Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Religion: Believers

Republican/Democrat both the same Globalist U.N. agenda!

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Dear Editor,
When the Founding Fathers established our form of Government it was not based upon a two party system.  It was a "Republic" form of government of the people for the people and by the people.  In other words, we are NOT a democracy, we ARE a Republic. 
Democracy is the majority rules.  I do not allow the majority to rule over me if they are against righteous and Godly principles in Christ.  I refuse to obey such tyranny against our nation.
A democratic form of government is a dictatorship.  A Republic allows all peoples to live their lives by governing themselves with little or no Federal interference in their lives.  Globalism has infiltrated our form of government to accomplish it\'s own set of rules apart from the laws of our land.  They are accomplishing a socialistic/communistic form of government that dictates what people must do.  It is an antichrist form of government that has taken Christ out of our every existance in our lives and have put America into the chains of antichristian tyranical principles.
For one example, Christ has been removed from the airwaves during the passover season each year, substituting The Ten Commandments of the Old Covenant Hebrew Passover under the written Law rather than the Liberty of Christ.
The Founding Fathers have established our Liberty in our American form of Government.  That Liberty indeed IS based upon the Liberty in Jesus Christ.  Because without Jesus Christ there is NO Liberty at all, Only Tyranny.  The enemy is very cunning.  Infiltrate the Laws of our land and destroy Freedom by removing Christ who is our Liberty from all avenues of our society.  It\'s time for the American people to wake up and renounce Globalism and it\'s U.N. Charter socialism/communism agenda NOW.   It\'s time to WAKE UP!   "AMERICA BLESS GOD"  If a nation wants to be blessed by God then it\'s time to put God (Jesus Christ) back into our lives and oust the enemy that has come within.
