Letters to the Editor • Immigration

Religious Freedom clash

• Column

 I am still running as a Presidential Candidate, because this election was based upon Obama being an American Citizen. Even if he was born in Hawaii, he was a citizen of Indonesia at age 8. When did he then return to be an American citizen. So that being the case we can\'t wait 4 long years to restore our nation, and someone who wants to RESTORE this nation, no CHANGE, must be ready to bring employment back to our nation. Imports, and outsourcing are destroying the economy in droves.

Immigrants by the Millions, especially immigrants who have no respect or intentions of becoming citizens, and pledging aliegience to our nation, are invading legally or illegally, with intent to overwhelm our legal and financial status.

I pledge that only English shall be taught in our schools, that legal immigrants have 5.5 years after entering our nation to apply and be awarded Citizenship, if they qualify. That means able to speak, write, and read English. To swear they pledge to uphold our Constitution and obey our laws.

Any Religious demonstation bragging to end our Christian and Jewish or any other religion in America will be reason to deport anyone, and their families.

So if Don Cordell becomes president, our nation will return to the land with opportunities, jobs, and the chance to own a home. A school education that qualifies our future children an opportunity to find jobs, and stop H-1B Visa\'s of foreign workers.

If we wait for Obama to do this, we will find we are just part of the New World Order, our manufacturing turned off, factories torn down, and Martial Law to control descenters. They didn\'t build these Detention Centers for nothing, they don\'t have the Executive Orders to put our nation under Martial Law for nothing. The War Commissions Act of 2006, and other recent laws since 2001, are the plans to destroy this nation to total surrender. I will stop this


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

I dunno, my chance to own a home or cash for clunkers? Who has a better deal for me right now?

Comment by Sharon Jarvis
Entered on:

I'm confused.  In order for Obama to be a citizen of Indonesia he'd have to be born there or renounce his American citizenship.  He did neither.  I thought that being born of an American mother, who never gave up her citizenship, made him a citizen according to our own laws.  I also don't understand the amount of effort spent on something clearly incorrect.  If you want to change our current problems, then pick a real one.
