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Comment by Ed Martin
Entered on:

 Anonymous sounds like a run-of-the-mill "constitutionalist". No thanks.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The Constitution has two major flaws.

The first is that it doesn't have any method for punishing Government people who disobey their Oath of Office, thereby disobeying the Constitution. An Amendment could be added with required punishments for traitorous actions by Government officials.

The second is that the most important words in the whole Constitution are couched in covert-style obscurity. The Constitution means what it says. For example, here's what it says in Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1: No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Now, look at the contract part. Redone with some of the covertness removed it says, "No State shall ... pass any... Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts ... ." This is important to all people who want to get out from under State laws, and here's why. Figure out for yourselves a contract - like a trust contract - that has stated within its bylaws or body, agreements that negate any or all of the laws within the State wherein it will be used.

We are individually free through the correct kind of contract being made between ourselves. We are free from State driving laws, state banking laws, State taxation of any kind, State whatever-we-want-to-be-free-from laws. And the language is hidden in the Constitution in such a way that few people will ever see it seriously enough to apply it.

What else is in the Constitution that we might use, except that it is hidden so that we never saw it before? So why would you want to get rid of the Constitution when it virtually limits Government from doing anything to us? Rather, get rid of your ignorance, pick up the Constitution, use it, and be FREE!

Comment by doc-S
Entered on:

 Yeah, it all sounds real good but the "process" moves on. All this rhetoric about getting our freedoms back, about the new money, about the Non-aligned nations, even the so-called ascension process is all part of the other half of the dialect. Control both sides of the war. All the while nothing changes, the "elites" move on with their agenda. Unstoppable and they know it. Its over folks, the Constitution is NOT going to be re-instated. The gold will NOT be put in place. The criminals will continue to run the show as they see fit. Eliminating most of us and setting up their global empire. Its already too late. Anonymous and those preaching "hope" (Drake, Wilcock and the boys) are the other half of the dialect. 

It takes insanity to eliminate insanity and the good people are NOT willing to go there. We've been taught that killing people is wrong by the very people that are killing us, commiting genocide against us. So nice try Anonymous. The fact that absolutely nothing has changed and their plan keeps rolling along proves you're the other half of the dialect. Feel for your kids and grandkids folks. Their future is getting dimmer by the day.

Comment by Ed Martin
Entered on:

 @ Pure Tust

In the mind of the duped, the "Constitution" created the "government". No "Constitution" = no "government" = freedom without gimmicks.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The Constitution did NOT create a Government. Rather, it created the form of Government that the people - the Government - were going to organize themselves under. What is so wonderful about the Constitution is, that when properly invoked, it can be made to limit just about any form for those who don't want a form, while at the same time keeping the form for those who want it.

The biggest danger to the Constitution is that, when properly invoked by people who have come to understand its idiosyncrasies, it can be made to virtually destroy itself in favor of freedom from it. But if you are part of Government, having taken the Oath of Office, it is far more difficult to destroy the Constitution, than if you were a group from the outside.

The questions you have to ask yourself are, is freedom from the Constitution really freedom? Or would such freedom leave a vacuum in its place that would usher in a kingship or dictatorship?

Don't the Constitution. Rather, use it.

Comment by Ed Martin
Entered on:

 Good luck on raising enough money to become a king or dictator over a land full of free people.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Good luck on raising enough money to fight an invading king or dictator in a land full of free people that have no Government.

Comment by Ed Martin
Entered on:

The invader has to come up with the money first and do it secretly. If that were to happen, I'm pretty sure that the defenders can more than match the funds of the invader, since the defenders so out number the invader.

Put yourself in the shoes of the potential invader and see if you really want to go up against the millions of moving targets who can shoot back.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

In the case of King George, he had the money. He just wanted more. How did the free people respond to him having so much money?

In the case of Obama, the Fed will simply print more for him. Will the free people keep on trucking when he puts the squeeze on them? Or will they become divided in a way far greater than the colonists?

Comment by Ed Martin
Entered on:

My definition of "free" is different then yours.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Love those semantics. The more we play with semantics, the less we are free to do something important. But that's what it really is all about, isn't it? Semantics!

One of the reasons that shows us that we should attempt to get out and stay out of "their" system is semantics. "They" redefine everything so much, and then constantly go back to their definitions in ways we were not expecting, that if we don't do the same, it's difficult to beat them at their game.

There really isn't any freedom. If people really wanted freedom, they wouldn't get married, or form intimate relationships. These kinds of relationships bog one down and distract from one's direction in life. On the other hand, NOT forming intimate relationships, bogs one down and distract from life directions and goals in other ways.

In the pure sense of the word, there isn't really any freedom... at least not any complete freedom. The closest we can come is to live moderately in life. In war, it resembles guerrilla warfare.

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