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2017-10-31 14:58
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Entered by: PureTrust
One of the most important points about what Jesus said has slipped by loads of Bible scholars, and almost everyone else. Knowing this point places the whole topic about the things that Jesus said into a different light. It changes the whole thinking about Christianity. What is this point? This point is that the Old Testament doesn't really end until the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Almost 100% of the things that Jesus said, he said before His death and resurrection - in Old Testament times. The few things He said after His resurrection are only understandable through the Holy Spirit. After the Resurrection is the real beginning of the New Testament. Old Testament people lived under the law. New Testament people live with the Holy Spirit.
2017-10-31 07:05
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
Willing idiots are still idiots. "Played the press for fools" and "took advantage of the fact that the press are natural fools" aren't so far enough apart to quibble.
2017-10-30 14:47
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Entered by: PureTrust
Why Hillary and Bill will get away with it

The Clintons are attorneys. As attorneys they have found out what many attorneys know, but few will advertise for fear of losing their jobs. Here’s what it is. Only human beings can make a claim in court.

What is so important about this? A claim supersedes a complaint.

To start, if anybody tries to take the Clintons to court, it will be a government official, and the indictment will be a complaint in the name THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or (A NAMED AGENCY) OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In other words, on the complaint indictment, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will be the plaintiff, and the Clintons will be the defendants.

When this happens, all that the Clintons will have to do is file a claim right inside of the case against them (the same way that they might file a motion), stating that they claim that nobody will come forth and take the stand, and make a claim of harm or damage (injury) against them, with the Clintons as the people doing the injury. But if anybody does, the Clintons are willing to pay whatever it takes to fix the injury.

How will this protect the Clintons? At least two ways. Number One: The law explicitly states that in a claim suit (the Clintons converted it by their filing, from a complaint to a claim), there must be evident harm or damage (injury), or there is no claim. Number Two: The law explicitly states that the plaintiff must appear in court, take the oath or affirmation, get on the stand, produce or show the injury, and proclaim how the defendants did the injury, along with witnesses and evidence. Since THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the plaintiff, this will never happen. Paperwork can’t get on the stand and proclaim anything. Attorneys for THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA can’t speak in a claim case (although they could if it was simply a complaint case), unless they have first-hand knowledge. But if they have first-hand knowledge, then they must file claims as plaintiffs against the Clintons, and not as attorneys, and the original case is over with.

In addition, if necessary, the Clintons can rescind their signatures off any document that they want, from its inception, thereby making the document, and the Clintons’ guilt, null and void. This is dangerous for them, but properly used, it can be beneficial. But, if they did this regarding paperwork that they signed while in office, just think of the turmoil it would cause among the nations of the world.

If Government goes after their DNC group, they will simply claim ownership of DNC as their property. Government’s complaint will be thwarted, again, by a new Clinton claim.

The point is that the attorneys working for the Government know all this. So, they will advise against taking the Clintons to court.

Here is what you can do, if you can do it. If you have been injured by the Clintons in some way, be it personal injury or property damage... and if you can provide witnesses and incontrovertible evidence... you as a man/woman can file a claim against them. But this is the only way they will ever be beaten. Trouble is, you might not live long enough to make it to court.

As a side note, imagine how you can use this info if any Government agency attacks you. But study up on it before you do it this way, because you will have to go into court without representation, even of yourself. And you will have to do it without using the Latin that is used in court, like pro se, or propria persona or sui juris. If you are going to do this, think real hard first.

2017-10-30 14:32
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Entered by: chris gill
I am raising the BS flag on the title. The MSM press was in tears election night and wanted anything they could use to discredit Trumps win. If they were not so lazy they would have invented one themselves. All Shrillery did was make it easer for them as well as give them a out if it blew up in their faces. Not that truth ever mattered to them anyway.
2017-10-29 09:25
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Entered by: chris gill
face it. the DNC, the socialist liberals, RINO's, MSM the paid off FBI and DOJ members (paid by the Clinton foundation) would rather see the US shut down and got to war than see themselves prosecuted for their crimes. At best they will allow a few toadies to roast. A lot will be said, much of it proved yet little to nothing get done.
2017-10-29 09:17
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Entered by: chris gill
come on now. does any of the readers really believe that the DNC, the MSM, the Clinton foundations bribe takers in the FBI and the DOJ along with some swamp RINO's will allow this to go forward to the point of sending a few party stooges to jail???? Even the courts are packed with DNC liberal judges who invent rights on the spot.
2017-10-28 01:58
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Entered by: PureTrust
To make America strong, drop the income tax for individual people. Make import/export tax the basic place for Government to get money. The people will have more money this way. Government will decrease in size for lack of funds. There will be less welfare money for those who don't really need it. Import taxation will make it so that we will have to produce our own goods at home, bringing back employment and proper dollar value. America will become the economically strong country of the world again. Incidentally, the One-Worlders will be weakened in their plans to conquer the world with a one-world government.
2017-10-28 01:52
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Entered by: PureTrust
On small scale, in average simple banking, the banks are honest. This has lulled people into trusting them. But when you look at all the banking and money bubbles around the world, you see that the banks are not necessarily honest at any time. But they have trained their sheeple to trust them anyway. When the banking system finally comes down, it will take a lot of trusting sheeple with it.
2017-10-28 01:48
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Entered by: PureTrust
ReCaptcha is part of the Google program to analyze human behavior, for application with AI.
2017-10-28 01:44
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Entered by: PureTrust
Note that the Warren Buffet idea is based totally on which will crash first - fiat currencies or Bitcoin. Bitcoin and worldwide fiat bubbles are bubble opposites. When one crashes, the other is strengthened. The real question about Bitcoin is its temporary, tiny bubbles. The question about fiats is the various different bubbles. Bitcoin will always come back from a bubble. Why? Because the fiat bubbles are many, and crash at various times. The real question about fiats is, when the fiat bubbles start crashing BIG TIME, will they bring the whole fiat system down at once? Or will fiat decay slowly as its bubbles burst. A fast crash in fiat might destroy everything, including Bitcoin.
2017-10-27 14:43
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Entered by: PureTrust
Right! And by the time you have gone through all the trillions of cells in the human body, to adjust all the DNA of all the genes, both you and the person you are working on will have been long dead.
2017-10-25 19:01
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Entered by: PureTrust
CORPUS JURIS SECUNDUM vol 25 section 344, Federal District Courts are courts of record. A court of record has the power to fine or imprison for contempt. It proceeds under the common law, not a statute or a code. The tribunal is independent of the magistrate. - No statutes, cops, lawyers, or judge that is anything more than a spectator, a referee. - Amendment VII: In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. - Did you catch that? Common law takes the judge out of it, and makes him a referee, only. If he acts as anything else, warn him, and then sue him personally for damages to you in YOUR suit.
2017-10-25 18:55
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Entered by: PureTrust
One of the major points about higher stocks is the fact that they are not really higher. Part of what is happening is that the dollar is devaluing. This means that those who don't invest, along with those who take a loss when investing, have less buying power with their small handful of dollars. It's called inflation, and stocks rising are an indicator of it.
2017-10-23 08:48
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Entered by: PureTrust
Catalonia isn't anything until the whole lot of them form themselves into a military with guns, and stop the Spanish violence.
2017-10-23 08:48
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Entered by: PureTrust
A 250 pound muscleman can easily take down a 90 pound granny. If Granny has a gun, she has a chance.
2017-10-20 05:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
The Constitution doesn't really have a failure. The failure is in the people regarding the using of the Constitution.

The 6th and 7th Amendments allow jury trial in everything. If you are harmed by something a Government person does, take him to court and get payment out of him, person to person, just like you would sue someone who damaged your car or other property, via jury trial. If you need to sue a judge personally for messing with your rights, just the act of suing him (if you do it correctly) will temporarily remove him from the ability to act as judge. If he is found guilty in the right way, he might even lose his job.

The 9th and 10th Amendments essential state that our rights are what they were before the Constitution existed, that is, anything we want them to be. Our rights are inherent. It is only the fact that we don't use our rights correctly that is hurting us.

With the corruption in the courts as they currently exist, it is a good idea that, if you are going to exercise your rights to the fullest, get together with several people who are trusted friends, and sign limited powers of attorney with them, so that they can enter paperwork into the courts on your behalf if you are incarcerated for exercising your rights in court.

Study Karl Lentz. Start here Note the words from the site, "FORGET STUDYING LEGALESE, and Just ACT ACT ACT in Court as a "[wo]man."

2017-10-19 10:45
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Entered by: SARAH Connors
I THOUGHT this site was against the bullshit of TRUMP OR HILLARY. Weinstein, Hillary, Trump and the Kardashian White House, Vegas, the California fires, ALL ON PURPOSE for the feeble minded losers. I really don't like reading about the this failure to our CONSTITUTION. If you post your hate then I am out.
2017-10-18 17:07
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Entered by: chris gill
why give info for free when you can make a dime or two and go on record for the "official story"?
2017-10-16 12:24
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Entered by: PureTrust
Men in Black (the first one). "You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers."
2017-10-16 06:36
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Entered by: PureTrust
Who wants our guns? Government or other people? Other people. Some of them are in Government, and are trying to use Government to take our property. Attempted robbery is always wrong. Current laws limit our gun ownership. We need to personally sue all those legislators who limit our freedom to own or use our property as we wish, just the same as we would sue any who would use their property to harm us.
2017-10-12 05:20
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Entered by: IronDuke
This author advocates the avoidance of civil violence; an approach that allows the criminal network full sway. They can remove the gold standard but the 2nd Amendment is inviolable.
2017-10-10 09:20
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Entered by: Patricia A Buck is highly committed to providing the people with utmost basic and idea about health care and medical care. We are all your primary source about cure fitness and health. Our experts are doing a lot of efforts in public healthcare technologies, information, and experimental sciences from dusk to dawn. We are all your primary source about cure fitness and health. Our experts are doing a lot of efforts in public healthcare technologies, information and experimental sciences from dusk to dawn. Thank you for joining us your cooperation to us is highly encouraged.
2017-10-10 07:35
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Entered by: Anonymous
2017-10-06 14:48
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Entered by: PureTrust
Stand on the Magna Carta and its revisions. Queen's Bench is the place in British court where you can fight man-to-man. Does some joker in the Parliament have something against you? Make him show the damage, and prove you did it at Qheen's Bench. Otherwise your life is your property, without another person's claim. Be sure that you are in common law Queen's Bench, not the Queen's Bench within King's Bench (statute law).
2017-10-06 12:24
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Entered by: PureTrust
She's just angry that she never thought up the novel idea of hiring gunmen to shoot up one of HER concerts, for publicity, of course.
2017-09-28 17:19
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Entered by: PureTrust
$Zero saved in the bank, or even under the mattress, is the best deal. Remember, inflation continually drops the value of the dollar. And banks continually shave value off your savings in small ways. And, banks can steal it all easily if they want. Bitcoin or altcoins are far better. But land is best, not for investment, but for REAL value.
2017-09-26 21:07
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Entered by: JustinTyme
I think this is healthy. I hope the tax payers will "take a knee" the next time these clowns come around for tax dollars to build or improve their facilities.
2017-09-25 15:22
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Entered by: Ed Martin
"We must demand education and graduation from high school for every person born or whom moves to America, to create an educated person with a mind that can think critically and act responsibly..." You first.
2017-09-25 15:22
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Entered by: Ed Martin
"We must demand education and graduation from high school for every person born or whom moves to America, to create an educated person with a mind that can think critically and act responsibly..." You first.
2017-09-24 18:36
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Entered by: PureTrust
Well, if the pardon is overturned, pardon him again. Not that I like Arpaio.