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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Don't take it so hard. If this is the kind of school you are being forced to go to, touch the flag every chance you get. You might never have to go back.

Use your free time to get a good education on your own.

Comment by bob bitchen
Entered on:

 Should have taken the little so and so out into the feild and shot him ........

Seriously tho , WTF is the world coming to when this sort of thing is allowed ? it's 2012 FGS


Comment by Karl Miller
Entered on:

Virginia is a part of the old Confederacy - Ignorance never dies in the south- they're proud of it !

Comment by sovereignty4us
Entered on:

The flag is a symbol like any other. The "reasonable person's argument" applies here because reverence can become idolatreous worship in cases where this national symbol is treated as something holy. The child accidentially touched the flag. He did not disgrace the country. He is a child for crying out loud with no ill intent involved in the incident.  

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