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Comment by SamFox
Entered on:

Dr. Paul doesn't like Santorum? I wonder why...

Overview of Santorum.    [Part 1]     [P. 2]      [p.3]   Santorum's nephew goes for Ron Paul:    Santorum rails on freedom & individualism.

If what Santorum said in the above linked radio interview is conservative, who needs 'progressives'?  

Compassionate conservative Rick Santorum, by Jack Hunter

There is more, nuff fer now.



Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Just a question. If it is so out in the open that anybody can jump on the band wagon, is it still a conspiracy? I mean, doesn't a conspiracy have to be kinda hidden to be a conspiracy? Isn't this more like a coup than a conspiracy? I mean, aren't all the rest other than Ron Paul trying to do things with Government that the authority in Government, the Constitution, doesn't allow?

Santorum is part of a coup, along with the media and the other candiates and potential canditates... and President Obama, and maybe most of the Congress!

Vote Ron Paul 2012, and if he isn't on the ballot, write him in. And record the event with your cell-cam if you can get away with it.

Comment by Ken Valentine
Entered on:

 L. Neil Smith pegged Santorum: "He wants to be the American Ayatollah."

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