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Comment by Ben Dover
Entered on:

Ok, everybody - IF you did NOTHING to support Ron Paul, in his Campaign for President, in 2012 - YOU MAY EFFECTIVELY THANK YOURSELVES FOR ANOTHER 4 YEARS!, OF THE INCREASINGLY CORRUPT STATUS QUO, AND ATTENDANT LOSS OF LIBERTY - NOT TO MENTION - FOUR MORE YEARS OF (GW)OBAMNEY! I've already donated $200.00 - $100.00 on President's Day - Feb. 20th, and $100.00, on Tax Day - April 15th - so, if you've done more than that, by volunteering, or donating FIAT CURRENCY - congratulations!  IF you haven't - RE-READ THE ABOVE. I will be making another donation on May 17th, an early donation, that otherwise would have been made on JULY 4TH, 2012.  I will also likely make another donation on JULY 4TH, 2012.  WHAT ABOUT YOU!?

Ron Paul May 17th MONEY BOMB! (Click below to contribute)

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