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Comment by dreamer
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Self-interest by Congress is the problem. Lobbyists offer campaign donations and insider info for suggested votes. The Republicans make no move to review the humongous run-away spending on the military. It is the patriotic national security thing to do. The Deficit Spending is being used to enforce and further Wall Street's/Rothschild Great Reset. The Fed is embezzling every dollar of Deficit Spending by auctioning the DS securities as components of Redeeming Treasury securities. They then illegally pocket the profit to shareholders of the FR Board of Governors, Inc., mingled with funds for Redeeming. The Auction accounts have never been audited.   Ref; 31 CFR §375.3.  The Constitution is written to prevent a Standing Army.  That provision was abrogated in 1947. Ref: Art. I, section 8, clauses 12-16. Further objection to Standing Army is at Declaration of Independence, clause 13.

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