and pretending to be "laughing" when they are really just evil, dishonest, manipulative, scared, or all of the above.  You know in your hearts...  what is true.  In your conscience, what is true.  Now is the time to stand up for that, as you are quickly, as time continues to pass, running out of opportunity.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

We cannot help but notice fake identities that worship the status quo debunking whom ever challenges it.   I notice that misfit staunch pro-government names like "Joseph Vanderville" "Pussycat" "Venacio Tan" "panacho" "Brutusectos" etc. etc. are constantly in our faces on a blogging dominion where THEY don't belong.  Food for thought.  They are FRAUD stalkers spreading mind-control disinfo to dissuade you from seeing TRUTH.  Even aside from truth, who attacks a person without a heart or any tact that they really believe is suffering, suffering from what THEY proclaim is mental illness?  An arrogant sociopath does.  A person blind to humanism, to having a heart.  A person who might benefit from a genetic history of profiteering from slave trading without conscience.  A person like many original early day so-called American icons calling themseves patriots for the modern day historical fraud we are fed.  People for profit that pretend to be frugal for the camera like Mitt Romney.  I just want to vomit when I read his campaigns socially exploitive propaganda.  Mitt Romney is no more than a bottomfeeding elitist SCUMBAG.  Just my experience knowing some of his mormon supporters and how they conduct their business is enough to cause me to never consider credible a word he says.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Hey, you State officials, I'm not suggesting you do anything illegal. Do it the same way that the Federal Government got out from under the Constitutional trust that George Washington and the gang set in place in the late 1700s. The details of how it was done can be found at http://www.teamlaw.net/history.htm or http://www.teamlaw.org/history.htm.

Here's how to do it:

1. Form a regular State Corporation that is set up exactly like the State Government - assembly houses and governorship, etc. - with its bylaws to be exactly the same as the State Constitution and Amendments. The only difference you would make is that it would not be under Federal direct control at all. It would be only under State Government control.

2. Set up its operation location to be all the exact same places that the State operates out of currently.

3. Since it is the exact same set-up as the State Government, the State assembly people, and the State Governor would hold the same offices in the new State Corporation as they were holding in the State, and at the same time.

4. Transfer all State operations to the new State corporation so that the State, itself, would be left doing nothing and having the ability to do absolutely nothing. All State operations would be handled by the new State Corporation.

5. Then when the new term of office for every elected official in the State Government came up for renewal or re-election, whomever was elected or appointed, would be required by the U.S. 17th Amendment to remain in only one of the two offices... either the original State Government, or the new State Corporation. He (she) would, naturally, take up position in the new State Corporation, because ALL the operations of Government had previously been turned over to the new State Corporation. Maintaining a position withing the original State Government would be useless, because there would no longer be any authority there to do anything.

6. Why do all this? Because, as has been stated at the beginning, the new State Corporation has retained NO Federal authority over it. And since the only thing that has control over it is the State Government, and all THAT authority has been turned over to it by the old State Government, The new State Corporation, now, has all the authority for the State. And it completely autonomous.

7. The result is, reduced or eliminated legal Federal authority over the State. Now the State can move ahead with its plans of cutting off the Fed Gov, and joining with the other States in a new State-controlled form of Government.

8. The benefits? State autonomy; States keep all the income taxes; Federal lands are given back to the States; U.N. lands within the States are given back to the States because the treaties have been by-passed; the people control their own State operations more easily - no Fed Gov; Our boys and girls come home from empire-building; no more empire-building expenses; border States control import/export taxes, bringing jobs back to the States rather than foreign; gold and silver becomes ALL State money - as is required by all State Constitutions, anyway; central banking would be controlled by each State, for that State only, or as recognized by individual people inter-State-wise; and best of all, the people of each State would have much more control over the things their State would do.

Go to http://www.teamlaw.org/history.htm or http://www.teamlaw.net/history.htm to find out how the Federal Government did this whole thing, exactly like this in 1913-1914, to turn the United States trust government that George Washington set up, into the Federal Corporate District of Columbia that it is today. Then follow their example to throw off Federal Government bonds, and become free.

Comment by Venancio Tan
Entered on:

Judging from the very nature of those comments you read here, you can judge what is useful to the public, and what is out of this world [thrash]. Read them over one by one, and help our editor Gammill sort out what is garbage and what is intellectually challenging in the discussion of this important issue.

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

This is what happens when a psycho invades this page with nonsense or garbage nuisance. It gets out of control. Editor Gammill does nothing because he does not only loved it but even started it. It drives intelligent discussions of important issues, away from this site. What a tragic loss ....

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

look frauds, if you want to publicly defame a person's character and credibility, at least have the integrity to use your real name and be accountable for your BS.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Hey, thanks, guys (gals?). I appreciate the heads-up. After all, character condemnation is all that's left when there isn't any other answer. So, double thanks to you, whomever you might be.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

panocha, you are inhumane and a fraud.  Please give us a break and go away.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Look Gov sponsored defamation artists, for the record, I have visited a Psych before I understood what was happening.  He diagnosed me with SITUATIONAL depression.  No doctor has ever seen fit to prescribe drugs.  I do not take ANY drug, pharmeceutical or illicit so go to hell.  Your discrediting campaign is not working.  I was in an abusive marriage to a Zionist criminal elite "Cohen" (self-appointed so-called profits/Prophets of the modern day counterfeit JEW) who only married me to control the Sinclair Rosslyn family threat to their New World Order (Zionist) Mormon's included lies for profit agenda. 

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

Take your time, bayag. Watch what they have more to say... and a lot more to say is what they have. You can drop to the floor and roll over, get a stomach ache, but don't die laughing.  You have to take it easy. You may survive what they say, but you might not survive a heart attack for laughing so hard. They are a natural-born comedians.

Comment by bayag
Entered on:

I like Larken Rose (kill cops and the IRS), Powell Gammill (kill the Constitution and those robbers and whores in Congress), drugged Kim Dyer (kill my psychiatric doctor for declaring me cuckoo when I am more than that, dudeI knew a lot of stories because I was in the James Bond movies sharing bed with James and Dr. No).

In this group, include PureTrust I don’t trust because he was reciting this incoherent mumbo-jumbo on taxes he just learned from his recent lunar trip to the Moon where he might have an encounter with the third kind from outer space.

Well, they should be all together lumped in one cell at Guantamo Camp, except for PureTrust, and the one who imagined herself as the famous actress Kim Novak, who should be back in the nuthouse where they had reportedly escaped and assumed a new name… he, he, ho, ho …ha, ha, he, he … oh, boy! I ached at the pit of my stomach laughing. I am extremely entertained.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Pure Trust, I like what you have to say.  It makes me think.  Not a lot of people have that power.  You are rare and special.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Okay, you State officials. Think about this. What would it mean to your State if there were no Federal Government taxes at all - Zero ($0), Zilch, None at all. For a moment, don't even think about the Federal Government. Think only about your State.

Consider IRS income taxes. The IRS usually collects more income tax money than the State. In the few cases where a State doesn't have any State income tax, infinitely more.

Now, let's look at an example. Suppose the average taxpayer in your State pays 20% of his income to income taxes in both Federal and State. Let's say that this 20% is split up like 15% for Federal and 5% for your State. If the IRS weren't getting any income tax money at all anymore, you could split it up like this:

1. 10% for your State taxes - a gigantic increase;
2. 5% refund for the people - which would do the economy GREAT good, as well as helping the people to love you a little more;
3. 5% to cover any Federal Government monies that you would no longer be receiving - if the Fed Gov doesn't collect any, they can't give any to the States, right?

In addition, much of the additional 5% in #1, above, could be used on State projects - special welfare for those truly in need, more parks and recreation, State business loans to worthy business endeavors, etc..

A small amount of that additional 5% would be needed to converse and organize with the other States on things like united-State militaries in the event of Federal Government or foreign attacks, State enacted interstate commerce taxes, import/export taxes, rights between border States and nationally land-locked States, the usage of in-between States' air space by those flying through another State's airspace, etc.. But most of this has already been written down for the Federal. All it would need is State adaption and adoption, of the pertinent parts for your State.

The point is, think of the controls you would have. Your State would no longer have to bow to the dictates of the Federal Government. Yet, it would be entirely to your State's advantage to work with the rest of the States. With communications and transportation as they are today, such State-to-State cooperation is totally viable.

The greatest benefit you would be getting, your State would be representing itself, directly, rather than needing to depend on a group of Congress people who often don't seem to be able to think their way out of a wet paper bag.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Thank you pure trust, whoever you are.  The Zionist RICO banking cartel likes to pull out the "mental illness" card as their last resort.  Paranoid Schizophrenia is their favorite abuse.  My step-mom, a double doctorate in Psychology and a University professor shared with me this summer that the diagnoses is abused and used mostly to target people who are outing the "money-changing"... Why I believe that "Jesus" is attached to this diagnoses.  When people do the homework, they do see that it is global banksters.  They have money to buy whatever DSM IV diagnoses they need, any law that serves them.  afterall, they are the drug lords as well as the Prison Industrial complex.  Benefiting from both sides of the Pendulum.  The wars on drugs and terror were declared by druglord terrorists!  The British aren't coming, they arrived, raped us and are going after entire world using our military force, CIA sponsored nazi science and media monoply lies to create a one world bank.  The roadway cameras are going to be an avenue for ADOT Federalized identities, biometrics, implant.  First on your smart phone... an operatiaon creep.  I witnessed this making the calls to Shelton's friend Mike Williams in what was then the Phillips & Associates building (a CIA money laundering front).  Notice how they folded and reincorporated?  Immediately after I got an angry call from slimy Jeff Phillips.  Their CPA army coast guard reserve, Green Barret, JAG lawyer, army paratrooper and former head of accident/injury section wanted to marry me and put all his assets in my name (I believe because I am a Sinclair of Rossllyn Descendant) and the Mormon operation bluebeam project of the 2002 olympics didn't pan out.  That is when they began their burn notice in my life.  At least when it really got noticeable that I was a threat and they couldn't control me.  22 again, Magdalene number, V, for vendetta...  All mind control hidden to appeal to our subconscience.  V the 22nd letter of the alphabet, Revelations 22 books.   So the more you hear people, particularly around the breakfast club defame others as being mentally ill, or other lies, they are squatters trying to socially isolate someone who is a threat to their front.  Many of these activist groups exist to control the opposition.  I believe 4409 is fake opposition and probably gets a HELL of a lot of cash pretending to be poor.  I mean, how in the hell do  you extract $28k from Scottsdale Risk management without medical records??  His family has a history of Jewish Racketeering relationships and in Mormon dominated St. Louis Missouri, Missouri where the Mormon scam teaches that their Adam-ondi-ahman (Garden of Eden) resides.  Remember, religion is man controlled, abused to control bees of the hives.  Mormons are so asleep they don't even see how their own symbolism in Utah, and their own Temple square mocks the hell out of them!  (Bee theme)... All religions have good non-suspecting people.  It is the leaders, business men.  Pretty sure that the exhusband, a Cohen has been conducting real estate fraud transactions and God knows what else in my name.  I believe he married me to continue the control and to obtain a general power of attorney that is being used for God knows what to attach evils to the Sinclair descendants of Rosslyn Chapel Scottland, the Grail refugees, Sinclair, who my uncle tells me was a Templar comissioned the stonemasonry proving the relationship of buildings to the sun, astronomy, etc. was hiding in plain sight truths and codes outing the corruption.  The Romneys and their banking cult the Mormon Church are covertly hijacking Rosslyn for their own uses and lies for profit (Da Vinci Code and BBC's Holy Blood Holy Grail novel serves their ends).

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Yay, Kim! Go Kim Go!

Who are these crazy nuts who want us all to worship Government like it is some kind of a god or something? Who are these jokers who like slavery for us rather than freedom? Who are these dufusses who think that Government people are better people just because they are in Government?

Ah, yes. They are the ones who live on Government grants or welfare. They are the ones who would like to see us work hard for their living, just like all the Big Gov fat cats who run around the world on their free vacations at our expense. They are the kind of people who want to shut their eyes to the reality of a collapsing system, rather than fix the system.

Kim, you are totally right.

Back when our nation was formed, communications and transportation were so slow, that we needed a central government to uphold our rights. This is no longer the case. We don't need any central Government or any central banking system. Not any longer. And we haven't needed it, probably, for decades. IN FACT, IT HAS BEEN SHOW OVER AND OVER AGAIN THAT IT IS THE CROOKS IN BIG GOV THAT HAVE CREATED AND ESCALATED ALL THE WARS AND POVERTY EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD !!!

Let the States get together and organize directly. Why? Because these days our individual - and even State - representation in the Federal Government is extremely lacking. Does Fed Gov ever do anything you really want done? Do they ever do some things that you would rather not have done? Like income taxes, for example?

State Governments are closer to home. They can be controlled better by the wishes of the people. They can be made to represent the people more easily. Why? Because they are closer to home, and the people will see that they (the state governments) obey... by force of the people, if necessary.

Keep up the good work, Kim. And say "Hi" to Ernie and the gang for me at the next ABC meeting.

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

Mental illness?

Who is this "sicko" Kim Dyer? She is all over the place. She is attacking names like Renee Houlihan, Shelton 4409, RICO Cartel, Zionists, Redlex – who and what the hell are they, for Pete’s sakes [!] -- and she has a filthy mouth. Are sick people who are clearly clinically insane as shown here, allowed to post their outburst of mental illness in this website?

Comment by Venancio Tan
Entered on:

Anti-Government mental illness is spreading -- NIH clinical report says.

Now that you are bringing this out to the attention of the American public, I must say that what is alarming is this "clinical manifestations and diagnosis of anti-Government phobia marked by extreme suspiciousness toward government." This is prevalent among those having "a strong personal grudge against the federal government for one reason or another."

The case of the DailyBell.com interview illustrates this frightening phenomenon. It cited the mental condition and emotional state of mind of the subject of a no-holds-bar interview, named Larken Rose, a convicted tax felon. The felon’s extreme fear of Authority and Government [IRS] that sent him to prison as a convicted "notorious" tax evader, is described in Dr. E. Tower’s Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, vol. 11, series 3, pages 4-5. It can be read here:



The DailyBell.com interview of the subject where his state of mind and Authority-Government phobia is revealed, is here:



Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Amen, Powell Gammill!  The CONstitution only applies and benefits those in the zionist cartel.  They like the duplicity of reserving the fact that we are in marityme law, and their cartel lawyers use the constitution if it is one of their robbers, the beekeepers of the American hive.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

funny how the word "not" before sound is not there below...  This site is a joke.  But I like it because people need to see the truth.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

If pussycat had a Ph.D. academic advantage, she would sound just like non-Ph.D. Renee Houlihan whose words appeal to idiots.  Ph.D. is just university advanced programming to step in line.  So don't be fooled by frauds without real names, people.  The more I see that I am pissing frauds off, the more I deem appropriate to step up the action on this site, as it is working.  I'm pissing you frauds off!  And I am happy too do it.  I guess you guys have things to hide, eh?  I was paid a pay check to analyze banking, insurance and elecctions law at the Arizona State Senate in addition to graduate school scholarship.  The private lobby recruited me and offered me a great deal of money to assist the oil companies.  I said no.  Thank God.  Even then, I hadn't figured out the big picture.  Some of us have satelite vision, while others cling to their elitism and lies and hide behind fake names.


Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Hi, Joseph … glad to read you here. Your profound knowledge of Statehood and the "State’s excuse for being" is scholarly advance.

This kind of discussion you brought up made me decide to stay a little bit longer in this website where before I thought it was useless after I noticed that this page is dominated by a kind of people who are out of their knocker.

This subject of the State’s responsibility to bring our nation back from the brink, plus author Robert Thorpe’s good presentation, and your scholarly reaction or comment, attract my academic interest. It is a good opportunity for anybody to share their Ph.D. academic advantage like what we have, with those who need help when participating in an intellectual discussion that after all serves the interest of the public.

As of this point, my only contribution is to add to your comment that we have a "living" Constitution that should be nurtured with fresh ideas of the intellectuals apropos to the need of the changing time.

It is not a "failed" Constitution, which the Editor’s comment pointed out. What we have is a failed attempt to discredit the great work of our founding fathers by "the enemy within" which has been going on as you said, "since time immemorial".

What is so illogical is this idea that our way of life is possible without a Constitution, without a Government and without a State. In my advance studies of philosophy and logic, I don’t call this strange idea idiotic or silly.

I just categorized this philosophical phenomenon as a certain form of intellectual bankruptcy.

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

Powell Gammill’s angry response [see below] is one of those hostile reasons why the State cannot lead "our Nation back from the brink"!

This article is similar to my 1987 graduate paper "Power of the State to Improve Life" … so similar that I thought some of what author Robert Thorpe was saying in this nicely written piece are "excerpts" of what I wrote. The idea propounded explicitly here is an amazing duplicate by coincidence: It rationalizes support of the State to achieve its excuse for being.

As a people-entity, the State faces enormous problems. Without the backing of the populace as to how the State is ideally run, is the least reason for failures, let alone that Herculean task to defend itself from the enemy within for survival when viciously attacked.

In this fine essay as it was in my graduate school dissertation, the changing times make the Constitution "old" that it becomes so RIGID it hinders rather than promotes the interest of the commonweal.

To change or amend the Constitution [Article V], is recommended to make it more flexible. But the enemy within kept on blocking it.

Thorpe admits it. He said, "… even within our Tea Parties, [they] do everything in their power to scare our state legislators from using this important Constitutional authority [Article V]" … on the flimsy belief that it would trigger a run-away Constitutional Convention. None is found on record that supports this contrived alibi.

The "killer" of this critically needed initiative are anti-Government and State-bashers in rage. A good example is Editor Powell Gammill’s very angry response below. He attacks the Constitution, using a profane language, i.e. "whores" … "robbers", etc. I find this savagery of our Constitution extremely uncivilized – to say it politely -- more so for an editor to stoop down to that level of using the language of the gutter.

It is sad for me to think that this fine website of freedom can only be editorially managed one way, and that is not to become an ally … not even to become friendly but to become only as the enemy of the State.

We the people to become a State is, since time immemorial, a way of life. It is so foolish for the angry enemy within to believe that the State can be destroyed. It is also delusional to even hope that in the future the State can be or will be abolished. The State is not that kind of fantasy … it is a reality we cannot live without.

Only the learned – not those with a street mob mentality – knew that the State is immutable … indestructible!

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Great Article!

Back in the day of the formation of the United States, there was a need to keep an active central Government going. But in these days of large populations and tremendously influential States, along with rapid communication and transportation, a central government may not be needed. In fact, it may be counterproductive.

What would happen if the Federal U.S. Government failed for some reason? Would the States be ready to carry on with the freedoms for and protection of their citizens?

The U.S. Constitution has many good points to it... especially the first 10 Amendments, and some of the others as well.

The U.S. Constitution is more or less embedded within the State constitutions. But, personally, I think that several things should be done among the States in preparation for a Fed Gov failure:

1. Each State should form a committee that looks into setting up a plan with all the other States, to unite in the event of a Fed Gov collapse.

2. The States should all add special Amendments to their State Constitutions, adopting the U.S. Bill of Rights in an enumerated fashion, plus all other admirable points of freedom and strength in the Constitution and the other U.S. Amendments - literally spelled out in the States' Amendments.

3. The State governors along with the committees in #1, above, should meet to form direct alliances similar to treaties, vowing to protect each other - sort of an all for one, one for all thing. With communications the way that they are, physical meeting is not necessary. But there is a certain rapport that is created with physical meeting, that is not there in video communication only.

4. The inter-State "bonds" formed above should set in place some method for the States to vote on when the Federal Gov has stepped too far out of line in some area, and the States should agree to not enforce any activity that is out-of-bounds.

5. Some of the larger, highly populated States should prepare to give certain of their counties, or groups of counties if the counties are small, almost statehood autonomy, under the parent State, of course.

6. Some of the smaller States, like Rhode Island, for example, should prepare to join with a nearby State, similar in some ways to a county in #5 above, for mutual protection and trading enhancements, while retaining their State autonomy, of course.

You get the idea. This should be done in preparation for a time when the U.S. Government fails, or when it oversteps its bounds like it has been doing. The way the U.S. Gov is going, failure might nearer than anybody might guess.

Comment by Dennis Treybil
Entered on:

 Consider Article 26 from the Louisiana Bill of Rights:

26. State Sovereignty

Section 26. The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free and sovereign state; and do, and forever hereafter shall, exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right, pertaining thereto, which is not, or may not hereafter be, by them expressly delegated to the United States of America in congress assembled.

Acts 1997, No. 1494, §1, approved Oct. 3, 1998, eff. Nov. 5, 1998.

You say the state legislatures can be trusted to limit encroachments of federal power.  On paper, this provision of the Louisiana state constitution appears to do that.  So why are all these encroachments happening?

DC Treybil





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