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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Remember the Viper Militia from the mid '90s? Remember how they were "crucified" for nothing more than enjoying a relaxing sport not much different than deer hunting? Remember how Government tried to make an example of them?

Since that time, the militias have been on a rise. Government has shown the public what needs to be done to remain safe from Government when forming their militia. Thanks, Government, for all your advice about how to bypass you. Thanks for showing us how to grow.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The below is from Team Law at, about a fifth of the way down the page. Go to the link and read the whole page. Then read the whole site and see that application of the law with understanding, is the best way out of our problems with Government.

"... We have also noted that we are concerned about the underlying reasons why the hidden controllers of Corp. U.S. seem to be doing everything in their power to inspire the people to rebel against Corp. U.S. and we see the effect of that underlying intent expressed in some of the State movements towards secession from the Union.  Yet, when we have interviewed with some of the people strongly involved in those movements (as in Texas), we find that the people getting so involved are doing so not out of any sense of remedy; but, out of frustration.  They have neither learned the law nor applied it; but, they got involved in the movement towards secession because they are so fed up with Corp. U.S. moving further and further away from our Constitution and laws that they just want out.  Most of them have not actually thought through the effect of secession to realize that would only make everything worse and would likely end in war and disaster with far worse conditions than they already have (no food, no fuel, no funds, no rights, etc.).  Most of them have simply lost hope and the secessionists have romanced them into the promise of change; but they have failed to take note of the fact that those secessionist promoters have even less of a chance of honoring their promotions than they have that Obama will keep his promises."

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