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Comment by Hawkeye
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Bull Shit!!   Why do you people allow such crap to reach your blog?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

We need to see this stuff. Why? Because it's good training to see how well-meaning politicians work things that are false.

A few of the articles on the blog are absolutely correct, right on. Almost every article on the blog has at least one, good, truthful point. Around or next to that one good point are built all kinds of points that are conjecture, but logical conjecture. A person with good sense will see through them... most of the time.

Take evolution as an example. Since evolution is touted as a theory, most scientists who talk about it use words like, "we think, scientists think, maybe, perhaps, it could have," and all kinds of similar language to show that there isn't the least bit of certainty about evolution. The biggest method that they use to promote evolution, so that evolution is the IN-THING, is that they keep talking about it, even though they don't have any proof of it whatsoever.

We need to see things like this, because when scientists do this, they are acting like politicians. This is good training to help us recognize the smooth double-talk that politicians use.

Once we are thoroughly trained in the politicians' tricky methods of double-talk, we will more easily be able to show friends and relatives what is going on and how they, too, can learn to recognize it.

Keep the propaganda coming so that we can be trained how to recognize it.

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