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Comment by Joseph Vanderville
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It is not only very BAD for the RNC and to Romney's presidential campaign against Obama in this coming presidential election, but also a really big, big trouble if RNC Security does not keep Ron Paul's supporters from the "lunatic fringe", OUT of the RNC National Convention. The nomination is already sealed for Romney, and there is NO way for Ron Paul to have even an iota of a chance to win the nomination – Reality No. 1.

Even his son Randy Paul tried to get this message to his father's unruly fanatic group when he endorsed Romney instead of his father, so that this lunatic group will calm down and disperse, but instead it infuriated them, which means that their presence in the Convention even becomes more dangerous … Reality No. 2.

Reality No. 3 that RNC must find out, and accept: It is not much about Ron Paul but his "organizers" who in the public’s perception are virtually holding him either "captive" or "hostage" for the money-making scheme they had hatched up throughout the campaign. It is this Ron Paul group, not necessarily Ron Paul and his followers from the "lunatic fringe" that the Republican Party Committee should talk to, and if push comes to a shove, the people their guns should point at.

There is a chance Romney can beat Obama hands down, but RNC should beat first this pre-election Ron Paul TROUBLE that at this point in time is going out of control. If RNC implodes from within because of Ron Paul, then it will be the other way around – Obama will beat Romney hands down.

Perhaps this will be the only presidential election where candidates do not end up neck-to-neck it used to be. Votes to count for the winning candidate will either be too far out ahead, or the count of votes for the losing candidate is too incredibly small, if not left too far out behind.

And the irony is, it all depends on how RNC will be able to CONTROL and MANAGE this self-destruct Ron Paul equation in the coming Republican National Convention. JV

Comment by brag
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Is this Sabotage?

Did Ron Paul and his "lunatic" group plan to sabotage the coming RNC National Convention? If the group succeeds in disrupting the Convention, is Rand Paul part of the conspiracy when he pre-arranged his alibi in the mind of the public that he should not be held suspect because in fact he had endorsed Romney, not his father ...for the presidential nomination?

This forthcoming event is interesting to watch.

Also for the public to watch is what will become of Ron Paul and his group since the die is cast that there is no way he would ever get the nomination. Will they just wilt or simply wither in the vine?

In a television interview, Rand Paul answered this question with a WRONG answer. And here is why:

Rand said that his father’s followers who are mainly Libertarians on the fringe, should stay with the Republican Party and combine their agenda with that of the GOP to make the campaign Platform strong. But that’s impossible, to say the least. It is like oil and water that do not


Let’s cite some examples: The truth is, Ron Paul’s campaign to turn the country into a virtual recluse by withdrawing the United States from the United Nation, and withdrawing its role in global affairs, is not only a contradiction but also toxic to the GOP Platform that advocates for and in fact promotes the contrary.

RNC’s promise to enforce existing laws and regulations rather than legislate more laws and issue more regulations is opposed to Ron Paul’s advocacy to violate the FDA and TSA laws, all in the name of liberty and freedom, which is too weird to comprehend. Rand Paul learned from his father how to violate TSA laws and regulations. On record, he was detained in the airport for such violation.

On record also, Ron Paul urged farmers not only to drink unpasteurized raw milk but also produce and market raw milk and farm-produced milk products that spread the disease caused by Salmonella, E. Coli and Listeria into an epidemic, all in violation of the Federal Law [FDA].

In short, it will be a kiss of death for Romney if the Republican Party will not disassociate themselves from Ron Paul and his odd group that made this candidate from Texas repulsively "unelectable".

For Rand Paul to endorse Romney instead of his father, is no doubt suspicious and foreboding. His recommendation to put his father’s anti-U.S. extreme Libertarian agenda into the GOP Platform to derail the Republican campaign also sounds like a conspiracy to destroy the Republican Party.

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

Good prognosis, Brag ... clear and straight to the point. I am a Republican and worried what would happen in the Republican National Convention. But wait and watch how loonies will post their disconnect. 

Comment by Liam ORilley
Entered on:

 Anything is possible from the deceitful GOP, with the big money Backroom boys bought and paid for by the banks and Wallstreet.Do not count on me to vote for Romney, as the lesser of 2 evils. He is already committed to a war against Iran.

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