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Comment by TL Winslow
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[[Waging war at home or abroad requires enemies. America creates them when none exist. Imperial strategy demands them.

Post-9/11, Muslims were targeted for political advantage. Post-Boston bombings, America's war on Islam continues.

Muslims are "war on terror" scapegoats. Washington's Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia wars rage.

 It's the wrong time to be Muslims in America. They're persecuted for their faith and ethnicity. At times it's for their activism, prominence, and/or charity.]]

Kaching! Another Lendman moose hockey boiler room article gets some Saudi grease, another case of turning black white and white black to get his hands on the green.

Muslims aren't scapegoats for anything. They're the problem, because the Quran and other holy writings teach them to hate infidels and work to dispossess them of their lands by hook or crook, with all kinds of violence on the table. Muslims can never be true Americans because they can't accept our infidel Constitution and must obey Allah's commands to subvert it to make the Quran the new Constitution.  It's not about race, because Islam isn't a race but an ideology that wants to absorb all races and steal their identities and cultures and abolish their constitutions.  To a leftist like Lendman, anything that weakens the U.S. he hates so much has to be good, what a loon.

Islam isn't Gandhiism. Real Islam is the world's most supremacist and intolerant ideology, whose false god Allah commands believers to take over the world and rule it in his name, promising Paradise to those killing or being killed in the effort, although he's a fake god and is promising only a fool's paradise. Other than 9:111, the verses in the Quran that command jihadist attacks are 5:32-33, as explained in this great video that Lendman, the PC media, and the Obama admin. don't want you to see, which I hope makes it more popular: 

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