Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Immigration

RE Anti-Immigrant Hatred Breeds Discrimination... by Christine Smith

Who in the world is this Christine Smith? She sounds like the usual addlebrained "reporter" of today who continues to push their BOO HOO stories about the illegals on us (that\'s the reason why I don\'t read "news"papers or watch the so-called news on TV any longer). She writes one-sided stories only and needs to look at the other side. Obviously, she has not yet been personally affected in any way by an illegal alien. They are overrunning our schools, cities, states and this country. They are taking our jobs, closing our hospitals, raping and killing 25 Americans a day, practice ID theft, celebrate drinking and driving and a lot more. I get the impression that she\'d want one for a neighbor. By the way, does she speak spanish? If not, she\'d better learn it soon, thanks to her and her ilk. Wake up, Christine Smith.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Veritas Vincit
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How many illegal aliens do you know personally? That matters. They are more than simple statistics, they are living breathing human beings. Some are here for economic reasons but would rather be in Mexico with their families. Some are here to "take what they can and the hell with the gringo". And, some are here to do criminal no good. Finally, some are here simply for the exact reasons your great-great grandparents came here.

Hatred happens when one economic group moves into the turf of another economic group experiencing hard times. You can't change that by law or otherwise, it just happens. If an American can't get a job, and an immigrant gets the job (either through Affirmative Action or lower wages), the native born is going to begin hating the newcomer.