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September 23, 2006
2006-09-22 12:05
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
4 days in a row. Just get it over with and send him your marriage proposal already!
2006-09-22 07:53
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Entered by: Dave Iles
Like many of the informed, I too, will avoid touching an edition of Popular Mechanics from this point forward. After, this radio interview and the excellent interview with Alex Jones, it is beyond criminal what these liars are trying to sell.
If they weren't so arrogant and ignorant they would realize how much they have exposed and embarrassed themselves in broad daylight.
I for one hope, that they continue giving interviews because, they are so effective at discrediting themselves.
2006-09-21 01:41
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
My brother took a year of Spanish in high school. That was some 25 years ago. The only Spanish phrase he remembers was one he laughed at figuring it would never be very useful: "The elephant is in the garden." Little did he realize how prescient his Spanish teacher was. I wonder how he/she knew the Republicans were going to be in the Whitehouse rose garden?
2006-09-17 09:50
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Entered by: Steven Welch
Mr. Charles Goyette has an especially engaging manner, even when strident, which easily trumps the smug monotone of patient 212 condescension issuing from Mr. Davon Coburn. It's almost a slight lisp that Mr. Goyette affects, (is it natural?) which surely caused the unwary Mr. Coburn to foolishly let down his guard. He didn't know what hit him. Mr. Goyette's agnosticism on 9-11 is also helpful here--he sounds commonsensical, when other 9-11 truthseekers become so overwhelmed by the lies and distortions contained in a Popular Mechanics-style argument that they become "framed." Barf National Review Commentator James S. Robbins equated 9-11 truthseeking with Holocaust denying, and where do you go from there? Excellent work! Thank you.
2006-09-11 12:24
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Entered by: urgggg
Problem with most conspiracy theories that don't hold water is they have some of the facts and come to all the wrong conclusions. Few efforts are made to ASK the right people the RIGHT questions. Hey, I am up for a great conspiracy but the incompetence of our gummint precludes the sort of vast conspiracy by a bunch of people who couldn't find their way to the bathroom with a map and a flashlight would have created. Loose Change is a travesty of misinformation and the kind of effluence Michael Moore is famous for. This article from the St. Anthony Messenger should be read. If these folks in Shankville and local communities are involved in a "coverup" then the world has gone totally MAD. Government has been involved in lies and cover up but the kind of VAST conspiracy Loose Change gets into gives more credit to these bozos than they deserve. The kind of disinformation that makes a real conspiracy of interests become lumped in with garbage. It amazes me how much credit people want to give to our idiocracy. That movie by Mike Judge is a far better indication of how things work than Loose Change or those who believe that hogwash.

From St. Anthony Messenger - it ain't the CFR print arm - just a small publication that did its job.
THE SCARCITY of signs directing pilgrims to the temporary memorial where United Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, five years ago doesn't dissuade visitors from meandering along Somerset County's country roads until they reach the site. The September 11 crash killed everyone on board, including the four terrorists who hijacked the plane.

Over 100,000 people come each year to pay their respects to the 33 passengers and seven crew members who are credited with preventing the Boeing 757 from reaching its target in Washington, D.C.

Stan and Emily Jerich are among the volunteers who greet these visitors every day of the year inside a small unheated shelter on a windy knoll above the crash site. "We are scheduled for two hours once a week," explains Emily, a eucharistic minister who lives 45 minutes away at The Villages at Seven Springs. The Jerichs were among the area Catholics who shared their experiences with St. Anthony Messenger on the first day of spring this year.

As people trickled inside on this brisk day, Stan, 67, and Emily, 65, gave informal presentations, offered brochures, answered questions and described plans for the Flight 93 National Memorial.

In front of the shelter, names of the 40 heroes of Flight 93 are prominently displayed on benches that face the field where the plane crashed upside down at 10:03 a.m. at an estimated speed of over 500 miles per hour. As tragic as it was, the damage could have been much more extensive. The Boeing 757 could have carried 182 passengers. If the plane had remained airborne for another few seconds, a nearby school in the path of the flight would have been hit, explains Emily.

"The F.B.I. and state police were here within 30 minutes" of the crash, Emily notes. "The F.B.I. led the investigation."

When relatives of the victims stayed at Seven Springs Mountain Resort not long after the crash, the Jerichs met many of them. Emily recalls trying to console a parent of one of the crew members. She explains that she and Stan know what it's like to lose a child because they had a daughter who died at age four from leukemia.

Emily remembers trying to assist a man at Seven Springs who fell asleep while holding an infant. She was afraid he would drop the baby so she offered to hold the child, but the man declined her offer. "He said his wife had been on the plane," she explains. "I just kept watching him in case he relaxed so I could grab the baby."

Of all the volunteer activities Stan and Emily are involved in, she says their role at this memorial is the experience she will never forget because of the many thank-you's they receive from appreciative visitors.

Working With the F.B.I.

At the temporary memorial, Sally Svonavec, 64, greets her husband, Jim, and their son, Jamie, when the men drive up in their pickup truck. Members of St. Peter's Parish in nearby Somerset, they explain how the family business, J & J Svonavec Excavating, became the only excavating company to work with the F.B.I. at the site.

Jim, 65, and Jamie, 34, have refused all previous requests for interviews: They wanted to tell their story to a Catholic publication. Men of few words, they admit it's difficult returning to this site, where they dug through soil that contained pieces of the aircraft, personal items that belonged to those on board and human remains: No whole bodies were recovered.

Sally explains that she and Jim were in Hilton Head, South Carolina, on September 11, 2001, just beginning an overdue vacation. Jim had assured Jamie that he could handle business matters while they were gone.

Jim and Sally followed the shocking events of that morning on the news: They learned that two hijacked planes had hit the two towers of the World Trade Center, then a third plane crashed into the Pentagon and a fourth hijacked plane was being tracked over western Pennsylvania.

Later Jamie phoned them that the fourth plane had just crashed near Shanksville (about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh) on reclaimed strip-mined land where they had worked.

It didn't take long for throngs of law-enforcement officers, who had been tracking the plane's path, and other people, including Jamie, to reach the location where they could tell the aircraft had gone down. But it took a while to identify the exact location of impact because there was no plane visible. Sally remembers Jamie phoning them from the site and saying, "There is no plane there, believe me."

The location was eventually determined because of some disturbed ground in front of a grove of charred evergreens, explains Jamie. The ground had swallowed up much of the wreckage.

Because of their familiarity with the property, the Svonavecs were asked to work with the F.B.I. on recovery efforts. "We hired some extra people and worked one long shift, seven days a week," says Jim, a former federal mining inspector.

Using a Kobelco excavator, the process was slow and meticulous because "every bucket of material that was excavated went through screens," explains Sally. Screening helped locate many body fragments and debris from the plane.

The plane "went in the ground so fast it didn't have a chance to burn," says Jim. Authorities were especially anxious to find Flight 93's "black boxes" (cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder) in hopes of discovering what happened during the doomed flight.

The flight data recorder was located on September 13, some 15 feet underground. The following day, the cockpit voice recorder was unearthed at a depth of 25 feet. The cockpit recording was played in public for the first time this past April during the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, who was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the 9/11 attacks.

In honor of Jim's role in finding the black boxes, a United Airlines official presented him with a hat he treasures. It says, "I found the box." The excavators also found "a jacket that belonged to one of the terrorists," explains Jim. The jacket contained the hijacker's schedule for September 11. "We found the knives [the terrorists] used, too."

Although only fragments of bodies were recovered, everyone was identified, including the hijackers, explains Emily Jerich. Pointing to a fenced-in field about 500 yards below the shelter, she explains that the public isn't allowed there "because that is their burial area."

2006-09-07 07:59
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
Right on!

The Republicans have been in charge of Congress since 1994. They have controlled all three branches of government for the last 5 years. Instead of working toward their stated goals, we see they can shovel pork into their maws faster than the Democrats. A pox on the Washington Party. Long live anarchy!

2006-09-04 08:14
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Entered by: Meria Heller
We should start with Bush, the administration, CEO's, Bernanke and Congress. Then, I'll be all for mental screening.
2006-09-02 08:22
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
Considering Trent Franks is a multimillionaire oilman, it is hardly surprising he would come to the defense of the oil industry. As you say, he went from rags to riches in a fairly short time, mostly due to oil.

Trent is mostly a Republican "yes" vote. I have yet to see a thought in his head expressed on the Congressional floor that clearly did not originate from the Republican talking points. But he has only been there four years ... It will be far more amusing I am sure, when he is in his seventh year, and starts to head up committees. But by then the Republicans will have been replaced by Democrats ... pretty much doing the same things to us as the Republicans.

2006-09-02 03:23
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Entered by: Dave Hodges
I am greatly disturbed by the "Guardian of Elections" and how she is subverting both the law and the will of the people. With Brewer's well-known ties to the Oily Bush administration, and if we begin to see some 51-49% Ohio-type election results, we will know Jan's true agenda and the method in which it is being acheived.
2006-09-01 10:48
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Entered by: DrFix
there were three mp3 files for the draft issue but the third file is simply a duplicate of the first.
2006-08-31 12:58
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Entered by: Dary
I hear you John. Even with your disclaimer, one has to ask what is "underaged" and who sets the standard? The community itself, or an outside force? Teenage sex is epidemic in America, so the problem is hardly confined to the Fundamental Mormons. Yet nothing is being done about it elsewhere, including the other myriad religious communities in America.
2006-08-31 12:48
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Entered by: TheMelinda
It goes without saying that the State should be making no laws that mandate the agreements between individuals who are capable of mature judgment. Those who assert the right to children as property should be liable for the full cost of their abuse.

Group marriage is a matter of personal preference be it polyandry, polgamy, or other variation. However, in the instance noted the 'elder' in question was clearly selling underage girls into 'marriage.' This is not marriage it is a form of slavery. Further, the 'husbands.' owners, in question used the girls to generate an income for themselves through the welfare system. When we decry the involvement of the State we are obligated to suggest alternatives that alleviate the problems. It is clear that there are covert Mormon families who are raising their children in a responsible fashion and where coercion is not involved. But attempts to justify this behavior by citing history as precedent are as morally bankrupt as allowing slavery was as a condition of ratifying the Constitution. Better if we have remained a loose confederation of states. No State has rights. All rights are inherent in individuals alone.

2006-08-31 12:05
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Entered by: GilaRiverRider
Why is plural marriage "BAD" and "EVIL" when homosexuality a protected practice?

Shouldn't we celebrate the diversity of plural marriage? Doesn't plural marriage address the serious issue of unmarried women with fatherless children?

Wouldn't a plural marriage provide more resources for the children? Multiple mothers could take turns in the workplace and at staying home.

Why is it ok for the Arizona governor and her federal judge lover to adopt children and not a polygamist?

Aren't we being taught to become more tollerant of the diversity of others???


But once a woman is of the age of consent, isn't her body her choice??

A person can partner with someone of the same sex. A woman can terminate her unborn child. But plural marriage is "evil"???

By the way folks ... Mormons still teach plural marriage only they've relocated it to the after-life. Why do you think they're so big on geneology??

The Muslims have their seventy something virgins; well the Mormons have their "spirit wifes" and "spirit children" in the Celestial Kingdom to which they all aspire to go.

2006-08-31 01:06
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Entered by: Dary
I know of no ongoing effort to eradicate teenage marriages or predatory sex in any other area of society, from southern rednecks, to runaways, to the vast pockets of immigrants - illegal or otherwise - that exist in America and ahere to mores of their culture. So why pick on this one small group? They are insignificant in the scheme of things.
2006-08-30 05:02
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Entered by: Peter Sault
I quote myself as published at:-

I have just read Mr Jim Hoffman's response at
to the recent article in 'Popular Mechanics' at
that tries to debunk the truth about 9/11 by the use of the 'straw man' tactic. Although everything in his response is quite correct and exposes the straw man for what it is, I feel Mr Hoffman was dealing with this particular issue at the wrong level. Approached from a different angle the article tells us who really was behind 9/11 and who is still desperately trying to cover it up. This is how it works:-

'Popular Mechanics' is published by the Hearst Corporation, proprietor (chairman of the board) George R. Hearst, grandson of William Randolph Hearst, sometime would-be builder of large aeroplanes.

The president and CEO of Hearst Corporation is one Victor F. Ganzi, since June 1st, 2002. Mr Ganzi is also an officer/director of the Hearst Foundation.
A close look at the titles of the books on the shelf behind Mr Ganzi in the photo (GANZI_2003_2_BW.jpg) reveals that some part of Mr Ganzi's early career was spent working for the owners of the Atlantic City Boardwalk and associated hotels and casinos; sometime friends of a certain Mr Frank Sinatra, as I recall.

Victor F. Ganzi is on the board of directors of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA), alongside Columba Bush, wife of Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, brother of George W. Bush, President of the USA and son of George H.W. Bush, former DG of the CIA.

Victor F. Ganzi is a member of B.E.N.S. - "Business Executives for National Security" - wherein we learn that "When it came time to evaluate In-Q-Tel, the CIA's innovative technology development enterprise, Congress turned to BENS"

In October 2002, B.E.N.S. received a "CIA Agency Seal Medallion" for its work on the In-Q-Tel program.

In-Q-Tel? It is described as "A new partnership between the CIA and the 'private sector' [my apostrophes].", making it a classic front for traditional fascism and other American-style old-fashioned family values.

A look at the names involved in In-Q-Tel quickly reveals it as a front for Zionism Central.

So, we should all be most grateful to 'Popular Mechanics' and its new editor James Meigs for indirectly telling us who the real perpetrators of 9/11 were by its rather long-winded "blind 'em with science" attempt to suppress the truth of behalf of those perpetrators.

Kind Regards Peter Sault

2006-08-27 08:11
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Entered by: KupuKupu
For many years Science publications such as Popular Mechanics were a common fixture in my home. The moment they came out with this propagana piece, was the moment they lost me as a customer. Permanently.

I was also aware of the Chertoff family member being involved. No credentials, just Poly Tics doing their usual deceptive tactics.

Science is objective. I must assume that people who seek knowledge based upon scientific INQUIRY are not the target audience they hope to dupe. How can a scientific publication such as this be so insulting to their [former] loyal customers? People who gravitate to scientific subjects are not unintelligent human beings. I know they lost numerous customers. But the general public that swallows MSM 'news' whole would think anything PM publishes as credible based upon the fact that it is [WAS] a Science Magazine. That is their ultimate goal. As they will not and cannot decieve those knowledgable in scientific fields, nor those who question everything.

So PM sacrificed its credibility and readership simply to further obfiscate inquiry from the small segement of society that has already swallowed whole the MSM lies. Which is evidence of very short term and unintelligent thinking in the highest positions of PM staff where such decisions are made. Some of us refer to any media that prints spurious news as 'prestitutes'. As they will say or do anything for the right price.

Pity Popular Mechanics sold its soul. And I would suggest they remove the word "Popular' from their moniker. As I and my collegues look at PM as a pariah, in the precise manner in which objectivists percieved the "Science Institute" and its director in the novel 'Atlas Shrugged.'

Thankyou for making this interview available to the public. My hat is off to the interviewer. That pseudo scientist from PM should hang his head in shame. His obfusaction was blatant. And his comprehension of logical inquiry appears to be as bankrupt as his moral integrity.

I discovered you via I will be sharing this page with many others.
Thank You.

2006-08-27 05:39
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Entered by: McElchap
I have often advocated giving government officials a dose of their own medicine. If they suffered under the same circumstances they put others, things might be a lot different. Perhaps a little waterboarding, which they approve for the reluctant suspects, would be a good thing, as many of us consider them as suspects less than forthcoming or honest. Of course, those fatcats in the District of Criminals always exempt themselves from the burdens placed on others. Which of us mice will bell the cat?
2006-08-26 11:03
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Entered by: Mike Bro
The PM article was conducted by Michael Chertoff's cousin, but they never admitted this. They're a true example of propaganda journalism. if you want to hear and see a lot more about what concerns people, go to There are a lot of videos and audios to download and get more information on 911 discrepencies. Good job by Charles to asked pointed questions. I'll be listening more to this guy.
2006-08-14 12:59
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
What she said.

For all the pragmatists out there who hate the non-initiation of force (or fraud) principles because it is too hard to explain and makes it difficult to recruit new members ... maybe we don't want you recruiting new members.

If it is too hard to explain why you shouldn't start fights. If the people you are trying to recruit balk at the idea of restraining themselves from throwing the first blow. Maybe you should try your luck with a "real" political party where you stand a real chance for a position at the trough. They understand what a crazy concept non-initiation of force is. Why, how are you going to raise funding for your projects or keep the masses in line without setting an example by breaking a few eggs now and again?

2006-07-28 01:13
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Entered by: McElchap
The tedium of the governmental processes is often not merely bureaucratic constipation, but a very
effective weapon employed to destroy all paths to victory for opponents of the criminal oligarchy. If the government considered honest elections to be a matter of "national security", the law would be immediately implemented at gunpoint within a few hours. But honest elections would do nothing to serve the cause of a tyranny, would they?
2006-07-21 08:05
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Entered by: Philly Dave
Excellent points. Well stated.

I heard some of the newer (not that new) members of congress had to go find out how the veto process works ... it's been that long.

2006-07-06 08:34
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Entered by: Dave Kopp
I find this interesting ...

"There have been occasions — which Finley can't detail for national security reasons — when federal officials have asked Redflex to review its videotapes for information that could help identify terrorists.

Redflex has provided video information of fleeing criminals to local police departments, Finley says."

How are they doing this with cameras that supposedly go on and off for a few seconds as a car whizzes by over a sensor, supposedly only filming people who have run red lights or violated speeding laws? Are the feds and local PDs only on the lookout for terrorists and other criminals who just happened to run red lights and speed?

Something stinks here. Anyone else starting to get the idea that these cameras are taking *everyone's* picture? ...

2006-07-05 05:12
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Entered by: McElchap
Sounds like a sad occasion for Libertarians to see the party centralize when we all know that a headless grassroots movement would provide a
stronger and less vulnerable mechanism. Headship
is the precursor of so many problems. Many examples abpund of institutions founded on good and noble principles that eventually came to be self-serving, corrupt, and oppressive. Political parties feature largely among those examples. It
is the adaptive little single-celled creatures of this world that routinely bring down the highly complex many-celled "higher" organisms. We could learn the values of grassroots, but big machines always capture our attentions. Too bad. So sad. Ernie had it right.
2006-07-02 01:12
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Entered by: Philly Dave
A video if this speach is allso on congressman pauls home page.

Great post ... thanks.

2006-06-23 03:50
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Entered by: curious

Your use of Hobbits to illustrate a freedom-loving culture is, I'm growing aware myself lately, prescient. This is a mythology that is applicable, and it's probably occured to others.


2006-06-02 01:10
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Entered by: Jotabin
"La formación de capital es una bendición para la comunidad"
La formación de capital no es suficiente, es necesario que haya una distribución justa de ese capital para que se pueda hablar de "bendición para la comunidad".
Fue justamente por dejarse guiar por ese razonamiento, el cual por incompleto se vuelve falaz, que muchos países de América Latina tuvieron que sufrir en las últimas décadas el contradictorio fenómeno de ver cómo mientras el PBI crecía, el poder adquisitivo de la población cada vez era menor.
Que las ventajas de la formación de capital queden siempre en las mismas manos, es una desgracia y no una bendición para la comunidad, en especial cuando la comunidad se ve obligada a hacer concesiones y sacrificios para favorecer esa formación de capital, como suelen pretender los regimenes liberales.
2006-05-27 06:09
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
And the Bush Administration is curiously currently destroying the FBI in a similar manner as they did the CIA. Interesting.

Troops on the borders. Walls on the borders. Humiliating anal probes wherever we go.

And getting the school kids use to providing information about themselves, their parents, their thoughts, regimen, love of fatherland, and little real knowledge or ability to critically think.
You didn't think the jury system was going to protect you?

Surveillance, laws and regulations for everything, often more than one rule for the same thing and conflicting, for which you are held absolutely accountable for following both ... ignorance of the law is no excuse. "Voluntary" taxes.

2006-05-26 09:48
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
It occurs to me in the case of influenza viruses, there are alcohol based hand cleaners that are considered more effective than antibacterial (or other) soaps. I suspect medical/hospital supply companies (and some large pharmacies) carry them, along with disposable gloves (pick neoprene based -- you don't worry about latex allergies, and they have longer shelf life), and N-95 masks.

You can use rubbing alcohol, but it has to be followed by a good hand creme with frequent use, or your skin will start to crack.

2006-05-26 09:23
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
Good point. My bad. I will probably go back and correct this, time permitting. So far the marketing departments haven't gotten around to adding the moniker "antiviral" to their hand soaps.

Soaps are extremely disruptive to many, but not all, viruses. They dissolve those exposed viruses that have membranes within seconds, and will denature (radically alter the 3 dimensional organization) of many viral proteins, permanently killing their activity.

Not to mention the fact that soaps will carry virus particles off of the skin's surface or home or workplace surfaces, including viruses no otherwise effected by soaps.

The influenza viruses are uniformly sensitive to any hand soap (almost always sodium laurel sulfate) on the market. Soaps and detergents are synonymous for the purposes of this discussion.

Alcohos such as ethaol and isopropanol (rubbing) are also quite effective in both deactivating influenza viruses on a surface, and removing them from the surface. [Can't say how effective ethanol is antivirally, when taken internally, but a couple of shots of single malt always makes me feel better.]


2006-05-25 07:27
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Entered by: Chumgrinder
Influenza is extremely sensitive to any hand soap (antiviral or otherwise).

Kewl... where do I find "antiviral hand soap?" I've only ever seen the antibacterial kind. It sounds like a great thing to have.