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Comment by TL Winslow
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 Lyingman tosses garbage at us again. It's like de ja vu. Black is white and white is black, but just watch the green going in his pocket from the Saudis.

[[There's plenty already. More builds a stronger case. Previous articles explained. Israeli/Palestinian peace talks were stillborn from inception. They began decades ago. This time's no different.]]

Duh, previous articles issued in Arabic by Arabs to each other explained that peace talks were stillborn from inception. Jihad began decades ago, even before Israel was founded. This time's no different.

[[Managed news misinformation substitutes for truth and full disclosure. Facts trump propaganda. Palestinians are on their own. Their legitimate government's excluded from talks.]]

There are no Palestinians in the first place. Their puppet masters in Saudi Arabia use them as dummy corporations, and are not included in talks since that might get some results.

[[Imagine holding them with one side denied participation. Imagine a sham process. It's planned. It's baked in the cake. The outcome's predictable. Failure and betrayal define it]]

Imagine people so screwed-up mentally that they believe in Allah, Muhammad and his jihad against infidels, especially Jews. The outcome's predictable. 

[[Israeli hardliners run things. They deplore peace and stability. They won't tolerate it. Netanyahu plans to prevent it. Doing so advances Israel's agenda.]]

Muslim hardliners run things. They deplore peace and stability. They won't tolerate it. King Abdullah plans to prevent it. Doing so advances Islam's agenda.

[[It prioritizes greater Middle East control. It includes expanded territories. It involves continued militarized occupation. It means no peace for our time]]

Duh, the strings of control are in King Abdullah's hands. It includes expanded territories. It involves continued military occupation by fake Palestinian jihadists. It means no peace for our time.

Now where do I put in for my paycheck? :)

Meanwhile poor outnumbered surrounded Israel, crowded onto a sliver of land in the vast Middle East by a horde of hate-filled anti-Semitic madass Muslims has a complete pass with Garbageman. Yet in his doublespeak it's them pesky international Zionist Jews who have all the money. I guess he lives on sunshine and air, instead of oil money :)



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