Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Immigration

The real reasons why Paul Revere made his famous midnight ride.

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In your overtly zealous attempt to promote fascism, you wholly misunderstood the reasons why Paul Revere made his famous midnight ride. He did it to warn the national militia of the advancement of British troops and whether that invasion came by land or by sea. Paul Revere risked his life in defense of his country, but not from illegal aliens or migrants, but from our country\'s soveriegn nation\'s attempt to quash the uprising of its citizens who sought freedom from England\'s taxes and laws. However, this country belonged to others long before yours or even my ancestors had ever come to the realization that land existed further west off the British Isles. Upon landing here, Europeans also brought greed, sicknesses and diseases, which in turn lead to bloodshed and the loss of fertile soil and eventually famine and hardship to the true Native Americans. Now, if you want to justify that as a war and conqueror\'s rights to the land, then fine. But, America was built on the principles of freedom and equality for all men, regardless of color, ethnicity and religion. Great and famous words once rang out for the whole world to hear that proclaimed "Give us your tired, your hungry and your poor".  With that aside, Paul Revere was a true patriot and he faced death for his treason to the crown. You would love to liken yourself to Mr. Revere in your sad and pathetic attempt to re-create the significance of his risky forray into the night with your mechanically horsepowered venture of hatred, self gain, greed and ignorance. He was a true patriot. You\'re just a bigot!

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Comment by Lucky Red
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 Lemme guess?  Mrs. Revere has a hankering for vanilla ice cream?