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Comment by Ken Sutter
Entered on:

Obviously you haven't done your research Mike. You aren't even close about vaccinations. This little piece is pure propaganda and I'm a bit disappointed they let you post it here on a supposedly "truth" web site. There's too many blatently false points you try to make to even consider a detailed reply.

My Father contracted Polio when he was a kid in the 30's. He went the "Natural Healing" way and lived a long and healthy life thereof.

I had liver cancer, I also went the "Natural Healing" way and am living a long and healthy life.  

Vaccinations kill thousands of people every year. If you had done any legitmate research at all you would have discovered that.

Google Jonas Salk, see what he had to say about his vacine "they" stole from him. Congressional hearings 1960.

Wake up Mike, you've been fed propaganda pure and simple.

Vaccinations kill, if not kill lead to major brain problems. Autism, ADHD, SID, and too many more to mention.

Legitimate research Mike NOT the propaganda you spread in this piece.

Comment by Mike Renzulli
Entered on:

I have done my research and I find it shocking that someone who claims to be a doctor accuses me of not having done so. The fact is if someone fails to vaccinate they put themselves and potentially others at risk. This being said, I am curious as to your responses to the questions I posed They are: 1) Do you truly want the hell on Earth that will occur should you succeed in stopping the confidence and dissemination among the populace that will result in hindering scientific investigation? 2) If so, are you prepared to accept the responsibilities of your actions when (not if) deaths and permanent injuries to the people you claim to be helping occur?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Take a look in the Bible Old Testament beginnings. Did the people who lived for hundreds of years use vaccines? Nobody know, right?

It seems that vaccination helps in some cases, at some times. But it also seems that it makes things worse at other times. The trick is to know when to use it and when not to.

Since it is very difficult to predict when vaccination will help and when it will make things worse, we should probably find something that operates a little closer to the way nature operates... something that can take the place of vaccines. After all, nature suggests by the way that it operates that injecting stuff into the body is contrary to the way nature is designed to work.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Let me add, that the times that nature injects things into the body are generally times when it is attempting to destroy. In fact, I know of no time that nature injects directly into the blood stream for the purpose of doing good. Consider bee stings, scorpion stings, spider bites where they inject venom, snakes, simple mosquito bites and horsefly bits where pathogens are injected accidentally. And there are multitudes of other kinds of natural injections that are harmful and certainly not beneficial.

Nature has been around a long time. If vaccines were good, nature - a thing that is a whole lot smarter than man - would have developed methods of injection for creating better health, rather than for destroying life.

Comment by GrandPoobah
Entered on:

I am in favor of people not being forced to vaccinate their children, and choosing not to get vaccinated themselves.  Of course we need to change a few laws.   

Insurance companies will have the option of charging appropriate premiums for insurance for such families.   Hospital bills for treatment for diseases that could be prevented by vaccination will not be able to be discharged by bankruptcy.  If someone who could not be vaccinated for some medical reason is found to have been sickened by an unvaccinated person  that person shall be liable for the sickened persons bills.  Should that person die, or should die, then the responsible parties may be held responsible for some form of manslaughter.


Now we have personal responsibility in play.   Also we darwinian selection against stupid


Comment by doc-S
Entered on:

You bet Mike. I'll gladly take responsibility for a life without vaccinations. I've been doing so for 38 years now. My own kids were never vaccinated and the mothers to be that I gave truthful information to that DIDN'T get their children vaccinated all had healthy, active, alert, babies who grew up to be healthy, active, productive adults. No Autism, no SIDS, no ADHD or any of the other mental disorders so popular nowadays.

Have you ever seen a normal healthy baby turn Autistic overnight from the vaccinations? I have; twice. The baby screamed all night. The next day autistic. Two weeks old.

You should read my books Mike. The latest being "The Paradigm Shift in Health Care". You should also take a look at the text books, specifically Guytons Physiology. See what they say about the Immune system and how long it takes to get it up and running (About 5 years). If vaccinations were legitimate there would be laws prohibiting such until at least five years of age.

Do you realize what you are defending and indeed promoting? Over 100,000 people a year die of their properly prescribed and taken prescription drugs. Over 300,000 people dead per year from needless surgery and Doctor mistakes. The very same people that say vaccinations are legitimate are legally doing this to an uninformed public. 

And why are all the vaccine manufacturers out of business? Why does the Government pay off thousands of people every year whose kids were seriously injured by vaccinations? The government made it illegal to sue the manufacturer. Well, they were all sued out of business.

Take a look at the Horowitz lawsuit against the Rockefeller trust. Take a look at Ian Cranes excellent video on the Codex Alimentarious.

No Mike, you're defending genocide. I'd gladly take over public health if it were possible. 

Get to work, you've got some research to do. Unless of course you're a shill paid handsomely by the drug companies.     

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

"Also we darwinian selection against stupid" ???

When we compare the ideas of Darwinian selection against stupid, stupid proves itself to be way smarter.

There is NO Darwinian selection. There is only ultra complicated pre-programming of nature, programming that is so extremely complicated that it gives the appearance of randomness in many areas... not because there is randomness, but because nature is so extremely far more complicated than top-notch thinkers could ever be, that nature only APPEARS to be random to them.

A very strong evidence against natural, Darwinian, random selection, lies right at the basis of it all. Here it is.

Place an open container of water on a table. After a time, the water evaporates out of the container. The water disperses because or the tendency of all things to find equilibrium. All of nature is gradually headed in this direction - the direction of dispersal to equilibrium.

The smallest possible living cell would necessarily contain at least millions of atoms. To start the cell living, these millions of atoms would have to become aligned in forms of complicated molecules, all of them in exactly the right place, at exactly the same time, and then "kicked-started" into the motions and operations that would be considered life.

There is no known apparatus - or even imaginable apparatus - that could do this for even a single cell. In fact, the starting of a single cell of life is so opposite of the way that nature operates (dispersal towards equilibrium), that it is impossible to the extreme... at least with regard to anything that people are able to comprehend logically about nature.

The only option left for consideration is, there is a tremendously different and powerful kind of "Being," a Something that put this whole universe together, along the lines of building a tremendously complicated terrarium.

Say anything you want. Think anything you want. But there you have it. There is no other way. At least not within the confines of the thinking ability of man. Other than the above, there is only fabrication and lies.

To stay on topic, the above strongly suggests that the things in nature are way smarter than we are. Pain and death are generally what is injected directly into the blood stream by nature. And since the things of nature are way beyond us, we should follow nature for better health. Stop vaccinations. Find something else.

To stay on theme, it is the spreading of the lies that suggest that evolution is true, that are causing people to turn from the laws of nature and to go wild. It's all about politics and world domination.

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