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Comment by Ed Martin
Entered on:

How do you limit imports (trade) with China without using violence? How do you stop immigration without violence? How do you come up with the funds to pay teachers without violence? I've read enough of your writings to know that you have no problem with violence if it serves your purpose. People like you are the problem. Please go away.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

From the letter: "Question: are we a moral and ethical civilization or do we feature immorality and unethical behavior manifested in our wars and violence as stated above?"

During the Revolutionary War, many suffered and died in Valley Forge. They wanted freedom from oppression, and were willing to die for it if necessary.

In WWII, many German soldiers suffered and died all over Europe. They wanted freedom from oppression, and were willing to die for it if necessary.

The first thing is FREEDOM.

If you read all the excerpts from Hitler's book, "Mein Kampf," found in the last quarter of, you will see how slyly a twisted national leader moved from ideals of righteousness and peace, morals and ethics, into the direction of war. You can see how he promoted welfare for the German people in a way that dragged his German followers out of good morals and ethics, all the while letting them think that he and they were acting morally and ethically correctly.

Now, set the idea of religion aside for a moment, and read Exodus chapter 20 through the first half of chapter 23. Do you see the difference between the Bible and Mein Kampf?

The Bible promotes freedom. It does so by limiting the major laws to the Ten Commandments. The minor laws are mostly common sense laws that lead the people into the ways to determine how to act in circumstances that are not controlled directly by any laws. And there are many of these circumstances. If there weren't many, Congress would stop making the multitudes of new laws that it makes continually.

The point is, after freedom, there is only ONE major thing that will produce peace. That THING is to follow good, proper moral and ethical laws voluntarily. The section in Exodus listed above has these good, moral and ethical laws listed. Its counterpart in Deuteronomy has the some of the same, and others that are similar.


There is a third part, the part that makes it all work... Deuteronomy 4:9 (NIV 1984): "Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." The morals and ethics need to be thoroughly taught to the children and grandchildren by THEIR PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS.

IF WE DON'T FOLLOW THE ABOVE, we will see the weeding out of the undesirables, naturally. It will be painful to the good, moral and ethical people. But it will work. Mein Kampf  and lack of freedom don't work.

Comment by Anon Commenter
Entered on:

PEACE is the way.  NON-VIOLENT, NON-COMPLIANCE with government tyranny, is the answer.  Not a single shot need be fired, in this 'revolution'.


Comment by Anon Commenter
Entered on:

What, exactly, can we, as individuals DO, to protect ourselves from the CORPORATIST, GLOBALIST (so-called) “elites”?

PLENTY. (#1 EMPOWER YOURSELF. EDUCATE YOURSELF, AND OTHERS. The ‘Founding Fathers’ of this country, KNEW, beyond any doubt, that freedom would only last, as long as the general public was truly educated. Unfortunately, our current “education” system is a complete joke. Read the work of John Taylor Gatto, and Charlotte Iserbyt).

(Individual) SOLUTIONS

1) Trade your FRN’s for SILVER BULLION. Silver is currently the most affordable (undervalued) commodity available, and along with gold, has been used as REAL MONEY, for thousands of years. It also is used in many, many, many industrial applications, unlike gold.
2) Buy USED, locally. Or online, if necessary, such as on – buy from Sellers who ship within the U.S. It keeps your $$ in either the local economy, or the U.S. economy.
3) Buy MADE IN USA, when buying NEW items, if you want jobs to return to the US.  (If Americans begin buying MADE IN USA ONLY, guess where manufacturing jobs will move to?)
4) Buy ORGANIC food! Support your local Organic food store or Co-op! Whole,
organically-grown foods are best. LOCALLY-sourced, is ideal. Support the true HEROES of organic food production (on the right side, of the following poster:
5) Take a high-quality daily multi-vitamin (such as Carlson’s, NOW brand, Stop Aging Now (SAN), or
7) Get out, and/or stay out, of DEBT!
8) USE CASH (or personal checks) AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Avoid credit/debit cards.
9) Bank at a local credit union! Why bank at a TBTF (“Too-Big-To-Fail”) Bank, such as those that received a CRONY BANKER BAILOUT (from the “Fed”) in late 2008, which Obama authorized with his signature?
10) VOTE WITH YOUR DOLLARS! (What do you support, with your time, money, energy, and attention?)
11) Contact your Representatives on critical issues: such as “END THE FED!” (I would ONLY contact them on this ONE issue. Otherwise, IGNORE the politicians. They don’t represent you, and haven’t for a LONG, LONG time).
12) Re-read the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It isn’t about hunting! It’s about government tyranny, and protecting yourself from it.
13) THINK for yourself. TURN OFF the IDIOT-BOX (the TV), OR THROW IT AWAY!
14) QUESTION all ‘authority’ (Big Business + Big Government, Big Religion, Big Media, Big Agribiz (Monsanto), Big Pharma, etc).
15) Pray or meditate – reduce your stress! (Stress weakens the auto-immune system, opening up the body to free radical attack).
16) Listen to soothing classical, jazz, ambient or other music you thoroughly enjoy!
17) BOYCOTT – learn this concept well, and EMPLOY IT – against those 1) enslaving, or 2) poisoning you!

There – you now have SEVENTEEN Solutions, that you can begin implementing in your own life, starting TODAY. ADD TO THIS LIST, and share it, with everyone you know!

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