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Comment by Anon Commenter
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"Global Economy" (Cyprus), "Global Warming" (Kiev), "Gun Control" as a UN issue - it's ALL part of the SAME plan.

82% of the new Soviet government, after 1917, was so-called “Jews” (Ashkenazi – Khazar). They arrived in Russia, from Germany (with Lenin), and from New York (with Trotsky), among other places. The First Edition of Robert Wilton’s book: The Last Days of the Romanovs, originally published in French, as “Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs” contains the lists of government appointees. What scares me is: What if the Rothschild/Zionists, and all their dual-Israeli-US “citizens” are the vanguard, for the same thing in the U.S.? DHS and other US government agencies have been buying an awful lot of ammo. Why? In addition to Wilton’s book, be sure to read Arthur Koestler’s book: The Thirteenth Tribe. You can find both of the above-mentioned books for FREE download, at (After the ‘global’ economy, watch for ‘global warming’ and environmentalism, generally, along with "gun control" to be the most important tools, that they will use to usher in some kind of global governance).

Keep the minimum amount of FRNs necessary in your checking account, if necessary. Keep the rest (for day-to-day needs) in cash, and all your actual savings in silver and gold. PEACE. (visit


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