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Comment by Don Wills
Entered on:

Photoshop. By repeating such a blatant hoax, you do damage FP's credibility.

Comment by Peter Halliman
Entered on:
Firstly I would like to say to all hunters, "Shoot what you [need] for food and then [eat it]. If you can't do that, then DON'T kill an animal, because you think it is [fun, or cool] to so so. Since the beginning of time GOD put the animal kingdom under man for food, some for beasts of burden. However, it is not the fault of animals that people, governments don't know how to behave. Everything around us has to suffer at the hands of men... simply because people don't know how to behave or live. I find it appalling that you, the hunter would would boast, and then post a photo of a wolf you shot as though this makes you some great hunter, or protector of life.... I live in Africa, and I do hunt, I also eat what I shoot. At times my life is threatened, (usually when I go where I am not supposed to) so too with you. Most animals will avoid humans at all cost, therefore, it must be the humans that seek out this 'killing instinct'.


Comment by Beth Ann
Entered on:

The most pathetic and disrespectful thing I have ever seen. These are Gods creatures and we were to supposed to be watching over them. Too bad the wolves weren't playing possum. Probably wouldn't see too many smiles then, would we? But I forgot, they are the "evil" creatures and we are the "saints". And we wonder how humans could be so cold and calculating to each other....................

Comment by Carla Kelly
Entered on:

This is patently false. Go to Snopes and you'll see the truth.

Comment by Hadlin Harrison
Entered on:

 Do you own homework...

Heres a news video for one of the pictures. Most of the pictures are up there to show you how large these animals are!

Comment by Danny Smith
Entered on:

You can all go wipe your ass with an owl! Kill every single one of the disease ridden, worthless animals!

Comment by Juani Lop
Entered on: killing those beautiful animals that fun and enjoyable?? so sad:(

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Yes, lovely animals! Kinda reminds one of Big Politicians in Big Government, right?

Comment by glee ballard
Entered on:
So sad and extremely ignorant of you to kill animals for no reason but your own sick desire.


Comment by sue smith
Entered on:

We are sopposed to be their caretaker's, humans thinking they are bigger than God! The dead wolf in death looks magnificent compared to grinning idiots, that just love to kill. Shame , too gorgeous to kill, they all have a place here on Earth, humans again, destroying, cos they can.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Politicians are like wolves. What are the rest of us like?


Sloane Jensen / Loveland CO / Age 17

The wolves are coming...

Their feet are falling on forgotten paths,
their long-lost voices are filling the sky.
While their yellow eyes cut through the night;
they leave their tracks on the muddy riversides.

The wolves are coming...

The forest whispers of their return,
of their attempt to restore themselves in Creation,
to weave themselves back into the web of life
that connects all living things.

The wolves are coming...

Their teeth are seeking out their pray tonight,
the deer and the elk, the cattle and sheep,
and they will leave blood and bones scattered in their wake.
Yet meat is what they need, so on meat they must feed.

The wolves are coming...

Some of us will greet them with traps and bullets,
others with songs and drums,
Some will say, "Welcome home brother."
others will say, "Be gone killer!"

The wolves are coming...

Some of them will come alone, others will come in packs.
Gray wolves, black wolves, brown wolves, silver wolves,
even white wolves, all coming back,
back to the lands they once roamed.

The wolves are coming...

Some of us will like it, some of us will not.
Some of us will stalk them with cameras,
and others will stalk them with guns.
And then we tremble when they stalk us.

The wolves are coming...

They are clothed in mystery and majesty,
surrounded by our love and hate.
They wander through our thoughts and dreams,
and they appear in our stories and legends.

The wolves are coming...

Their young will play in the meadows,
the old ones will doze in the sun,
and the alphas will watch over them both,
for they are not just a pack, but a family.

The wolves are coming...

Now their howls are echoing in the mountains,
carried by the cold winds down into our logging camps,
our real estate developments, our cities,
and our delusions of conquest.

The wolves are coming...


Comment by sue smith
Entered on:

Have some respect for the wildlife that God put here!  The wolves go after the weak and old, giving also after the kill to all the other animals, the raven's the foxes, Eagles etc... so yes I love them cos eco friendly, keeping other animals fed!

My ultimate favourite animal ever, yes glorified in books and movies, but the real thing is they keep everyhing ticking over! Stupid humans will disagree, but hey look at the world now cos of humans, you are not always right, you just have to open your eyes, look at the bigger picture, and never hate the wolf, cos he is a great friend to the world we live in!

Comment by sue smith
Entered on:

 May the wolves always remain, cos without them what a sad world! 

Stories of wolves, films galore, the wolves, glorified forever,

All you need to know, is they are a friend of Earth for always,

Getting rid of weak, leaving so much for others,

That's why I love them for always, cos just a friend to all,

Wildlife friend, cos they always make sure the other get food as well.


Love them with a passion, and I will do my best to see them thrive

Comment by sue smith
Entered on:

I feel sad seeing great big wonderful wolves, hunted down, and then those doing it grinning! Shame on you all, I believe in what you dish out you get back in bucket loads, so never wishing anyone bad, just believe in Karma. May the wolves thrive and keep on, cos they are needed, their kills feed so many other wildlife. Long may they remain, cos I love all wildlife, without the wolves, tough for all looking for food..

Comment by sue smith
Entered on:

 Pasionate and proud of my love for the wolves, always!  I feel sad so many are hunted down, it makes my blood boil, but then I  think of those that love and care, the main one being God, cos they are His creatures,and anyone treating them with cruelty will have to account, one day! Those doing it might smile for now, but the day will come when you have to pay the price for being so evil, no thought for anything, just going for the kill.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Viruses, bacteria and parasites are God's creatures. The are magnificent in all their capabilities for evading the immune systems of their hosts. After all, all they are trying to do inside those wolves is to simply live their lives! Yet those mean old wolves activate their immune systems at every opportunity just to kill of those wonderful creatures of God, the viruses, bacteria and parasites. In fact, the only beings who are meaner in that way are the green people. They claim to want to let all of nature live. Then, hypocritically, they go off and do what they can to kill all of those wonderful creatures of God, the viruses, bacteria and parasites in their bodies. You know, like vaccines and antibiotics. Mean old Greenies and wolves!

Comment by sue smith
Entered on:

 empty bottles make a lot of noise! 

Comment by Dustin Bradley
Entered on:

I can't believe anyone would want to kill these animals. Leave nature alone already. Also, the statement about how much they eat is an exaggeration. Stop killing wolves.

Comment by Sie Seymour
Entered on:


Comment by shaylette larue
Entered on:

This is appalling , just so you can make money off hunting and selling game. You have no idea what type of problems you cause the ecosystem by removing these amazing predators.

Comment by Tara Knutson
Entered on:

Humans like you are the tragedy to our earth and animals. The fact that you pose, smiling with joy over your kill of a beautiful creature dilutes your stance on population control. Have some respect you disgusting people.

Comment by Susan Johnstone
Entered on:

I totally fail to see how anyone can take pleasure in killing such beautiful creatures, which also actually perform a valuable role in maintaining the ecological balance. You'd have to be sick to enjoy this type of activity and the irony of the following quotation is obviously lost on you! "For every one animal they kill to eat, these Canadian wolves kill about three more just for the fun of it. Known as "sport-reflex killing" or "lustful killing." The Canadian Gray Wolf is a killing machine. What does that make you? You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Comment by abbey shepard
Entered on:

i cant believe you do that! You must have a mental issue or something. only a complete idiot would kill such amazing creature. I bet you would hate it if you were a wolf and someone killed you, you just don't care. I think that since your killing the wolves, the wolves want to kill you. SO STOP YOUR STUPID BEHAVIOR OF KILLING WOLVES!!!!!!

Comment by Keilah Bates
Entered on:

Killing these magnificent creatures is disgusting!  There are more than enough elk to go around for both man and beast.  You people are just greedy.  Wait and see what happens when the wolves are gone and the elk population takes off.  The forests will start being slowing destroyed by overgrazing.  Then, the elk's own habitat will start to disappear and the elk will become sick.  In order for the world to be a good place we need apex predators like the wolves.  The wolves are not hurting you.  Why hurt them?

Comment by Clayton Crowder
Entered on:
How many of anything is required to preserve a specie? I don't know. At the same time if there is 800-2000 wolves seems like that is a respectable amount. Take the "bambi" mentality out of the equation. Hunting is our tradition and right in this country.


Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

I kinda agree with the idea of not hunting them. After all, you can wreck a good pelt with a bullet.

Properly trapped, skinned and tanned, these wolf pelts can be converted into cold-weather coats that run at almost $1,000. If they are combined with sheepskins, the resulting coat can go for well over $1,000. And they are worth every penny of it. They can keep you toasty warm in the coldest temperatures that are found in the contiguous 48 States, and even much Arctic and Antarctic.

Comment by amy kaye
Entered on:

I find each and everyone of you who have either shot or condone the shooting of such amazing creatures sick and twisted. Wolves are such devoted animals and humans could learn a great deal from them. To have them shot for sport makes me ill. 

Comment by TJ Hansen
Entered on:

Comment by Jennifer Jordan
Entered on:

How can you live with yourselves killing such beautiful creatures? I fight agenda21 and the eco-mafia - but seriously - i would rather have that wolf alive than you. You suck. 

Comment by Luiz Guilherme Prats
Entered on:

I disgust people who hunt animals. Do not feel ashamed of cowardly hunt animals with little chance to defend themselves? I would have you in the sights of a rifle!

Comment by Valentina Stanca
Entered on:


Comment by Fancy Smith
Entered on:

Beautiful but dangerous.... I don't know what city all the people talking bad live in but in the country it's a must to kill. We have the right to eat and to protect ourselves, our kids, and our live stock.. If you don't like it don't B*TCH just stop looking.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Hey! Not all wolves are bad. Neither are all politicians. The question is, how do you tell the bad ones from the at-least okay ones? And how do you protect yourself from them?

You can vote bad politicians out. But can you vote bad wolves out?

Comment by Asan Dixon
Entered on:

Wolves do not kill for sport or for the fun of it stop spreading lies and stop killing wolves for fun before they go extinct too you hunters and poachers are already responsible for almost wiping out other sources. In the wild numbers balance out that's how it works.

Comment by Kat Vader
Entered on:

Disgusting, hunting wolves and with guns!

Comment by Jeff angle
Entered on:


it just goes to show you ignorance is bliss. Most of you live in suburbia and want to cast your beliefs on those who have to live in an environment with predators preying on your livestock,crops and livelihood.nothing affects your life or bottom line sitting high above the city skyline, quit being whiney snobby ignorant bitches and realize no one wants them extinct but just kept in checked. None of you would want anyone taking money out of your pocket and that is just what they are doing and will continue to do to our ranchers. You antis disgust me for your ignorance!!!!!!!

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Love your comment, Jeff. But those wolves aren't really Idaho wolves, and they aren't living in Idaho. They come from every part of the world, and all over America, and they live in Washington, D.C., and vacation all over. They are nicknamed "politicians."

Comment by Ghost girl Nvm
Entered on:

ok, so first of all, Photoshop, second of all, do you realize how stupid you sound? There are millions upon millions of people on earth, who will kill and/or consume twice the amount of animals a couple thousand wolves will. wolves and other predators are necessary in the food chain to keep the bloodline healthy. (Also by the way even if the wolves DID kill for sport there's an excess of elk, how are they any worse than human hunters, who will hunt and kill prey animals for sport even when the population is low )

Comment by Andrusiek Halosek
Entered on:

I hope they gonna eat those people from pictures too. cheers

Comment by country girl
Entered on:

I AM from the country, and this is complete and utter b.s.. Crap, dogs have killed more pets and livestock than wolves. Stop fear mongering and regurgitating lies. Plus, if a wolf did happen to kill livestock, ranchers are reimbursed. The elk population has been lowered due to several reasons: raised quotas, cows being taken, mountain lions and other predators. Drought. In addition, Photoshoping is pretty underhanded. But when you are desperate, I suppose nothing is to low to crawl under, huh? Remember, the top rung always makes it to the bottom, dear.

Comment by florin brezeanu
Entered on:

stupid human beings, you think is fun ? go to fuckin disneylanddd, idiots..emotional retarded. fuck this earth.

Comment by madison hill
Entered on:

Am I the only pissed at this? like why hurt these precious beautiful animals, I mean look at there beautiful coats and how they care for eachother if you can hurt this your a monster! if there killing they other animals daert them and relocate them STOP HURTING THEM IS MY POINT!!

Comment by Denise Hufer
Entered on:

Wolves do not kill more prey than they need "just for the fun of it". That is a very human way of interpreting animals' behaviours. Wolves - as with other predators - kill more than they need if given the chance as they are Opportunists. Unlike humans, who just need to run across the road to the next Supermarket to get what they crave (not necessarily what they need), animals in the wild do not know where their next meal is going to come from. Also, livestock can't escape which makes them sitting sheep/cattle etc. which for the wolf means easy prey. If they were able to escape, as wild prey can, wolves would only kill as much as needed in order to survive for the moment. When you go shopping in the supermarket, do you take only the items needed for one meal or do you fill your trolley(s) in order to stock the pantry? If there were no supermarkets and you were left to your own devices in the wild and happened upon easy prey in numbers, would you just kill for one meal or try to take out as many as you can carry and stock, given you don't know where your next meal is going to come from? Don't make the mistake of attributing human motives to animals' behaviours just to justify hunting for fun.

Comment by theresa miller
Entered on:

To be so HAPPY to KILL such a beaitiful animal SHOWS your own true disconnect with nature. Not honor these creatures is a true shame. You cant justify your gloating. Its sickening to me.

Comment by Nun ya Lucho
Entered on:

I agree these big wolves are "cute" but they can be harmful as I have seen a video where they take and eat a full sized German Shepard in a guys yard so they should be killed upon sight

Comment by Nun ya Lucho
Entered on:

I agree these big wolves are "cute" but they can be harmful as I have seen a video where they take and eat a full sized German Shepard in a guys yard so they should be killed upon sight

Comment by Nick Stangel
Entered on:

You people are ignorant. Wolves have done nothing but fuck up the herds of elk deer and ranchers cattle. The breed of wolf that is native to idaho is the timber wolf, small not 180 pounds. The wolf that they "reintroduced" was meant to take down herds of caribou and moose and much larger animals. You mountain fags say they are pretty an they don't kill for a sport, bullshit! This year I can across two bulls and one cow elk taken down by wolves. All of them were missing there vitals such as heart and lungs, the rest was scatter the ribs weren't boned the quarters were untouched. The only meat that had been damaged was the minse meet around the neck and the meet around the bottom of there legs. Tell me again that they don't kill for a sport. I was being followed by a wolf, the wolf was about 10 feet away with his teeth showing and was growling, and you say they are beautiful? Ya they are, when there dead!

Comment by Michael Abbott
Entered on:

Most of this idiocy I'm seeing here is absurd. "Country Girl" claims she knows about wolves as she's from the country??? LOL really? Honestly people. Yeah shes "from the country" probably in a state that doesn't even have wolf populations. The rest of you -mostly young it would appear from the emotionally driven immature nature of your posts "how could you kill such a beautiful creature"..." just look at how they snuggle each other in the grass" (your kidding me right?" And those of you who KNOW NOTHING about ranching or the facts of wildlife management saying "these wolves don't do anything to cattle or people"...your all acting purely out of emotion not the facts. Ive noticed your the same hypocrites who cry over any fuzzy "cute animal" but don't shed a tear over a snail, a endangered invertebrate worm, a mushroom ect ect.. or worse yet, PEOPLE in your own communities dying from poverty, illness and all manner of other things..But if its "cute" "cuddly" or just plain "neat" or environmentally "hip", your azzes go ballistic about "save the fuzzy cute-fill in the blank-!!" Let me give you a few facts as a retired Forest Ranger and wildlife manager. First this whole wolf re-introduction thing was stupid Idea to begin with. STUPID. There's a reason the wolves disappeared from the national park areas to begin with..Largely loss of habitat. There are many other reasons but that is the crux of it. Yes that loss was due to man, but that doesn't change the facts-there is not enough room on the parks to maintain the populations that are now expanding and reducing the prey animals like deer and elk herds. The wolves are leaving the public lands they were intended to be on and going onto ranchers properties and taking calves from areas leased to ranching. This is destroying a ranchers livelihood. What if you were told to leave your door open for your family store for thieves at night "just incase they wanted something??"Ranchers have a right to defend thier herds, period. They argued against this from the beginning knowing that there wasn't enough room when the wolves started spreading. To re-introduce a animal without enough sustaining range is absurd. Animals disappear from a area for a reason...until they have more "real estate and prey for these animals, or have away or the will-to cull or manage these packs and or give ranch owners the ability to protect their livelihoods then the NPS and the UFWS is going to run into opposition, as hey should. This was a harebrained idea to start with. As for wolves hurting people. This isn't likely. But it has occurred. They do also kill domestic animals like dogs and cats.... But all this whining isn't based in fact nor is it looking past the "cute cuddly beautiful wolf" thing. They are predators that cost ranchers lots of money each year. The wolves in reasonable sustainable numbers ON THE PARK is a good thing while they were there.The park isn't the same place it was 50 years ago and the ecology has changed. More people live and ranch around the park. But this wasn't well thought out, and now they are wanting ranchers and land owners outside and adjacent to the park to have to "adapt" and take the losses over something they may value, but not as much as the environmentalists running the park do. Not at the expense of their jobs . Manage the wolf populations on the park, to keep healthy wolf numbers and allow the elk and deer to flourish, and keep the wolves on the park by controlling their numbers, since you have already created this nightmare. A wolf off the park killing live stock should be shot. Its that simple. And for Christ's sake, stop being hypocrites with your environmental wacko BS...You cant save everything that's cute cuddly and beautiful. I noticed you don't seem to care much about the numbers of dead deer and elk calves these wolves are eating , they are "beautiful" and deserve protecting to, or is just not as cool as "saving the wolf?" Or maybe its less tragic when a wolf is killing to eat, than when a rancher is killing a wolf to protect his ability to feed his family? And you clowns suggesting human beings should be shot because they killed one of these animals ...Your so far left into the environmentalist animal rights cult that your terrorist as far as I'm concerned claiming that human lives should be taken over this.. SMH disgusting.

Comment by Brad Lee
Entered on:

Agree with Mr Abbott. If you notice most of the comments are written by emotion dripping, likely city chicks with no understanding of wildlife reality outside of college, night clubs and Central Park. With this background they are "knowledgeable". Harsh? Yes. To the point they are stupid. In the environmental realm from my experience, for every dumb animal loving guy there are at least 10 stupid and/or naïve women. You ask for proof. A woman I knew asked if my family would take her dog named Teddy Bear and care for it. Said yes. Also asked why she, getting rid of him, got a very vague general answer. The dog about a year and half old fluffy and cute, turned out to be a Chow. I was not familiar with this breed, am now. This independent strong woman did not have the balls to deal with her cuddly dog, so she handed the dog over to someone else. If you know these animals they are territorial and dangerous. Have two children at the time 7 and 8. After biting two people and being uncontrollable to handle. I took this Teddy to the pound and had him put down. If I was in the country after he threatened me several times I would have blown his head off with a shot gun. I was so pissed this individual knowing I had children, knowing that she had the same problems with this animal gave it to my family. I have no respect when you mix woman and animals, not all, but most Is like mixing stupid with dangerous as proven in the comment area. Second those who have watched the PBR show "Alone in the Wilderness" In one episode he watches a wolf attack and kill and not eat for the fun of it an elk on the other side of the lake and he comments how he lost a lot of respect for wolves. Third years ago the wacko animal lovers kept pushing how there were no official records of a wolves attacking a human. I wrote the Sacramento Bee a response. Growing up in Pennsylvania in the 1960's we got an official publication put out by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. In one edition they wrote an article with news articles from local papers back to the 1800's of many attacks by wolves especially at night of lone travelers. In 2008 while working for The Public Works Dept. in Kellogg, Idaho one of the road crew, being winter came across a remote meadow up in the mountains where wolves massacred about 60 elk, most were not eaten. So in closing go tell your lies and spread your ignoranance poison somewhere else.

Comment by Gil Greenwood
Entered on:

I am a Native American and have hunted elk all my life to sustain my family. Since the reintroduction of non-native species of wolves in Idaho the Elk populations have nearly been destroyed as well as farm animals killed. But what really scares me is the collective mentalities of the animal rights people who make such murderous comments against hunters, be it for sport or subsistence. An open question to those twisted minded city folks, do you really wish another human being dead because he or she hunts? Do you think we country folk agree with the way you live in the cities - hell no! But we do not wish death upon you. So I ask you, what turn of events in your city lives have twisted your minds to the extend you would wish death to other human beings because they hunt? It's obvious most of you dropped out of school as your poor grammar would indicate. Perhaps if you had received a good old fashion "ass whooping" from your dad once in a while - that is if you knew your dad - then you may have grown up with some manners. So, I openly invite you to come join my hunting camp in the wilderness if you please, I'd love to continue this conversation in person.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Guns and misogyny go hand in hand as ever, I see. Animal cruelty by the ship load, too. But I'm not gonna deal with any of that. Someone foists their dog off on you and you ignorantly take it in only to kill it when you aren't man enough to train the dog and meet its needs, that's a you problem. Cry about it in the comments and blame women all you like, you're not going to change a damn thing. Wolves kill and eat your livelihood because your ancestors settled on stolen land, that's a you problem. No one owes you sympathy and you don't deserve it. You're all so proud of your freedom and how tough you are making a living off the land, but damn all you do is cry like teenagers in these online spaces. Not very impressive. Do your guns rust from all the salt and tears, babies? (1)

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

I did see a couple of good points under all the sewage, however. Yeah, most animal rights activists trying to shame you have a terrible double standard, especially towards humans. If a person is non-white, disabled, elderly, LGBT, has a thick accent, or was mean to them in line at a concert or shopping, these people probably don't care if they're murdered, starve, or spontaneously combust, let alone get torn apart by a pack of excited, aggressive wolves. A lot of poor, disenfranchised folks live in areas affected by growing wolf populations. A lot of native folks who've had most resources ripped away from them, including habitable land on which to live, have to compete with these wolves for food. (2)

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

But here's the thing, and I know none of you want to hear it, that still doesn't make the wolves the problem. Killing animals for the crime of existing is still incredibly deranged. Challenge the damn government that has wronged you all, not the animals who lived here naturally before anyone "settled" the land. (Spoiler: it was already settled, it just wasn't mown down for ranches and filled with non-native animals, crops, and people with guns and a whole lot of entitlement to things that weren't theirs.) Fight the people who pen the laws that make you so reliant on your livestock and/or wild game. Fight the people who create food deserts with prices hiked up to high hell and allow for huge super corporations to form monopolies around your homes and withhold resources. Fight the people who hog all the imaginary numbers they insist have meaning in their bank accounts. Make the change you want to see: For everyone. (3)

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

You wanna use your guns to fight? You wanna use them to hunt? DO IT. Keep them away from white terrorists. Keep them away from military invading foreign lands and threatening their home populace into submission(you've been seriously brainwashed if you think they're protecting YOU). Keep them away from cops who defend themselves and their masters at the cost of innocent lives. Use them to defend and feed yourselves and your neighbors and then put them away. Use less land, sustainably, and let the wolves have the rest, and I guarantee you they will cease to go into "frenzies". Captivity makes us all mad, not just the wolves. Defend EVERYONE'S rights, not just your own. Cowards. All of you. (4)

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

^^^ Oh, you're simply trying to distract from all the microbes you are killing off in your body right now, some of them intentionally with antibiotics or vaccines. Don't feel so guilty. Check out Commander Data, here

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