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Comment by Patty Goldman
Entered on:

You forgot the latest "conspiracy". Remember the twitter incident with the stock market April 23rd. Hopefully no one believed that bull. Just like the Flash Crash and every day the market is open a hand written system is controlling the direction of the market,every little up and down. Whoever receives this code knows what the market is going to do 3-5 days ahead. The programmer broadcast the "twitter" play April 19th. There is no buyer meets seller, technical analysis experts or breaking news stories controlling the daily movement. But they all sure do help the programmer hide his/her brilliant system. Everybody that has their money in the market should care. I can't even imagine how much these insiders are making. They're never wrong. 

Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

While it's very likely there was a govt. conspiracy and coverup with the JFK assassination, he's only one bum, and that doesn't prove the truth of other govt. conspiracy theories.  On the other hand, since "they" got away with the JFK coverup, "they" are presumably still in power, and must be much more sophisticated by now, so the jury's still out.

Scope JFK the power way with the Historyscoper and decide for yourself about this nut of 20th century conspiracy theories:



Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

How many Congress people are there? Do they have families? If they oppose groups like Bilderberg, and stop Obama like they should, and put some real teeth into bringing Government into following their Oath of Office...

How many hitmen are there? How many .50 caliber rifles are accurate from over a mile away? How many vantage points are there from which to use the rifles? Why do you think that Ron Paul quit when he did?

Not enough protection help from the public. If chuck Baldwin makes any real headway into politics, will he live? And if he does, will he get any help from WeThePeople to make changes?

shootfirst may be completely right.

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