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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

In addition, push a button under the dash, and eight of your AI controlled, bullet proof, hover drones depart you vehicle and waft themselves aloft to strategic heights and locations to record the whole situation from every angle.

Actually, this is a little futuristic. But maybe not so futuristic as someone might think. Could your hover drones be armed? Would there be a battle between yours and those of the police? What about when the Cop Block civilian teams arrive to observe the whole thing... with their hover drones recording everything (and fighting as well?)?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Read my comment below, and then think about the Terminator movies, and especially the Terminator, Sarah Connor Chronicles series.

We don't have some futuristic Skynet computer defense system trying to take us down. The "robots" of the Skynet future are often visible in our everyday lives in the form of law enforcement... the police.

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