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Comment by Ernest Hancock
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"Valley Fever" is well known to anyone that has lived in Arizona for any length of time (or should be). Whenever someone (like when my wife Donna got it) gets this fungus in the lungs (from the dust/dirt) it is often accompanied by Flu like symptoms that don't go away as fast or doesn't respond to Viral or Bacteria infection Meds/Treatment. Then.... someone that has lived here a while suggests that the doctors test for Valley Fever and BoomShakaLaka, that's what it is and they start taking antifungal Meds and they almost always get better right away. The real damage is done by not diagnosing early and the damage done the lungs. I can't count how many people we have helped by just suggesting that they get tested for Valley Fever while the doctors rack up an enormous bill treating everything else but Valley Fever... and almost EVERYONE that moves to Arizona gets it, but they often don't know and just recover. It seems to hit those from the Mid-West the hardest ????

Vaccine ???? for a fungus ??? I don't even know if that is a treatment.

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