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Comment by PureTrust
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Government is a Private Membership Association that attempts to force everyone into a limited membership with them. The limited membership is called the public. Internet and Youtube search on Private Membership Association (PMA). After a lot of effort, some people have found 70 Supreme Court cases, plus 2 or 3 Amendments, and some parts of the Constitution, itself, that show that Government is to work with the public, but not the private. Correct the Constitution. Do it well so that it is a document that is fair to everyone, unlike the thing that it is today. But remember. Most of the Constitution is really fair. It's that people don't understand it. So, just tweak it, very carefully. Then make it part of your PMA. As people from the public join your PMA, they move into an area that Government has no control over (if done right). Even buying and selling inside the PMA is not the same as buying and selling without. No taxation from without, because it is simply members working together within the PMA. Gradually bring private land owned by PMA members into the PMA. This takes the land outside of the public sector >>> the public, which is the PMA of the current government. This is what the Amish do, sort-of. They simply don't have the 70 SC cases clearly set down in their resistance writings, yet they have substantial success. Gradually private land will come under the PMA and out from under the States or the US. If it is done well, people will start to see the advantage to the PMA. We will have a whole set-up of people, engineers, teachers, doctors, nurses, every-field-out-there, who will be PMA members, out from under the control of government, so that they can keep their own profits. What we will essentially be doing is starting the USA nation up right within the US. And the basic methods for this have been allowed by the current government set-up. This way there will be competition for government, right within the nation.

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