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Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

 Screw the ACLU and their horse! What the hell business is anything that has to do with military deployment of equipment or personnel have to do with the ACLU, or the other way around. When Obama and Co. start deploying - for real - on the streets of America, then the ACLU might have a legitimate reason for concern, though they'll likely be at lunch. (Given all the crap that goes on in this country, on a daily basis, in violation of just about every "right" we ever thought we possessed, and the total lack of interest exhibited by the social-engineering, self-anointed  "Union" freaks who pretend to support the U.S. Constitution and American democratic ideals and principle, but never do a damn thing to correct the treachery or injustice, it's pretty difficult to support or sanction anything coming from their degenerate view of the world.

 What about some concern for three of the hundreds of U.S. citizens who were killed by the government (cops, specifically) in America, last year?


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