Letters to the Editor • Sexuality: Sex and the Law

Sauce For The Goose Is Sauce For The Gander

Concerning Alan Keyes terribly sober article explaining why a Catholic school had a perfect right to reject a student with two lesbian parents, yes, I'd agree that a religious school does have a right to refuse students who -- or whose parents -- don't conform to the religious strictures of that school.

 But I'd warn him that this is a two-edged sword. 

Schools founded by Gay Rights activists could likewise refuse to accept students with straight parents.  Schools founded by Pagans could refuse to accept students with Christian parents.  Schools founded by Libertarians could refuse to accept children whose parents are Democrats, Republicans, or who hold any government office.  Sauce for the goose is indeed sauce for the gander.

 It's no use appealing to the "mainstream ethics" of American culture;  mainstream American culture has never been primarily Catholic.  Most Americans today, I daresay, are as willing to accept a Gay neighbor as a Catholic one.  It's no use wailing that such tolerance indicates "moral decadence", either;  if somebody else's activists have out-advertized you, whose fault is that? 

 And why is it so terrible that most Americans are willing to get along peaceably with their odd neighbors? 

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